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研究生(外文):Te-hui Yu
論文名稱(外文):Infrared-Assisted and Roller-Based Direct Metal Printing Technology with Application to Large-Area Flexible Optical Devices
指導教授(外文):Yung-Chun Lee
外文關鍵詞:Roller ImprintingNano-patternFlexible DeviceMetal Printing
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本研究已經成功完成最小線寬 60 nm、最大面積4 × 4 cm2 的金屬轉印;利用此技術將具有週期性之直線式金屬光柵結構直接定義於PET基板上,可以製作出可撓性的偏光片。本文以實驗的方式,探討最佳的製程參數、機構設計、與材料選擇,以得到最佳的微/奈米結構製程結果;最後,針對本製程所完成的可撓性偏光片,以光學模擬與實驗光譜量測,驗證其光學特性。
This thesis proposes a new micro/nano-fabrication method which can directly transfer a patterned metal film from a silicon mold to a flexible polymeric substrate based on infrared optical heating and roller-based contact loading. The PET film is chosen as the flexible substrate and a silicon mold with pre-defined surface features in micro- and nano-scale is coated with a anti-adhesion layer and then a thin metallic film. A roller-loading mechanism is designed to bring the PET and the silicon mold into intimate contact while an infrared lamp can heat up the metal film through thermal radiation. The heated and patterned metallic film can then emboss into its adjacent PET material and therefore complete the pattern transformation.
In this thesis, we demonstrate successful pattern transformation with smallest line-width of 60 nm and a area size of 4x4 cm2. Linear grating structure is embedded into PET substrate which forms a flexible optical polarizer. Experimental investigation have be carried out to identify the best imprinting parameters, mechanism design, as well as material combination to optimize the effects of this IR-heating and roller imprinting pattern transformation.
The proposed method has several unique advantages: nano-scale and large-area patterning capability, direct pattern transformation without chemical etchings, fast processing and low-cost and easiness in implementation using simple setups. Therefore, it has great potential for mass-production of micro/nano-structures and for industrial applications.
摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XVI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 3
1-3 研究動機與目的 11
第二章 實驗原理與架構 13
2-1 紅外光輔助金屬滾印於可撓性基材原理 13
2-2 紅外光輔助金屬滾印於可撓性基材實驗架構 16
第三章 實驗步驟 24
3-1 母模仁製備 24
3-1.1 矽模仁製作 24
3-1.2 矽模仁切割與清洗 27
3-1.3 矽模仁之抗沾黏膜處理 28
3-1.4 矽模仁之轉印金屬薄膜蒸鍍 33
3-2 紅外光輔助式金屬直接滾印製程 36
3-3 蝕刻製程 38
第四章 實驗結果與討論 40
4-1 矽模仁製作結果 40
4-2 金屬轉印結果 49
4-3 製程參數分析 57
4-3.1 金屬植入基板深度之壓印參數探討 57
4-3.2 不同金屬材料與轉印成功率之探討 60
4-3.3 反應式離子蝕刻分析 63
第五章 元件應用 67
5-1 利用奈米壓印技術製作偏光片 67
5-2 可撓性偏光片製作 74
5-2.1 可撓性穿射式偏光片製作 77
5-2.2 可撓性反射式偏光片製作 86
5-3 光學模擬與分析 89
第六章 結論與未來展望 99
6-1 結論 99
6-2 未來展望 102
參考文獻 103
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