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研究生(外文):Cheng-wei Lin
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of an Adaptive Web2.0 QoS-based Home-Appliance Control Service Platform
指導教授(外文):Chung-Ming Huang
外文關鍵詞:Web2.0Web ServicesDevices Profile for Web Services (DPWS)Open Services Gateway initiative (OSGi)Web QoS
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隨著資訊科技的發展,人們的生活相對的越加便利。本論文將透過Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS)技術規格分析與實作一Web2.0為基礎之家庭設備控制平台(Web2.0-based Home-Appliances controL sErvice platform, WHALE),其主要目的為讓使用者使用手持式設備(Handheld Devices)或一般之桌上型電腦透過網頁服務(Web Services)即可操作與控制連接上網路之相關家用設備。WHALE平台為三階式(3-tier)架構,分別為設備偵測與註冊服務平台(Devices Detection and Registration Service Platform, DDRSP)、Web2.0服務平台(Web2.0 Service Platform, WSP)與通用服務平台(Common Service Platform, CSP)三部份。WHALE建構在DPWS、OSGi及Web2.0概念。利用DPWS協定,設備偵測與註冊服務平台(DDRSP)可以偵測到有無的家庭設備,相關家庭設備透過設備偵測與註冊平台(DDRSP)將其服務註冊至通用服務平台(CSP)中,如此使用者透過Web2.0服務平台(WSP)利用網頁連結至通用服務平台(CSP)取得相關之服務,WSP不僅提供該設備的相關的資訊亦提供使用者可控制設備的相關元件。WHALE中所有通訊訊息皆以簡易物件存取協定(SOAP)及網路服務描述語言(WSDL)。
With the rapid progress of information techniques, people should have a relatively convenient environment and life. This study designs and develops the Web2.0-based Home-Appliances controL sErvice platform (WHALE) for users to easily control home-appliances. WHALE is a three-tier architecture, which consists of Device Detection and Registration Service Platform (DDRSP), Web2.0 Service Platform (WSP), and Common Service Platform (CSP). WHALE is based on the standards of Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS), Open Services Gateway initiative (OSGi), and Web2.0 techniques. Users can use many kinds of handheld devices to get services from WSP. When DDRSP finds a new home-appliance, this home-appliance will be registered into CSP. CSP records related information and services which are provided by this home-appliance. WSP not only integrates and shows related services of all home-appliances but also provides controlling interfaces to control the actions of all home-appliances. All delivered messages are based on Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Web Services Description Language (WSDL). Furthermore, for the Web QoS strategy, this study designs and proposes an Intelligent Web qualIty of Service-aware maTching (iWIST) model to satisfy different characteristics of the user’s requirements. iWIST consists of Components Classifier, Admission Controller and Dynamic Content Adaptor. Component Classifier can classify users’ requesting components with different QoS constrains. Admission Controller determines the maximum available components for the user. Dynamic Content Adaptor dynamically delivers component information to users. Experiment results illustrate that WHALE can provide appropriate contents with low response time to users. Finally, WHALE can be a reference model for developing home-appliances controllers in the future.
中文摘要 ............................................................................................................................... I
Abstract ............................................................................................................................... II
誌謝 .................................................................................................................................... III
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1
2. Preliminary ...................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 OSGi ...................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 DPWS .................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Intel Web2.0 TDK ................................................................................................. 5
3. Related Work ................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Home Service Platforms ........................................................................................ 7
3.2 Web QoS Control Mechanism ............................................................................... 9
4. System Architecture ...................................................................................................... 12
4.1. Device Detection and Registration Platform (DDRSP) ...................................... 12
4.1.1. System component in DDRSP .................................................................... 13
4.1.2. Resource Description Syntax (RDS) ........................................................... 15
4.2. Common Service Provider (CSP) ....................................................................... 17
4.3. Web2.0 Service Platform (WSP) ......................................................................... 19
4.4. Working flow in WHALE ................................................................................... 21
5. Intelligent Web Quaility of Service-aware Matching Model ..................................... 24
5.1. Component Classifier .......................................................................................... 25
5.2. Admission Controller .......................................................................................... 26
5.3. Dynamic Content Adaptor ................................................................................... 30
6. Implementation .............................................................................................................. 31
6.1. Implementation of DPWS Device ....................................................................... 31
6.2. Implementation of WHALE System ................................................................... 33
7. Performance Evalutaion ............................................................................................... 37
7.1 iWIST Performance ............................................................................................. 37
7.2 Comparison of different Web QoS Control Model ............................................. 42
7.2.1 Comparison under Good Network State ..................................................... 42
7.2.2 Comparison Under General Network State ................................................. 46
7.2.3 Comparison Under Poor Network State ...................................................... 47
8. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 49
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................. 51
Bibliography ...................................................................................................................... 52
Appendix ............................................................................................................................ 56
Vita ..................................................................................................................................... 57
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