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研究生(外文):Chen-Yi Tai
論文名稱(外文):Low-Loss Microwave Dielectrics in the Spinel-structured (Mg1-xM2+x)Al2O4 (M2+ = Zn and Ni) Solid solutions
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Liang HuangChi-Yuen Huang
外文關鍵詞:microwave dielectricsolid solutionsmall amountspinelceramic
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本研究以 MgAl2O4為主體,利用固態反應法合成 (Mg1-xMx')Al2O4,其中M' = Zn 與 Ni,於 1480℃到 1600℃進行燒結,討論添加 M'前後,對材料及微波介電性質 之影響;由實驗結果得知合成 (Mg1-xZnx)Al2O4 (x = 0-0.1) 相。
當 Zn微量添加 ( x = 0.05),其材料微波介電性質最佳,介電常數 ~ 7.93–8.11、Q×f ~ 156,000 GHz (15.6 GHz)
與溫度頻率飄移係數介於 –55 ~ –70 ppm/℃,其燒結體相對密度為 97.2%;當未添加Zn 之 MgAl2O4,Q×f ~ 86,000 GHz,
由此得知,微量添加 Zn對於材料之品質因子可提升約 82%。
另一方面,合成 NiAl2O4,介電常數約 7.78–8.04,Q×f最高值 ~ 62,000 GHz,溫度頻率飄移係數於 –48~ –50 ppm/℃,相對密度為 90.5%,
其固溶體部分 (Mg1-xNix)Al2O4(x = 0–1),當 x = 0.25時,可獲得最佳微波介電特性,介電常數介於8.18–8.21之間,Q×f ~ 130,000 GHz (15.4 GHz),
溫度頻率飄移係數於 –51 ~ –65 ppm/℃;(Mg1-xNix)Al2O4(x = 0–1),於相同燒結條件下,隨 Ni添加量增加,嘗試計算其極化率、晶格體積以及相對密度。
根據各項結果顯示,(Mg1-xMx')Al2O4,其中M' = Zn 與 Ni, 隨 M'添加量改變,可討論受外在與內在之因素的影響包括,密度 (孔隙率)、晶格常數、極化率、晶粒大小變化,進而探討微波介電性質與材料性質之關係。
MgAl2O4 -based microwave dielectric ceramics substiute Mg by Zn and Ni were synthesized using the solid state reaction forming spinel solid solution of
(Mg1-xMx')Al2O4,M' = Zn and Ni.
Dense ceramics were obtained by sintering at 1480℃ to 1600℃, in air for 3 h.
It can be observed from X-ray diffraction result that the single phase solid solutions.
The microwave dielectric properties of MgAl2O4,
the dielectric constant 7.67-7.99, Q×f ~ 86,000 and τf -65 ~ -68 ppm/℃.
With small amount Zn ion substitution for Mg^(2+)at x = 0.05, The dielectric constant of (Mg0.95Zn0.05)Al2O4 from 7.93 to 8.11, compare with MgAl2O4 ,
ceramics while the Q×f value had significantly improved up to maxmal value of 156,000 GHz (15.6 GHz) and τ_f values from –55 to –70 ppm/℃.
Moreover,MgAl2O4 microwave dielectric ceramics were modified by Ni ion substitution for Mg forming (Mg1-xNix)Al2O4 at x = 0-1.
The compounds NiAl2O4 , dielectric constant ~ 7.78–8.04, Q×f ~ 62,000 GHz and τf ~ –48~ –50 ppm/℃. With Ni ion substitution for Mg ion at x = 0.25, the Q×f
increase to 130,000 GHz (15.4 GHz), εr ~ 8.18–8.21 and τ_f from –51 to –65 ppm/℃.
Relying on the result, it could be discussed the relationship of spinel solid solution structure and
microwave dielectric properties, including grain size, density and ionic polarizability in the (Mg1-xMx')Al2O4,M' = Zn and Ni system.
第一章 緒論.............................................1
第二章 前人研究及理論基礎...............................3
2-2-1介電常數(Dielectric constant:εr)...............4
2-2-1-1極化機制 ........................................5
2-2-2品質因子 (Quality factor:Q).......................8
2-2-3溫度頻率飄移係數 (Temperature coefficient of resonant frequency:τf)........................................9
2-4-2孔隙率對介電損失 (tanδ) 之影響....................16
2-5-1-1 XRD分析.........................................21
第三章 實驗方法及步驟...................................34
3-1 (Mg1-xM')Al2O4 (M' = Zn and Ni) 合成................34
3-2-1燒結體密度量測 (Archimedes)........................40
3-2-4掃描式電子顯微鏡 (SEM).............................43
第四章 結果與討論.......................................48
4-1鎂鋁尖晶石利用鋅離子取代 (Mg1-xZnx)Al2O4.............48
4-1-1 (Mg1-xZnx)Al2O4 合成及燒結........................48
4-1-2 (Mg1-xZnx)Al2O4 材料特性分析......................57
4-1-2-4陶瓷體微結構觀察與 EDS成分分析...................68
4-1-3 (Mg1-xZnx)Al2O4 微波介電性質......................82
4-2鎂鋁尖晶石利用鎳離子取代 (Mg1-xNix)Al2O4.............91
4-2-1 (Mg1-xNix)Al2O4 合成及燒結........................91
4-2-2 (Mg1-xNix)Al2O4 材料特性分析......................98
4-2-3 (Mg1-xNix)Al2O4 微波介電性質......................116
4-3綜合討論 M'Al2O4 (M'= Mg, Zn and Ni).................125
第五章 結論.............................................126
第六章 參考文獻.........................................127
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