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研究生(外文):Yu-Chieh Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Measure Accuracy of Template Matching Based on Feature-Based Approach
指導教授(外文):Chin-Hsing Chen
外文關鍵詞:featuretemplate matchingring projection
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本論文提出的樣板比對演算法如下所述。首先,從視覺系統中得到背景影像與樣板影像,且將所需要的樣板特徵在教讀的階段中萃取出來並且儲存,避免在後續的比對過程中重複計算。然後利用高斯金字塔來降低背景影像以及樣板影像的解析度以及大小,接下來讓樣板在背景影像中搜尋目標物件。當樣板移動時,會有一個對應的子背景影像被其覆蓋,我們就藉由環狀投影的方法(RPT)萃取出子背景影像的特徵,利用正規化的相關係數公式來判斷它們的相似程度並且選定粗略搜尋的候選者。這些候選者經由篩選與回復的動作來定義出高解析度比對的搜尋範圍。在高解析度比對的階段裡,將環狀投影結合五維的容積差補法則(five-dimensional cubature formula)來做高解析度的樣板比對。最後,引用二次多項式匹配法則(second-degree polynomial fitting formula)將匹配點定位到子像素準度。

本論文針對所提出的方法,評估其在雜訊干擾以及無雜訊干擾下的匹配精確度與穩定性。三種不同的IC晶片影像被用來當作我們的實驗影像,其中包含了原始影像以及加入不同程度的高斯雜訊影像。根據實驗結果顯示,在水平與垂直方向的匹配誤差皆在0.05公厘以下。在效能方面,於一台備有Pentium 2.6GHz處理器的電腦上,完成單次程序所需要的時間為0.735秒,使用的背景影像大小為512*512且樣板大小為128*128。
Template matching is one of the most common techniques which are used in signal and image processing. It has found applications in image retrieval, image registration, object detection, image recognition and so on. The concept of template matching is illustrated as follows. For a given reference image of an object, decide whether the object exists in a scene image under analysis and find its location. In industrial, accurate and efficient template matching can not only classify products fast but also increase the quantity of output. In this thesis, a precise and robust method is proposed to measure the position of IC packages after displacements. Three kinds of IC package images with and without noisy interference are studied.

The proposed template matching algorithm is described as follows. The features of the template are extracted and saved in the teaching stage in order to avoid computational repetition. Then the Gaussian pyramid method is used for reducing resolution and scaling size. The template is then moved on the scene image and the features of the subimage covered by the template are extracted by the RPT (Ring Projection Transformation) method. The normalized correlation is used to select the matching candidates in the coarse search. These candidates determine the searching range for the fine search. After that, the RPT method combined with the proposed five-dimensional cubature formula is used for the fine search. Finally, a second-degree polynomial fitting formula is used to register the matching positions in subpixel accuracy.

Our proposed method is evaluated in terms of stability and matching accuracy. Three kinds of images with and without noises are used. In our experiments, the matching error is under 0.05mm in horizontal and vertical directions respectively. The computational time of the proposed method takes approximate 0.735 seconds to complete entire operation with Pentium 4 processor of 2.6GHz for a 512*512 scene image and a 128*128 template.
Abstract I
Contents III
Figure Captions V
Table Captions IX
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Related Work 3
1.3 Research Scope and Methods 6
1.4 Organization of The Thesis 7
Chapter 2 Techniques of Image Preprocessing 8
2.1 Introduction 8
2.2 Ring Projection Transformation 8
2.3 The Measurement of Similarity 12
2.4 Image Moments 12
2.4.1 Hu Moments 13
2.4.2 Zernike Moments 16
2.4.3 Radial Chebyshev Moments 21
2.5 Pyramid Methods in Image Processing 26
2.5.1 Gaussian Window Function 26
2.5.2 Gaussian Pyramid 27
Chapter 3 Procedure of Template Matching and The Proposed Method 29
3.1 Introduction 29
3.2 The Procedure of Template Matching 30
3.2.1 Acquiring Images 31
3.2.2 Teaching 32
3.2.3 Coarse Search 33
3.2.4 Fine Search 37
3.2.5 Registering in Subpixel Accuracy 38
3.3 The Proposed Method 39
Chapter 4 Experimental Results and Discussions 47
4.1 Introduction 47
4.2 Evaluation of Accuracy Using Noise-Free Images 47
4.3 Evaluation of Accuracy Using Images with Gaussian Noises 57
4.4 Discussions 71
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work 72
Appendix A 74
The One-Dimension Taylor Expansion 74
The Two-Dimension Taylor Expansion 75
Reference 77
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