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研究生(外文):Dian-Ying Lin
論文名稱(外文):Biomechanics of cement-augmented dynamic hip screw
指導教授(外文):Chih-Han Chang
外文關鍵詞:Hip fractureDynamic hip screwBone cementExpand
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The dynamic hip screw is often used to treat hip fractures in clinical practice. For osteoporotic bone, the bone cement could be applied to enhance the fixation of the lag screw. However, leakage is a problem in cement injecting. It could cause the bone nonunion if cement leaks to the fracture site.
The purpose of this study is to present a new design of slotted lag screw to augment the fixation with bone cement. This slotted lag screw plays the role of the injecting tube in regular cement injection. To evaluate the flow mode of the cement of this new lag screw, a pre-drilled pilot hole on the sawbones was prepared for screw insertion and expanded by cavitation tools to provide space for cement diffusing within dense sawbones. The cement was then injected through the center hole of the lag screw and spread only around the slotted thread region. This provided a better approach to deliver the cement within femur head to reduce the leakage possibility.
With the pull-out test, it shown that the cement-augmented group could increase anchoring strength (28.6%) and stiffness (33.4%) than cementless group. This slotted lag screw design could enhance its biomechanical performance with cement-augmented. With the finite element simulation, various types of cavity expansion models are evaluated and it showed that the more bonding interface area between cement and sawbones, the more anchoring stiffness of the inserted slotted lag screw.
To conclude, by providing side slots on the thread region of a lag screw, it could provide a better way to inject cement and spread the cement around thread region to prevent leakage. Cavity expansion on dense bone can help bone cement to diffuse and increasing the mechanical performance. Moreover, the size of bonding interface area of cement is more important than cement cavity shape to enhance the anchoring stiffness.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X

第一章 導論1

1.1 引言1
1.2 股骨解剖構造簡介2
1.3 近端股骨骨折簡介5
1.4 動態加壓髖螺釘簡介8
1.5 動態加壓髖螺釘手術方法12
1.6 研究動機與目的15

第二章 材料與方法16

2.1 研究流程概述16
2.2 髖螺釘之設計18
2.3 骨水泥與注射系統20
2.4 人造骨頭資料22
2.5 人造骨頭材料測試24
2.6 髖螺釘骨水泥流動性試驗25
2.7 髖螺釘錨定強度試驗26
2.7.1 材料試驗機與夾具設計27
2.7.2 髖螺釘錨定強度試驗方法31
2.7.3 拉伸位移量測方法31
2.7.4 開放式孔洞發泡塑料試件製作方式32
2.7.5 結實發泡聚氨酯塑料骨水泥增強組試件之製作方式33
2.7.6 結實發泡聚氨酯塑料無骨水泥組試件之製作方式35
2.8 有限元素模擬37
2.8.1 有限元素模型建立與材料性質37
2.8.2 骨水泥增強試件之錨定強度模擬38
2.8.3 不同擴孔外形之有限元素模擬40
2.9 資料分析43

第三章 結果44

3.1 骨水泥流動性數據分析44
3.2 人造骨頭材料測試46
3.3 髖螺釘錨定強度分析49
3.3.1 開放式孔洞發泡塑料49
3.3.2 結實發泡聚氨酯塑料50
3.4 模擬與實驗之比對54
3.5 模擬不同擴孔形狀之錨定強度比較57

第四章 討論60

4.1 髖螺釘槽孔之骨水泥流動性60
4.2 骨水泥增強之錨定效果61
4.3 實驗與模擬之準確性63
4.4 不同擴孔形狀之錨定強度比較65
4.5 實驗設置與變異性67
4.6 有限元素模擬與相關條件設定69

第五章 結論與未來展望70


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