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研究生(外文):Chun-chia Yeh
論文名稱(外文):On the Integrated Kinematic and Dynamic Design for Variable-Speed Plate Cam Mechanisms
指導教授(外文):Hong-Sen Yan
外文關鍵詞:variable speedcam mechanismkinematic designintegrated kinematic and dynamic designservo mechanism
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凸輪機構通常採用等轉速運轉的馬達作為動力源,若輸出桿件的運動要加改變,則必須重新設計與製作凸輪輪廓;變轉速凸輪機構可在不改變凸輪輪廓下,藉由轉速的控制,彈性調整出合適的輸出運動與動力特性。本研究以廣為應用的具反覆式滾子從動件之平板凸輪機構為對象,建立其變轉速輸入的運動與動力設計方法,實現改變轉速以改善需求特性的目的。首先推導平板凸輪的變轉速運動與動力分析模式作為設計基礎,接著使用Bezier Curve和Fourier Series函數作為凸輪轉速軌跡,並探討其運動連續性,以建立轉速軌跡表示方法。接著進行運動設計,發展改善輸出運動特性及調整輸出運動的設計方法。動力設計改善凸輪與從動件間的接觸力及馬達輸入扭矩特性的轉速軌跡設計方法,運動與動力整合設計則是同時進行運動設計與動力設計。再者,每一個設計皆以實例說明設計過程與進行結果討論。最後,以伺服馬達輸出設計轉速軌跡,動態蒐集與分析相關特性數據,實驗驗證本理論是可行的,並展現變轉速平板凸輪的功能。
The power input of a cam mechanism is usually a motor that rotates at a constant speed. If the required output motion changes, the cam contour should be resigned and remade. Without modifying the cam contour, a cam mechanism with variable input speed trajectory offers an alternative solution to flexibly achieve kinematic and dynamic characteristics. To implement the variable speed strategy for improving the required output characteristics, this work develops kinematic and dynamic design approach for the most widely used plate cam mechanisms with variable input speeds. First, kinematic and dynamic analysis models for a variable-speed plate cam mechanism are derived as the foundation for the subsequent design. The speed trajectories of cams are derived by employing Bezier curve and Fourier series functions, and motion continuity conditions are investigated. Then the kinematic design is studied to develop the design models for motion characteristics refinement and motion adaptation. The dynamic design contains the design models for improving the contact force and reducing the input torque. And the integrated kinematic and dynamic design includes the design models for the kinematic design and dynamic design at the same time. An example is provided for each design model to illustrate the design process, and the design results are discussed. Finally, to verify these design models, the designed speed trajectory is achieved by a servomotor. Data of related characteristics are dynamically measured and then analyzed to verify the design models as well as to demonstrate the performances of variable-speed plate cam mechanisms.
中文摘要 ................................................ I
英文摘要 ............................................... II
致謝 ....................................................IV
目錄 .....................................................V
圖目錄 ............................................... VIII
表目錄 ................................................ XII
第一章前言 .............................................. 1
1.1 研究動機 ............................................ 1
1.2 研究背景 ............................................ 2
1.3 研究目的 ............................................ 4
1.4 論文架構 ............................................ 4
第二章運動與動力分析 .................................... 7
2.1 運動分析 ............................................ 7
2.2 動力分析 ........................................... 12
2.3 小結 ............................................... 20
第三章轉速函數設計 ..................................... 21
3.1 Bezier函數 ......................................... 21
3.2 Fourier Series函數 ................................. 25
3.3 最佳化 ............................................. 28
3.4 目標函數與限制條件 ................................. 30
3.5 小結 ............................................... 33
第四章設計模式與實例 ................................... 34
4.1 運動設計模式 ....................................... 34
4.1.1目標函數與限制條件 ................................ 34
4.1.2設計實例1 ......................................... 38
4.1.3設計實例2 ......................................... 43
4.2 動力設計模式 ....................................... 48
4.2.1目標函數與限制條件 ................................ 48
4.2.2設計實例3 ......................................... 50
4.2.3設計實例4 ......................................... 56
4.3運動與動力整合設計模式 .............................. 61
4.3.1拘束法 ............................................ 63
4.3.2設計實例5 ......................................... 64
4.3.3應用實例6 ......................................... 69
4.3.4權重法 ............................................ 78
4.3.5設計實例7 ......................................... 79
4.3.6設計實例8 ......................................... 86
4.4 小結 ............................................... 93
第五章轉速函數控制 ..................................... 94
5.1 伺服機構系統 ....................................... 94
5.2 系統判別 ........................................... 97
5.3 PID控制器 .......................................... 98
第六章實驗與測試 ...................................... 102
6.1 實驗簡介 .......................................... 102
6.2 硬體配置 .......................................... 102
6.3 軟體架構 .......................................... 106
6.4 實驗結果 .......................................... 110
6.4.1 Bezier Curve設計實例1理論與實驗之比較 ........... 110
6.4.2 Fourier Series設計實例1理論與實驗之比較 ......... 110
6.4.3 Bezier Curve設計實例6理論與實驗之比較 ........... 110
6.4.4 Fourier Series設計實例6理論與實驗之比較 ......... 113
6.4.5 Bezier Curve設計實例8理論與實驗之比較 ........... 113
6.4.6 Fourier Series設計實例8理論與實驗之比較 ......... 120
6.5 小結 .............................................. 122
第七章結論與建議 ...................................... 123
參考文獻 .............................................. 125
自述 .................................................. 132
著作權聲明 ............................................ 133
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