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研究生(外文):Chi-jui Lo
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Taiwan e-Government Employees' Perceived Leadership to their Supervisors - A case of Kaohsiung City Government
指導教授(外文):Pei-hsuan Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:LeadershipCognitive psychologyE-government
  • 被引用被引用:6
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  本研究依據Bass & Avolio(1997)所設計的多維度領導行為問卷(稱為MLQ, Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire),結合「認知心理學的視覺感受性測試」與「領導行為的感受性測試」發展創新的領導行為動畫實驗情境,以檢測領導者的領導行為,探討高雄市政府任職的公務人員在電子化政府此創新的組織型態下,對其部會首長的領導行為所具有的認知。
In the era of globalization, people can easily retrieve information from the Internet. Governments around the world are thus dedicated to provide online services to ease people's life. For example, Taiwan government has been electronized in every aspect of the services and has been regarded a well-constructed e-government around the world according to the literature. To be noted, the electronization of the government (or called e-government) is a type of organizational innovations that leaders usually play important roles in the organization.
However, the organizational leaders are easily replaceable if necessary. It is unusual to replace a governmental leader when improper behaviors or attitudes found in the process of leading this type of innovative organization. This research is to discuss the related literature of e-government and leadership. Kaohsiung government, a city level of Taiwan government in the southern part of Taiwan, is the data source of this research. The employees’ perceived leadership to their supervisors of Kaohsiung government is this research’s focus.
To examine the supervisors’ leading behaviors of Kaohsiung city government, an innovative animated design in different experimental situations is developed based on the concepts of Bass & Avolio’s (1997) Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). The innovative design is combined with 'the visual conception test of cognitive psychology' and ‘the conception of leadership’. Thus, Kaohsiung city e-government employees’ perceived leadership to their supervisors is found and discussed.
This research invites 355 employees of Kaohsiung city e-government to participate in all experimental situations (14). As a result, 336 valid samples are collected and analyzed. It is found that: (1) The employees whose highest education are at senior high schools or even below tend to perceive their supervisors having transaction and Laissez-Faire leadership. Contrarily, the employees who receive bachellor’s or above highest degrees tend to perceive their supervisors having transformation leadership. (2) The female employees whose highest education are at senior high school or even below tend to perceive their supervisors having transaction and Laissez-Faire leadership. (3) The employees whose highest education are at senior high school (or even below) and have served in Kaohsiung city e-government for more than 17 years tend to perceive their supervisors having transaction and Laissez-Faire leadership.
Overall, the influential factor to the employees’ perception in Kaohsiung city e-government is their ‘education background.’ This research finally discusses ways to encourage the governmental employees having on-job training. It is expected that in this way the employees find their working potential and make more contributions to the government they serve. It is also expected that in the near future more evidences of efficient services are found in Kaohsiung city e-government as well as the whole Taiwan e-government. Taiwan shall be going to continuously possess its advantages in the electronization of the government around the world.
摘  要 I
Abstract II
誌  謝 IV
表 目 錄 VII
圖 目 錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 電子化的定義 6
一、資訊科技導入企業組織的情形 6
二、企業導入資訊系統所產生的影響 8
三、小結 9
第二節 電子化政府 10
一、電子化政府定義 10
二、電子化政府的形式 13
三、電子化政府之架構 15
四、電子化政府所創造的競爭優勢 17
五、小結 19
第三節 電子化政府所採行的領導行為 20
一、政府傳統的領導行為 20
二、創新型領導 21
三、轉換型領導 23
四、小結 25
第四節 領導行為的心理認知 25
一、認知心理學的視覺感受性測試 25
二、領導行為的感受性測試 26
三、小結 27
第五節 台灣電子化政府的現況與發展 28
一、民國87-89年:電子化/網路化政府中程推動計畫 28
二、民國90-96年:電子化政府推動方案與數位台灣e化政府計畫 28
三、民國97-100年:優質網路政府計畫 30
四、高雄市政府電子化現況 31
五、小結 35
第三章 研究架構與方法 36
第一節 研究架構 36
第二節 研究方法 39
第三節 統計分析方法 49
第四節 前測結果分析 54
第四章 實證結果 57
第一節 敘述統計分析 57
一、填答者各人口統計變項資料描述統計分析 58
二、填答者不同人口統計變項之交叉次數分配 59
三、信度與效度分析 61
第二節 卡方檢定 62
一、各人口統計變項之卡方檢定 62
二、不同人口統計變項之交叉分析與卡方檢定 64
第五章 結論與建議 70
第一節 研究結論 70
第二節 研究建議 71
一、工作性質應多樣化 71
二、了解女性員工需求 71
三、發展轉換型領導行為 72
第三節 後續研究建議 73
一、資料庫的設計 73
二、未來研究方向 73
三、模式建構及影響的程度 74
參考文獻 76
一、中文部分 76
二、英文部分 76
附錄一 邀請高雄市政府職員參與研究之電子郵件內容 81
附錄二 前測所蒐集到的全部資料 82
附錄三 成功大學資訊管理研究所致高雄市政府公文副本 90
附錄四 實驗情境請填單 92
附錄五 高雄市市政建設學位論文獎勵金批准公文 93
附錄六 高雄市政府編制員額 95

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