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研究生(外文):Wei-Tun Chang
論文名稱(外文):Deformation characteristic of the shallow tunnel excavation on inclined joint rock mass using trap door test
指導教授(外文):hung-Ming LinChao-hsu Chen
外文關鍵詞:Phase2trapdoor testclose-range photo-grammetryDDA
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In order to simulate construction-related hazards caused by tunnel-digging in shallow-covered or unsymmetry joint formations, in this study the trapdoor test was adopted to discuss the characteristics of the sinking and formation-changes caused by the digging of single or twin tunnels. Close-range photo-grammetry was also utilized as a measurement tool to examine the scope of the changes in the sinking and the rocks above the arch of the tunnel after digging begins. A numerical simulation was then carried out to test and compare the results.
The test result indicates that the scope of influences is at its largest, being 3.5D, when the sinking is at a joint angle of 45° in the digging of a single-tunnel in a shallow-covered terrain. Of the characteristics of formation changes, the heights of the arching effect’s influence zone are respectively 05D and 0.25D when the joint angles are 0° and 30°; no arching effect takes place when the joint angles are 45° and 60°.In the case of the digging of a twin-tunnel, influences on the degree of sinking and formation changes are most significant when the distance between the twin channels is S=0.0D. If the diggings of the twin channels took place when the distance is S=1.0D, did not interfere with each other, and were independent from each other, a disturbed zone each would occur above the arches of the twin channels at the height of 0.5D. In addition, when the distance between the twin channels is 0.5D, the height of the disturbed zone occurred by the digging of the new channel on the left side would be lower than the counterpart on the right. If tunnel-digging were to take place when different joints angles exist in an anaclinal slope with biased formations, the scope of the influences of the formation would differ depending on the location of the tunnel and the joint angle. The higher the average height of the ground surface where the tunnel is
located is, the broader of the scope of the influences that follow. The greater the joint angles, the broader the scope of the influence on the entire formation-changes – as well as the influences on the ground surface. The numerical simulation reveals that the simulations and testing in DDA small displacement tend to overestimate; the simulations for all other stages, however, show good results. Using a joint angle of 60° as an example, the result of the Phase2 simulation is ideal when the amount of digging is δ=2, 4mm; underestimation tends to occur when the amount of digging is at its maximum.
摘 要.................................................................................................................I
目 錄.................................................................................................................II
第一章 緒論.......................................................................................................1
第二章 文獻回顧...............................................................................................5
2.1 地表沉陷分析.......................................................................................5
2.1.1 經驗公式法...................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 物理模型試驗.................................................................................. 9
2.2 拱效應.................................................................................................21
2.2.1 拱效應相關理論..............................................................................21
2.3 隧道破壞模式.....................................................................................25
2.4 近景攝影測量.....................................................................................33
第三章 落門試驗設計.....................................................................................36
3.1 試驗設備.............................................................................................36
3.2 試驗規劃.............................................................................................38
3.4 攝影測量系統精度探討.....................................................................43
第四章 落門試驗設計與成果分析.................................................................46
第五章 數值模擬分析之結果.........................................................................69
5.1 有限元素分析法之Phase2...............................................................69
5.2 Phase2模擬成果................................................................................74
5.2.1 模型建置..........................................................................................74
5.2.2 模擬成果..........................................................................................75
5. 3不連續位移分析法(DDA)..................................................................78
5.3.1 DDA程式之理論背景概述.............................................................81
5.3.2 DDA塊體之位移與變形.................................................................82
5.3.3 DDA塊體變形矩陣之推導.............................................................84
5.3.4 DDA平衡方程式之建立.................................................................85
5.3.5 DDA塊體之受力條件.....................................................................86
5.3.6 DDA塊體之動力分析.....................................................................86
5.3.7 DDA節理勁度估算.........................................................................94
5.4 DDA模擬成果....................................................................................96
5.4.2 偏壓地層之模擬成果......................................................................98
第六章 結論與建議.......................................................................................101
6.1 結論...................................................................................................101
6.2 建議...................................................................................................102
圖 目 錄
圖 1-1 研究流程圖........................................................................................1
圖 2-1 以常態機率取現表示地表沉陷槽示意圖(PECK,1969).................6
圖 2-2 不同土層隧道深度與沉陷槽寬度參數之無因次關係
圖 2-3 不同土層下Β角對沉陷槽寬度之關係圖
(PECK, 1969)....................................................................................8
圖 2-4 TERZAGHI(1936、1946)落門示意圖...........................................10
圖 2-5 落門試驗於乾砂中模擬結果
(VARDOULAKIS ET AL.,1981)....................................................11
圖 2-6 ADACHI(1993)利用鋁塊堆疊建置之物理模型試驗示意圖.......11
圖 2-7 落門落下2MM於不同傾斜角度與不同覆土厚度之地表沉陷量(PARK,1999)...................................................................................12
圖 2-8 覆土厚度為20CM,不同落門落陷量與不同傾斜角度之
正規化赴土壓力之分佈(PARKAND ADACHI,2002)..................13
圖 2-9 覆土厚度為20CM,不同不同傾斜角度之正規化覆土壓
力與落門落陷量關係圖(PARKAND ADACHI,2002)..................13
圖 2-10 落門落下2MM,不同覆土厚度與傾斜角度之地表沉
陷量分佈(PARK AND ADACHI, 2002)........................................14
圖 2-11 試驗模型及儀器配置圖(CHAMBON, 1994)................................15
圖 2-12地表沉陷量與應力關係圖(CHAMBON, 1994).............................16
圖 2-13試驗模型與破壞機制 (STERPI ET AL., 1996).............................16
圖 2-14隧道模型與破壞形態 (KAMATA AND MASIMO, 2003)............17
圖 2-15無襯砌隧道於緊密砂中之倒塌情況..............................................17
圖 2-16複合層試驗模型與土層變動關係圖
(HAGIWARA ET AL., 1999)..........................................................18
圖 2-17 使用有機溶劑管之模型試驗 (SHARMA ET AL., 2001).............18
圖 2-18 多孔隧道於黏土層中試驗模型示意圖
(HAMPAN ET AL., 2006)..............................................................19
圖 2-19 小型隧道開挖機(NOMOTO ET AL., 1999)..................................19
圖 2-20 TERZAGHI 拱效應示意圖(TERZAGHI, 1936)............................21
圖 2-21 完全與部分拱效應覆土壓力圖 (TERZAGHI, 1936)...................23
圖 2-22 完全拱效應與部分拱效應示意圖 (TERZAGHI, 1936)...............23
圖 2-23 TERZAGHI 岩層地拱效應理論示意圖........................................24
圖 2-24 方塊系統之拱效應形態 (TROLLOPE,1969)...............................25
圖 2-25 水平節理岩層之超挖(TERZAGHI, 1946).....................................28
圖 2-26 垂直節理岩層之超挖(TERZAGHI, 1946).....................................29
圖 2-27 傾斜節理岩層之超挖(TERZAGHI, 1946).....................................29
圖 2-28 中等節理岩塊狀岩體之超挖(TERZAGHI, 1946).........................30
圖 2-29 水平層岩石中頂部破壞行為之模型(GOODMAN, 1980)............31
圖 2-30 傾斜岩層破壞型式(GOODMAN, 1980)........................................32
圖 2-31 隧道四壁穩定與不穩定間相當的收斂關係
(GOODMAN, 1980).........................................................................32
圖 2-32地表沉陷三維變形曲線(許明峰,2000)........................................34
圖 2-33地表沉陷剖面圖(許明峰,2000)....................................................35
圖 3-1 落門試驗儀器示意圖........................................................................36
圖 3-2 落門試驗模型示意圖........................................................................39
圖 3-3 落門試驗模型示意圖........................................................................41
圖 3-4 剛性介面試驗....................................................................................41
圖 3-5 不同層數鋁棒之試驗過程...............................................................42
圖 3-6 不同鋁棒層數之沉陷量探討...........................................................42
圖 3-7 雷射剖面儀與攝影測量實驗數據.................................................43
圖 3-8 攝影測量與雷射剖面儀精度比較.................................................44
圖 3-9 攝影測量之地表沉陷量驗證比較.................................................44
圖 3-10 攝影量測值之精度驗證.................................................................45
圖 4-1 節理角度Θ=0°開挖之地表沉陷量分析........................................47
圖 4-2 傾斜節理30°地表沉陷量..............................................................48
圖 4-3 傾斜節理45°地表沉陷量..............................................................48
圖 4-4 傾斜節理60°地表沉陷量..............................................................48
圖 4-5 節理角度Θ=0°開挖之地層變動分析............................................49
圖 4-6 節理角度Θ=30°開挖之地層變動分析..........................................51
圖 4-7 節理角度Θ=45°開挖之地層變動分析..........................................52
圖 4-8 節理角度Θ=60°開挖之地層變動分析..........................................52
圖 4-9 雙隧道開挖引致之地表沉陷量分析(Θ=0°)..................................55
圖 4-10雙隧道間距S=0.0D之地層變動特性(Θ=0°).................................56
圖 4-11雙隧道間距S=0.5D之地層變動特性(Θ=0°).................................57
圖 4-12雙隧道間距S=1.0D之地層變動特性(Θ=0°).................................58
圖 4.13節理30°、覆土平均高度HMEAN=0.5D開挖隧道.........................60
圖 4.14節理30°、覆土平均高度HMEAN=1.0D開挖隧道.........................61
圖 4.15節理30°、覆土平均高度HMEAN=1.5D開挖隧道.........................62
圖 4.16節理45°、覆土平均高度HMEAN=0.5D開挖隧道.........................64
圖 4.17節理45°、覆土平均高度HMEAN=1.0D開挖隧道.........................64
圖 4.18 節理45°、覆土平均高度HMEAN=1.5D開挖隧道........................65
圖 4.19節理60°、覆土平均高度HMEAN=0.5D開挖隧道.........................67
圖 4.20節理60°、覆土平均高度HMEAN=1.0D開挖隧道.........................68
圖 4.21節理60°、覆土平均高度HMEAN=1.5D開挖隧道 ...................68
圖 5.1 各種節理面剪力變形曲線(GOODMAN, 1968)..............................70
圖 5.2 DDA塊體之平移示意圖(翁啟鐘,2003).....................................76
圖 5.3 DDA塊體之繞點轉動示意圖
圖 5.4 DDA塊體之正向變形示意圖........................................................77
圖 5.5 DDA塊體之剪力變形示意圖(翁啟鐘,2003).............................78
圖 5.6 DDA與試驗結果之比較圖............................................................87
圖 5.7 DDA與試驗之塊體變動特性........................................................87
圖 5.8 DDA與攝影測量之精度比較........................................................88
圖 5.9 地表沉陷量分析與精度比較)........................................................91
圖 5.10 數值模擬和試驗之地層變動特性比較(Θ=0°)..............................92
圖 5.11 數值模擬和試驗之地層變動特性比較(Θ=30°)............................92
圖 5.12 數值模擬和試驗之地層變動特性比較(Θ=45°)............................93
圖 5.13 數值模擬和試驗之地層變動特性比較(Θ=60°)............................93
圖 5.14 節理角度30°、覆土平均厚度HMEAN=0.5D之模擬結果............94
圖5-15 偏壓地層節理30°、平均覆土厚度HMEAN=1.0D之模擬結果.....95
圖5-16 PHASE2數值模型..........................................................................96
圖5-17 PHASE2程式分階段開挖模式......................................................97
圖5-18 節理角度60°之PHASE2模擬地表沉陷量...................................98
圖5-19 節理角度60°之PHASE2模擬之地層變動特性...........................99
圖5-20 節理角度60°之PHASE2模擬之地層變動特性.........................100
表 目 錄
表 2.1 各種物理模型試驗之優、缺點比較(MEGUID ET AL., 2008) ....20
表 3-1鋁塊與鋁棒之物理性質.....................................................................31
表 3.2 相機校正參數....................................................................................31
表 3.3試驗規劃內容.....................................................................................38
表 5.1 材料基本參數設定............................................................................97
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