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研究生(外文):Chung-yi Lee
論文名稱(外文):Mask Embedded Nano-Imprinting Technology for the Fabrication of Large-Area Micro/Nano-Structures
指導教授(外文):Yung-chun Lee
外文關鍵詞:contactflexibilityETFEnano-imprintinglarge-area transfer
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本文使用具有低表面能及可撓曲特性之乙烯-四氟乙烯 (Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene, ETFE) 翻製六吋模仁;利用ETFE模仁的可撓曲特性達到模仁與基板完整接觸之目的,並且在不作抗沾黏處理的情況下可重覆執行接觸轉印光罩植入式奈米顯影技術 (Contact-Transfer and Mask Embedded Lithography, CMEL)。本技術已成功完成3.8×4.7 cm2大面積轉印,定義之最小線寬為60 nm,並且透過此技術完成有機薄膜電晶體以及可撓式偏光片之製作。
另外,本文利用ETFE模仁執行熱壓成型奈米壓印 (Hot Embossing Nano-Imprinting Lithography, HE-NIL) 及紫外光固化成型奈米轉印 (UV-cured Nano-Imprint Lithography, UV-NIL)。在HE-NIL的部份,成功完成6吋大面積轉印,並且定義最小線寬為65 nm;在UV-NIL的部份,則是利用紫外線固化式奈米滾輪機執行UV連續滾印製程,成功完成6吋面積之連續轉印,並且定義最小尺寸為200 nm之孔洞結構。
In this thesis, ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) film is selected as mold material to replicate a six-inch silicon mold because of its low surface energy and flexibility. These properties ensure complete and intimate contact between mold and substrate, and therefore can perform Contact-transferred and Mask Embedded Lithography (CMEL) without any anti-adhesion treatment. Through the CMEL process, the largest transferred area has achieved 3.8×4.7 cm2 and the smallest feature size is 60 nm. Based on this method, organic thin film transistors and flexible polarizers are successfully fabricated.
Furthermore, this work has applied the replicated ETFE molds on other types of nano-imprinting methods, namely, the Hot Embossing Nano-Imprinting Lithography (HE-NIL) and UV-curing Nano-Imprinting Lithography (UV-NIL). In HE-NIL process, the largest transferred area and the smallest feature size achieve 6 in. wafer-size and 65 nm, respectively. In UV-NIL process, we use a UV-curing roller-type nano-imprinter to carry out continuous roll-to-roll process. Successful pattern transfer of a 6” mold is achieved and the smallest feature size of 200 nm hole-array pattern has defined.
The unique material properties of ETFE, such as low surface energy, flexibility, high strength and toughness, and deformability, have made it a best mold candidate for nano-imprinting and contact-printing methods. This thesis has shown that using ETFE molds can resolve many serious issues in nano-imprinting and contact-printing of micro/nano-structures and therefore can bring these to real industrial applications.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XVII
第一章 緒論 ......................................1
1-1 文獻回顧 ......................................1
1-2 研究動機 .....................................12
1-3 本文架構 .....................................14
第二章 機台開發與實驗模仁製備 ....................15
2-1 奈米壓印機台的設計 ...........................15
2-2 次微米級矽模仁製備 ...........................24
2-3 奈米級矽模仁製備 .............................28
2-4 ETFE模仁製備流程 .............................32
2-5 影響ETFE模仁製作良率的因素 ...................34
2-6 ETFE模仁翻印結果與討論 .......................47
第三章 ETFE模仁之熱壓成型奈米壓印 ................56
3-1熱壓成型奈米壓印製程 ..........................57
3-2 熱壓成型奈米壓印之結果討論 ...................60
第四章 ETFE模仁之紫外光固化成型奈米轉印 ..........71
4-1紫外光固化成型奈米轉印製程 ....................72
4-2 連續滾印之大面積紫外光固化成型奈米轉印 .......78
第五章 ETFE模仁之接觸轉印光罩植入式奈米顯影技術 ..85
5-1 接觸轉印光罩植入式奈米顯影技術製程 ...........85
5-3 曲面式接觸轉印光罩植入式奈米顯影技術 ........103
第六章 元件應用 .................................107
6-1 有機薄膜電晶體 ..............................107
6-2 可撓性偏光片 ................................121
第七章 結論與未來展望 ...........................128
7-1結論 .........................................128
7-2未來展望 .....................................130
參考文獻 ........................................134
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