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研究生(外文):Jung-Tai Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Study on Cutting Force Evaluation for Virtual Multi-Axis Milling Machine
指導教授(外文):Rong-Shean Lee
外文關鍵詞:flank wearmulti-axisvirtual machine toolthree-axismilling force evaluation
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本文將靜態銑削力導入虛擬工具機,配合CAM軟體所產生的刀具路徑檔,在虛擬工具機模擬時計算切削力。以一般端銑刀幾何定義為模版,建立常用的刀具模組,包括端銑刀、球銑刀及牛鼻銑刀。透過刀具路徑檔計算出軸向切深及徑向切深,代入銑削力模式中計算銑削力,並建立傾斜刀軸模式,模擬多軸加工情形。又利用磨耗切削力模式估算刀具產生磨耗時的切削力,評估刀具在加工過程中的狀態。結合端銑刀銑削力模式,可得到磨耗切削力的預估結果,便 於進行刀具管理。
模擬結果與實驗數據比對吻合,而切削力也可以反應出製程中之切削參數變化。在切削工件實例中,結果會依照刀具路徑檔(CL file)行數顯示相對應的平均銑削力及磨耗切削力,而從銑削力與刀具路徑檔行數關係圖可以看出銑削力變化趨勢與切削參數(軸向切深)相關,因此使用者可以藉由切削力結果作為製程參數評估。
Multi-axis machine tool is used generally and frequently in industry. Current commercial Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software provide for functions of arranging tool path and cutting geometry simulation for the machinability evaluation. So far, general commercial CAM software do not provide for cutting force simulation. If the virtual machine tool can display the cutting force simultaneously, the decision of process planning can be enhanced.
This paper introduces static milling force model into virtual machine tool. Using CL file coming from the CAM software to calculate the cutting force in simulation. General milling cutters, including cylindrical end mill, ball end mill and bull nose end mill, are represented. From CL file, the axial depth of cut and the radial depth of cut are extracted, and then substituted into end milling model to calculate cutting force. Also the inclined cutter axis model is added to simulate multi-axis manufacturing situation. An analytical mechanistic model of milling process is used for evaluating force and cutter’s condition when cutter is worn. And connecting this model with end milling force model, it can obtain the cutting force for tool management.
Results of cutting force simulation agree well with the experimental results. The cutting force can reflect the change of cutting parameter during the process. In the simulation example, it shows the average milling force and milling force of worn cutter according to CL file line by line. From plot of milling force and CL file lines we can find out the variation of milling force depending on cutting parameters. So the user can obtain the cutting force for the evaluation of manufacturing parameter.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 IV
總目次 V
表目次 VII
圖目次 VIII
符號說明 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 1
1-2-1 銑削力模式建立 1
1-2-2 磨耗切削力模式建立 3
1-2-3 虛擬實境與虛擬製造 3
1-3 研究目的與範疇 6
1-4 章節瀏覽 6
第二章 端銑刀之銑削力模式 8
2-1 前言 8
2-2 局部力解析式 8
2-2-1 物理意義 8
2-2-2 LSFM模式 10
2-2-3 DGCC模式 11
2-3 總銑削力 11
2-3-1 圓柱端銑刀座標系統 11
2-3-2 總銑削力 14
2-3-3 平均銑削力與切削係數 15
2-4 一般端銑刀之銑削力通式 16
2-4-1 一般端銑刀輪廓幾何 16
2-4-2 一般端銑刀螺旋切刃幾何 20
2-4-3 一般端銑刀總銑削力 26
2-5傾斜銑削力模式 26
第三章 磨耗切削力模式 31
3-1前言 31
3-2磨耗切削力模式建立 31
3-3 磨耗參數關係 41
第四章 切削範例與虛擬多軸加工模擬系統實作 42
4-1 輸入檔案製作 42
4-2 軸向切深及徑向切深演算法 48
4-3 系統設計需求與架構 52
4-3-1 開發工具 52
4-4 結果呈現 55
第五章 結論與建議 71
5-1 結論 71
5-2 建議 71
參考文獻 73
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