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研究生(外文):Shun-Fu Chuang
論文名稱(外文):A study of value about Telematics' products and services
指導教授(外文):Kuo-ping Huang
外文關鍵詞:TelematicsCognitive differencesMeans-end Chain
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加拿大新斯科舍銀行的經濟學家卡洛斯•戈梅斯預測,汽車產業在經歷了5年的連續增長後,因為加拿大、美國和西歐等成熟市場的汽車銷售都將放緩,2007年全球汽車銷售成長比例將會下滑(波士頓環球報 2007),汽車產業為了解決成長比例趨緩,利潤下降的問題,向外尋找其他產業合作推出不同的服務內容,像是歐美日等先進國家為再刺激汽車產業的成長,從1990年代就積極推動智慧型運輸系統(Intelligent Transportation System,ITS),而車用資通訊產品和服務(Telematics)正是數位匯流和智慧型運輸系統下的趨勢,加上網路、無線通訊、數位科技等技術逐漸成熟,及台灣WiMAX論壇可以做為測試無線通訊,是研究車用資通訊服務較佳地點。車用資通訊產品和服務將網路、通訊、衛星定位、安全監控和娛樂等功能結合,提供車內資訊傳遞與交換的服務。
許多研究認為「方法目的鏈」(Means-end Chain, MEC)能提供研究者一個瞭解消費者心理和行為的有效方法 (Gutman and Reynolds, 1979; Gutman, 1982; Florence and Rapacchi, 1991; Olson and Reynolds, 1983)。本研究擬以「方法目的鏈」探索消費者對車用資通訊服務的屬性看法與自己本身價值知覺之關聯,以瞭解消費者採用車用資通訊服務的動機過程。此外就車用資通訊業者而言,透過「方法目的鏈」可瞭解其所重視之車用資通訊服務屬性意義為何,並預期為消費者帶來什麼消費結果和價值感受,以期彙整出比較出消費者與業者運用方法目的鏈於車用資訊服務之價值認知結構差異。
Carlos Gomes who is an economist in Bank of Nova Scotia in Canada forecasted that the proportion of car sales will decline in 2007, becase the automobile industry has grown for continuous five years, and the car sales will slow down in mature markets such as Canada, the United States and Western Europe (Boston Globe, 2007). The automobile industry in order to solve the slow growth, and they cooperate with other industries to provide new and different services. Such as Europe, America and Japan whom actively promoted the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) to stimulate the growth of the automobile industry from 1990s. The Telematics’s services and products is the trend of digital convergence and ITS. Internet, wireless communications and digital technology become more maturer, moreover, Taiwan is a good place to test WiMAX application for wireless communications and telematics. Telematics’ products and services contain communications, satellite positioning, security, surveillance and entertainment, and can transmit and exchange vehicle informations.
Lots of researchs have approved that “Means-end Chain”is an effective method to understand consumer’s behaviors (Gutman and Reynolds, 1979; Gutman, 1982; Florence and Rapacchi, 1991; Olson and Reynolds, 1983). This research uses “Mean-end Chain” to explore consumer’s attribute and relative one’s value of telematics services, and understand the motion for consumers to use telematics services. We also can know which attributes of telematics services is that operators care about, and they expect consumers to get what consequences and values from telematics services throught “Mean-end Chain”. The research expects to find and compare different value cognitive structure of consumers and operators.
The result of study show that operators and consumers have different value cognitive structure, and furthermore they have different links or correlations in “attribute to result”, “result to value”, and “attribute to value”. Operators care about the correlations of “technology good or not” attribute to “vehicular traffic informations” result. Consumers also care about the correlations of “services’ contents” attribute to “entertainment” result and values, and “entertainment” result to values. There are cognitive differences between different types of consumers, for enterprise users like taxies or shipping, they care about the link of “vehicular traffic informations” attribute to "safe" value, and for general consumers who have experience of using telematics services care about “technical and equipment is good or not” attribute to “safe” value, and for all of the consumer who have use experience which contain enterprise users only care about “services’ contents” attribute to “entertainment” result and values, and “entertainment” result to values .
第一章 緒論 ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 研究目的與標的 ................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 研究流程 ............................................................................................................................. 4
第二章 文獻回顧 .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 車用資通訊產品暨服務 ...................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Telematics 定義 .............................................................................................................. 6
2.1.2 Telematics 產業價值鏈 .................................................................................................. 7
2.1.3 Telematics 產品、服務與應用現況 ........................................................................... 10
2.1.4 Telematics 全球市場現況與趨勢 ................................................................................ 20
2.2 認知與認知差異 ............................................................................................................... 26
2.3 個人價值認知 ................................................................................................................... 28
2.3.1 價值認知結構之調查 .................................................................................................. 29
2.4 方法目的鏈 (MEANS-END CHAIN, MEC) ................................................................................ 32
2.4.1 方法目的鏈理論 .......................................................................................................... 32
2.4.2 屬性、結果與價值聯結的建構技術........................................................................... 36
2.4.3 方法目的鏈相關研究 .................................................................................................. 38
第三章 研究方法 ........................................................................................................................ 40
3.1 概念架構 ........................................................................................................................... 40
3.2 研究假設 ........................................................................................................................... 41
3.3 研究設計 ........................................................................................................................... 41
3.3.1 質化問卷設計 .............................................................................................................. 43
3.3.2 質化問卷研究範圍 ...................................................................................................... 44
3.3.3 量化問卷設計 .............................................................................................................. 45
3.3.4 量化問卷研究範圍 ...................................................................................................... 45
3.3.5 量化資料分析方法 ...................................................................................................... 46
第四章 個別認知結構之實證結果 ....................................................................................... 48
4.1 質性訪談-內容分析 .......................................................................................................... 48
4.2 量化問卷前測 ................................................................................................................... 52
4.3 正式問卷資料分析 ........................................................................................................... 63
4.3.1 消費者及業者基本資料分析 ...................................................................................... 63
4.3.2 業者及消費者個別架構之因素分析........................................................................... 74
4.3.3 消費者特徵分析 .......................................................................................................... 83
4.3.4 消費者及業者個別之多元迴歸分析及價值層級圖 ................................................. 102
4.4 一般消費者與企業用戶個別分析 .................................................................................. 116
4.4.1 一般消費者與企業用戶個別之因素分析 ................................................................. 116
4.4.2 一般消費者與企業用戶個別之多元迴歸分析及價值層級圖 ................................. 124
4.5 有無使用經驗一般消費者個別分析 .............................................................................. 135
4.5.1 有無使用經驗一般消費者個別之因素分析 ............................................................. 135
4.5.2 有無使用經驗一般消費者個別之多元迴歸分析及價值層級圖 ............................. 143
4.6 全部有使用經驗消費者個別分析……………………………………154
4.6.1 全部有使用經驗消費者個別之因素分析 ..................................... 154
4.6.2 全部有使用經驗消費者個別之多元迴歸分析及價值層級圖 ................................. 159
第五章 合併認知架構之實證結果 ..................................................................................... 167
5.1 一般消費者與企業用戶之綜合比較 .............................................................................. 167
5.1.1 合併架構下個別之多元迴歸分析及價值層級圖 ..................................................... 167
5.2 有無使用經驗一般消費者之綜合比較 .......................................................................... 174
5.2.1 合併架構下個別之多元迴歸分析及價值層級圖 ..................................................... 174
5.3 對MEC 的價值進行因素分析比較 ................................................................................ 181
5.3.1 合併有無使用經驗一般消費者 ................................................................................ 181
5.3.2 合併架構下個別之多元迴歸分析及價值層級圖 ..................................................... 187
第六章 結論與建議 ................................................................................................................. 194
6.1 結論 ................................................................................................................................ 194
6.2 後續研究與建議………………………………………………………196
參考文獻 ........................................................................................................................................ 197
附錄一 …………………………202
附錄二 ……………………………209
附錄三 …………………………214
附錄四 …………………………221
附錄五 …………………228
附錄六 …………………229
8.侯鈞元,「Telematics產業之探索─車用資通訊系統與服務」,工研院IEK-IT IS計畫,2004年。
9.蕭瑞聖,「行的衍伸─Telematics發展機會與策略分析」,工研院IEK-IT IS計畫,2005年。
10.蕭瑞聖,「Telematics產業價值鏈與服務應用現況」,工研院IEK-ITIS 計畫,2006年。

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7.IT IS智網,http://www.itis.org.tw/index.jsp
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