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研究生(外文):Shao-peng Huang
論文名稱(外文):Tribological performance of HVOF WC coatings with different structures and binders
指導教授(外文):Yan-Liang Su
外文關鍵詞:Thermal spray coatingWCHVOF
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本研究採用高速火焰熔射(High Velocity Oxy-Fuel, HVOF)製程技術,於低碳鋼底材上披覆碳化鎢熔射塗層。主要目的為探討添加WC/Co於Ni基合金塗層;不同型式WC塗層之機械性質、磨潤性質、抗氧化性能、抗腐蝕性。實驗主要分為三個部份:第一部份探討WC/Co摻雜至Ni基合金比例至80%對於鎳基合金塗層性能之影響,此一部份延續學長實驗部份(0 ~ 60 %);第二部份探討微米(傳統型)及奈米、複合雙相三種不同尺寸結構WC晶粒之WC塗層性能;第三部份探討Co、CoCr和Ni三種不同黏結相之WC塗層性能。
由實驗結果得知, WC-Ni基熔射塗層隨著WC摻雜比例之提升,各方面的表現皆隨之提升,其中以60% WC摻雜比例為最佳,而增加至80%之WC強化鎳基鍍層並無明顯的提高其塗層性能;而不同結構之WC/Co塗層則以複合雙相有最佳之抗磨耗性能,可歸因於其結構較為緻密且形成互相固鎖(Interlock)效應,使得WC顆粒更不容易脫落;另外不同黏結相之WC塗層,則以CoCr binder有最好之抗磨耗、腐蝕性能。
The main purpose of this research was to study the effects of WC addition Ni-based alloy coantings and different type WC coatings on mechanical and tribological properties and anti-oxidation, anti-corrosion. The WC coatings on the substrate of low carbon steel were prepared by HVOF.
The experiment was divided into three parts. In the first part, the effect of content (0-80 % of WC addition) on the properties of Ni-based alloy coatings was investigated. In the second part, the effect of different WC structure in micro-scale (conventional), nano-scale and multimodal on the properties of WC/Co coatings were investigated. In the third part, the effect of different binder of Co, CoCr and Ni of WC coatings were investigated.
The results revealed that the hardness, wear resistance, and oxidation resistance of WC/Ni coatings were increased with increasing content of WC addition. And, the coatings with 60 % WC addition showed the best properties, but the coatings with 80% WC addition didn’t obvious increase the properties. The WC/Co coatings with multimodal structure had the best wear resistance, due to the coating structure is dense and form Interlock effect, to avoid the WC grains fall off from the coating. The WC coatings with CoCr binder had the best wear resistance and corrosion resistance.
總 目 錄
摘 要....................................................II
誌 謝....................................................IV
總 目 錄.................................................V
表 目 錄................................................VIII
圖 目 錄................................................IX
第一章 緒論...............................................1
1-1 前言..................................................1
1-2 研究動機..............................................2
第二章 理論探討與文獻回顧.................................4
2-1 熱熔射技術之基本原理..................................4
2-2 熱熔射塗層之微結構....................................5
2-3 熱熔射技術分類........................................7
2-3-1 高速燃氧熔射........................................7
2-3-2 火焰熔射............................................9
2-3-3 爆震熔射...........................................10
2-3-4 電漿熔射...........................................11
2-3-5 電弧熔射...........................................12
2-3-6 液態火焰融射及動態冷噴塗...........................13
2-4 熱熔射塗層...........................................14
2-4-1 鎳基自熔合金塗層...................................14
2-4-2 碳化鎢/鈷強化鎳基合金塗層..........................17
2-4-3 碳化鎢/鈷瓷金塗層..................................19
2-4-4 奈米結構碳化鎢/鈷瓷金塗層..........................23
2-4-5 不同塗層之氧化及腐蝕機制...........................28
第三章 實驗方法與步驟..................................34
3-1 實驗目的.............................................34
3-2 實驗流程.............................................34
3-3 實驗方法與規劃.......................................35
3-3-1 試件製作、前處理...................................35
3-3-2 實驗參數規劃.......................................36
3-3-3 試件金相觀察.......................................37
3-3-4 成分與元素分析.....................................37
3-3-5 微結構分析.........................................38
3-3-6 SRV磨耗試驗........................................38
3-3-7 微硬度試驗.........................................39
3-3-8 氧化試驗...........................................39
3-3-9 鹽水噴霧試驗.......................................40
3-4 實驗設備.............................................40
第四章 實驗結果與討論....................................42
4-1 熔射粉末分析.........................................42
4-1-1 粉末尺寸大小與形狀.................................42
4-1-2 粉末顯微組織與成分.................................43
4-1-3 粉末結構分析.......................................43
4-2 碳化鎢/鈷強化鎳基熔射塗層系列........................44
4-2-1 塗層結構分析.......................................44
4-2-2 塗層組織與成分.....................................45
4-2-3 硬度試驗...........................................46
4-2-4 磨耗試驗...........................................47
4-2-5 氧化試驗...........................................50
4-2-6 鹽水噴霧腐蝕試驗...................................51
4-3 不同結構碳化鎢/鈷塗層系列............................53
4-3-2 塗層組織與成分.....................................54
4-3-3 硬度試驗...........................................55
4-3-4 磨耗試驗...........................................56
4-3-5 氧化試驗...........................................59
4-3-6 鹽水噴霧腐蝕試驗...................................60
4-4 不同黏結相碳化鎢塗層系列.............................61
4-4-1 塗層結構分析.......................................61
4-4-2 塗層組織與成分.....................................61
4-4-3 硬度試驗...........................................62
4-4-4 磨耗試驗...........................................62
4-4-5 氧化試驗...........................................64
4-4-6 鹽水噴霧腐蝕試驗...................................65
第五章 結論與未來展望....................................66
5-1 結論.................................................66
5-2 未來展望.............................................66
第六章 參考文獻..........................................69
附錄一 碳化鎢/鈷強化鎳基系列塗層斷面SEM圖...............180
附錄二 碳化鎢/鈷強化鎳基系列塗層磨痕SEM圖...............182
附錄三 在25°C以氫為標準之還原電位(1 M, 1 atm)...........186
附錄四 碳化鎢/鈷強化鎳基系列塗層氧化GDS縱深分析圖.......187
附錄五 不同結構碳化鎢/鈷系列塗層氧化GDS縱深分析圖.......191
附錄六 不同黏結相碳化鎢系列塗層氧化GDS縱深分析圖........193
自 述..................................................194
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