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研究生(外文):Hsieh-Wei Lee
論文名稱(外文):A Novel Hardware Implementation of Wavelet-based Octave Energy for Breast Sonogram Tumor Characterization
指導教授(外文):Bin-Da LiuKing-Chu Hung
外文關鍵詞:Wavelet-Based Octave EnergyUltrasound ImagesBreast Cancer ClassificationSegment Accumulation Algorithm (SAA)Reversible Round-off 1-D Non-Recursive DPWT
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The infiltrative nature of lesions is a significant feature that implies a malignant breast lesion in ultrasound images. Characterizing the infiltrative nature of lesions with computationally inexpensive and highly efficacious features is crucial for the realization of a computer-aided diagnosis system. In this study, the infiltrative nature of lesions is regarded as an energy that produces irregular and considerably local variances in a 1-D signal. The local variances can be characterized by a few high octave energies (i.e., the channel energies close to low frequency bands) in 1-D discrete periodized wavelet transform (DPWT). To reduce computation cost, high octave decomposition is performed by a reversible round-off 1-D non-recursive DPWT (1-D RRO-NRDPWT).
For breast lesion classification, contour features should be able to resist noise and contour variation. To evaluate the differences in performance and feature value induced by the variations in boundary definitions, two delineation methods were considered, hand-painted and semi-automatic segmentation. A high individual performance result implies that the proposed feature is well correlated with radiologist’s perception and closer to match those in trained physician than morphometric parameters. The performance differences in the three ImageJ-generated datasets derived by variant setting parameters are not significant. Experimental results also reveal that the proposed feature is suitable for combination with some morphometric parameters for performance improvement.
For the realization of high octave decomposition, a segment accumulation algorithm (SAA) is also presented in this dissertation. The SAA is a new folding technique that can reduce multipliers and adders dramatically without the cost of increasing latency. Finite precision performance analysis is also taken to study the word length suppression efficiency and the feature efficacy in breast lesion classification on ultrasonic images.
Abstract i
List of Tables viii
List of Figures x

CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Organization of the Dissertation 5

CHAPTER 2 The Reversible Round-Off Non-Recursive 1-D Discrete Periodized Wavelet Transform 6
2.1 Exploration of Word-Length-Growth Effect. 7
2.2 The Non-Recursive 1-D Discrete Periodized Wavelet Transform 7
2.3 The Reversible Round-Off 1-D NRDPWT Theorem 12
2.4 Finite Precision Performance of the Reversible Round-Off 1-D NRDPWT 19

CHAPTER 3 Octave Energy Features for Breast Lesion Description 23
3.1 Breast US Images Acquisition 24
3.2 Derivation of Breast Lesion Contour 24
3.3 Resampling Process 29
3.4 Multiresolution Representations of Breast Lesion Shapes 30
3.5 Measurement of Fisher’s Estimation 33

CHAPTER 4 Experimental Results of Classification Performance Analysis 35
4.1 Materials and Methods 35
4.2 Experimental Results 36
4.2.1 Individual performance of morphometric and octave energy features by using manual delineated breast lesions 36
4.2.2 Combined performance of morphometric and octave energy features by using manual delineated breast lesions 39
4.2.3 Performance of morphometric and octave energy features by using semi-automatic delineated breast lesions 42

CHAPTER 5 Segment Accumulation Algorithm for the Realization of High Octave Decomposition 50
5.1 The Segment Accumulation Algorithm 50
5.2 Example 53

CHAPTER 6 SAA-Based VLSI Architecture for High Octave Decomposition 56
6.1 VLSI Architecture Design of Segment Accumulation Algorithm 56
6.2 Bit Performance Analysis of NRDPWT Filter Coefficients 60
6.3 Hardware Simulation Results 67

CHAPTER 7 Discussions and Conclusions 72

References 77
Appendix 83
Publication List 87
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