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研究生(外文):Teng-chun Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Power Assignment and Folded Optical Orthogonal Coding for Differential Services in Optical CDMA Networks
指導教授(外文):Jen-fa HuangChao-chin Yang
外文關鍵詞:multimediaextended FOOCsfold optical orthogonal codes (FOOCs)FOOCs of different lengthspower assignment
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此研究的目的是研究在光分碼多重接取(optical code-division multiple-access, OCDMA)網路上的差異性服務。為了因應多種的服務品質,我們提出了兩種架構,一個是針對有差別的位元錯誤率(bit-error-rates, BERs),另一個是針對多重碼長的編碼。此外,我們也對所提出的兩種架構個別分析效能。
針對提供有差別的位元錯誤率,我們提出一個在頻域振幅編碼(spectral-amplitude-coding, SAC)光分碼多重接取系統中,利用功率分配(power assignment)的技術,以提供差異性服務的簡單架構。這個架構主要有三個優點:1)理論上可以消除來自於其他使用者的干擾。2)相較於先前被提出的功率控制技術的架構中,此架構的解碼器比較簡單。3)在網路中,此架構簡化了因應多種服務品質需求的設計過程。此外,我們也提出一組基數(cardinality)與碼長相等的碼,驗證此功率分配的架構。
針對提供多重速率的服務,我們應用折疊光正交碼(folded optical orthogonal codes, FOOCs)產生多重碼長的碼於多速率傳輸的光分碼多重接取網路,此碼稱為延長的折疊光正交碼 (extended FOOCs)。折疊光正交碼的建立方式適用於所有的光正交碼,這個優點也簡化了多重碼長的建立過程。所以延長的折疊光正交碼的生成方式相較於其它二維多重碼長的碼來的簡單,而且對於碼長的選擇也更有彈性。最後,以支援兩個速率的系統前提下,分析延長的折疊光正交碼的效能,也嘗試去分析不同長度的折疊光正交碼之間的效能,並秀出其結果。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the differential services in optical code-division multiple-access (OCDMA) networks. In order to accommodate various quality of service (QOS), there were two schemes to be proposed, one for differential bit-error-rates (BERs) and one for multi-length coding. Moreover, the performances of these two schemes were analyzed, respectively.
For providing differential BERs, one simple scheme to use power assignment was proposed for spectral-amplitude-coding (SAC) OCDMA network. The main advantages of this scheme were: 1) Interference from other users could be eliminated theoretically. 2) The decoder with simple configuration could be used as compared to that in previous power control scheme. 3) The design procedure of various service requirements in one network was simplified. Moreover, one new code family with cardinality equal to code length was used to demonstrate the proposed power assignment scheme.
For providing multi-rate services, one simple generation of multi-length coding that applied folded optical orthogonal codes (FOOCs) was proposed for multi-rate transmission in OCDMA network, and be called extended FOOCs. The construction of FOOCs was applicable to any existing optical orthogonal code, which would simplify the generation of multi-length coding. Therefore, the generation of extended FOOCs was relatively simple among other 2-D multi-length codes for the multi-rate system and flexible to choose the code length by the extended factor. Finally, the performance of extended FOOCs with two rate services was analyzed, and we attempted to analyze the performance of FOOCs of different lengths and show the result.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction to Fiber-Optic Communication 1
1.2 Basic Optical CDMA Concepts 5
1.2.1 Incoherent OCDMA 7 Basic Incoherent OCDMA 8 Spectral-Amplitude-coded (SAC) OCDMA 9
1.2.2 Coherent OCDMA 12 Spectrally Phase Coded (SPC) OCDMA 14 Temporally Phase Coded (TPC) OCDMA 16
1.3 Multimedia OCDMA Network 18
Chapter 2. Overview on Optical CDMA Codes 20
2.1 One-Dimensional Optical Orthogonal Coding 21
2.2 Two-Dimensional Folded OOC 27
Chapter 3. Differentiated Services with Power Assignment for SAC-OCDMA 32
3.1 Modified Stuffed Shifted Prime Code 32
3.2 The Network Using Power Assignment Scheme 36
3.3 System Performance Analysis 40
Chapter 4. Differentiated Services with FOOCs for Multi-rate OCDMA 43
4.1 Folded Optical Orthogonal Codes 43
4.2 The Generation of Extended FOOCs 46
4.3 Performance Analysis 50
4.3.1 Analyzing the Same Group of Extended FOOCs 50
4.3.2 Analyzing the Different Group of Extended FOOCs 60
Chapter 5. Conclusions 67
References 69
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