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研究生(外文):Hui-Min Li
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Factors Influencing Brand Equity and Purchase Intention: the Properties of Mobile Commerce
指導教授(外文):Wei-Tsong Wang
外文關鍵詞:purchasing intentionbrand equityMobile Commercemobile value-added service
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無線網路環境的興起以及行動商務的推動帶來了比電子商務更多元的附加服務,更能提升消費者對線上交易市場的接受度。行動商務之能發展成獨特的價值觀點,主要具有可用性(Usability)、客製化(Customization) 、識別性(Identifiability),和知覺有趣(Enjoyment)的特性,因行動化的特性為企業的產品或服務帶來新的銷售管道,也使原本的產品或服務增加了額外的市場價值。從這些價值延伸出的利益,亦成為商品或服務附加價值的一部份。


故本研究意圖以行動加值服務為例,從消費者的角度出發,採用網路問卷作為資料來源,並利用結構方程式 (structural equation modeling, SEM) 進行分析,來探討行動商務的屬性所延伸出的附加價值是否會對品牌權益各主要構面有所影響,以及消費者對產品或服務的購買意願在建立於品牌權益的附加價值之下,來自於行動商務環境的決定性影響因素為何。


Business gains higher profit and makes customers prefer to purchase products or intent to use the service through building and managing brand. The value of brand is the main factor about brand management for business. From a customer’s perspective, the name of be known as is called “brand equity”. It creates added value of business.

Business manages brand in order to improve added value of their products and service. The customers would have higher purchase intention for the products and service of business’s brand during buying decision process.

The development of mobile commerce arising from wireless network environment brings multiple added-value services compares more with electronic environment. Hence, it increases their acceptance of customers in the market of online transaction. Mobile commerce mainly contains unique value proposition, including usability, customization, identifiability, and perceived enjoyment. And these feature of mobility expands new way of marketing distribution, increasing market value of products and service in traditional market. The value contains profit as added-value of products and services.

In the view of mobile commerce, mobile value-added services are the successful applications among mobile application services. According to articles, more issues focus on development of m-commerce applications and guidelines, m-commerce behavioural issues, and m-commerce legal and ethical issues. It is less between m-commerce and the field of marketing, example for brand equity.

Therefore, in this paper, we model the properties of m-commerce influencing the factors of brand equity, and address the domain factors of value propositions underpinning added value which origins from brand equity. Moreover, adopt a web-based survey in the case of mobile value-added service and was placed on Internet. Using structural equation modeling (SEM) as the method of measurement.

Resulting show that exists a significant positive influence between each properties of m-commerce and the factors of brand equity, except the relationship between usability and brand loyalty, brand association. This article contributes to managing brand in making a decision of products and services marketing. While business intends to invest capital in the market of mobile commerce, providing specific suggestion for their brand’s position advantageously. In addition, the research expects that applies concepts to the field of information management and business management.
摘要.................................................. I
Abstract.............................................. III
誌謝.................................................. V
目錄.................................................. VI
表目錄................................................ VIII
圖目錄................................................ IX
第一章 緒論.......................................... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機.............................. 1
第二節 研究目的 .................................... 3
第三節 研究流程 .................................... 4
第二章 文獻回顧..................................... 6
第一節 購買意願..................................... 6
第二節 品牌權益及其影響因子........................ 7
2.2.1 品牌權益的定義............................. 7
2.2.2 品牌忠誠度................................. 10
2.2.3 知覺品質................................... 11
2.2.4 品牌聯想................................... 12
2.2.5 品牌知名度................................. 13
第三節 行動商務.................................... 14
2.3.1 行動商務的定義............................. 14
2.3.2 行動商務的環境............................. 15
2.3.3 行動商務的屬性............................. 17
第四節 行動加值服務................................ 23
第五節 小結........................................ 25
第三章 研究方法...................................... 27
第一節 研究架構.................................... 27
第二節 研究假設與衡量變項.......................... 28
第三節 問卷設計.................................... 37
第四節 資料收集 .................................... 43
3.4.1 前測....................................... 43
3.4.2 資料收集................................... 44
第五節 資料分析與驗證.............................. 46
3.5.1 衡量模型................................... 46
3.5.2 結構化模型................................. 50
第四章 實證分析結果.................................. 53
第一節 前測........................................ 53
第二節 正式問卷回收與敘述性統計分析................ 57
第三節 模式評估.................................... 62
4.3.1 單變項常態性檢定........................... 63
4.3.2 多變項常態性檢定........................... 64
第四節 衡量模型.................................... 65
4.4.1 信度分析................................... 65
4.4.2 效度分析................................... 67
第五節 結構模型.................................... 74
4.5.1 適配度分析................................. 75
4.5.2 路徑分析與假說檢定......................... 77
第五章 結論與建議.................................... 87
第一節 研究發現..................................... 87
第二節 管理實務建議................................. 92
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向....................... 94
5.3.1 研究限制................................... 94
5.3.2 未來研究方向............................... 95
參考文獻.............................................. 96
附錄一 正式問卷....................................... 103
附錄二 衡量模式修正步驟............................... 112

表2- 1 各學者之品牌權益觀點比較....................... 10
表2- 2 行動商務屬性之定義............................. 22
表3- 1 本研究假說..................................... 35
表3- 2 可用性構面之問項............................... 38
表3- 3 客製化構面之問項............................... 38
表3- 4 識別性構面之問項............................... 39
表3- 5 知覺有趣構面之問項............................. 40
表3- 6 品牌忠誠度構面之問項........................... 40
表3- 7 知覺品質構面之問項............................. 41
表3- 8 品牌知名度構面之問項........................... 41
表3- 9 品牌聯想構面之問項............................. 42
表3- 10 購買意願構面之問項............................ 43
表3- 11品牌/行動商務類別之論壇列表.................... 44
表3- 12 整體模式適配度指標的數值範圍及理想的數值...... 48
表4- 1 問卷前測分析結果............................... 54
表4- 2 有效樣本基本資料描述 ........................... 59
表4- 3 各構面的平均數及標表差......................... 61
表4- 4 各問項的平均數及標準差......................... 61
表4- 5 各構面之單變項常態性檢定分析................... 63
表4- 6 各構面之多變項常態性檢定分析................... 64
表4- 7 各構面之信度分析表............................. 66
表4- 8 衡量模式配適度指標分析......................... 69
表4- 9 構面之信度分析表............................... 70
表4- 10 各構面之平均數及標準差........................ 71
表4- 11 測量構面的CFA分析結果......................... 72
表4- 12 區別效度分析結果.............................. 74
表4- 13 結構方程模式適配度指標........................ 76
表4- 14 假說路徑t值表................................. 77
表4- 15 潛在變項間之直接與間接效果.................... 79
表4- 16 本研究之假說檢定結果.......................... 85

圖1- 1 2007年行動加值服務使用率....................... 3
圖1- 2 研究流程圖..................................... 5
圖3- 1 研究模型與研究假設............................. 28
圖3- 2 資料分析流程圖 (Hair et al., 2006)............. 51
圖4- 1 衡量模型圖..................................... 69
圖4- 2 結構方程模式路徑圖............................. 75
圖4- 3 假說路徑之係數圖............................... 78


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