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研究生(外文):amber wu
論文名稱(外文):Stock Market Reaction to the Similar Corporate Name in Recommendations?
指導教授(外文):Vivian W. Tai
外文關鍵詞:Behavioral FinanceEfficient MarketNoise TraderSimilar Corporate Name
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In Taiwan stock market, it is worth to discuss that whether the investors can tell similar corporate names of stocks correctly when they receive the recommendation message from stock analysts. The sample data adopted by this study include the daily performance such as returns of stock price, turnover, and trade volume of four pairs of similar corporate-name stocks during the period from January 1, 1995 to June 30, 2004. First, we divide the sample period into two types according to whether the investors can receive recommendation message from analysts, namely recommended period and non-recommended period, and we compare the difference of the correlation between similar corporate name stock data in the two types of periods. Then, we use the event study to explore the correlation between the performance of the recommended stock and the stock with a similar corporate name as the recommended one during the pre-recommended period. And then, we want to examine whether the correlation between similar corporate name stocks is more significant when the recommended stocks with some corporate characteristics preferred by individual investors, such as small scale.
The empirical result shows that the correlation of returns of stock price with similar corporate names is more significant during the recommended period, and indicates that individual investors would be confused about the recommendation message from analysts. However, the confusion has no influence on the fundamentals of stock price. Both the correlations of turnover and trade volume of stocks with similar corporate names are also significant. This might be because individual investors have expectation of stock price due to recommendation message, and they tend to increase the frequency of buying and selling stocks. Moreover, the correlation between similar corporate name stocks is more significant when the recommended stocks have some corporate characteristics such as small scale, low stock price, older corporate age, and more stock share of individual investors.
目錄 I
圖表目錄 II
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究限制 3
第四節 研究架構與流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧與探討 5
第一節 不同於效率市場理論的行為財務學 5
第二節 機構投資人與散戶投資人的差異 5
第三節 雜訊交易相關文獻 8
第四節 公司名稱相關文獻 9
第五節 小結 12
第三章 樣本描述與研究方法 14
第一節 樣本及研究期間 14
第二節 敘述統計 16
第三節 研究方法 19
第四章 實證結果與分析 21
第一節 相關係數 21
第二節 分析師推薦對累積異常報酬與異常交易量的影響 30
第三節 相似名稱公司的市場特徵對雜訊交易者持股的影響 40
第五章 結論與建議 42
第一節 研究結論 42
第二節 給投資人的建議 43
第三節 未來研究建議 45
參考文獻 46

【圖1-1】研究架構與流程 4
【表3-1】實驗組基本資料 15
【表3-2】實驗組及控制組對照表 16
【表3-3】實驗組與控制組在報酬率和交易量之敘述性統計量 17
【表3-4】相似名稱公司股票特徵因素比較 18
【表4-1】實驗組與控制組 ( 1對 1) 之間的相關係數 23
【表4-2】實驗組和自身市場及對方市場(1對1)之間的相關係數 24
【表4-3】樣本推薦次數及期間分佈 25
【表4-4】被推薦股票與相似名稱股票及相似名稱配對股票之報酬相關性 27
【表4-5】被推薦股票與相似名稱股票及相似名稱配對股票之週轉率相關性 28
【表4-6】被推薦股票與相似名稱股票及相似名稱配對股票之成交量相關性 29
【表4-7】第一組配對樣本長鴻及長虹平均異常報酬及累積異常報酬 31
【表4-8】第二組配對樣本高林及高林股平均異常報酬及累積異常報酬 33
【表4-9】第三組配對樣本大成及大成鋼平均異常報酬及累積異常報酬 34
【表4-10】第四組聯華(聯華實)及聯華食平均超額異常報酬及累積超額報酬 35
【表4-11】第一組配對樣本長鴻及長虹平均超額交易量及平均超額週轉率 36
【表4-12】第二組配對樣本高林及高林股平均超額交易量及平均超額週轉率 37
【表4-13】第三組配對樣本大成及大成鋼平均超額交易量及平均超額週轉率 38
【表4-14】第四組聯華(聯華實)及聯華食平均超額交易量及平均超額週轉率 39
【表4-15】被推薦股票與相似名稱股票及相似名稱配對股票之特徵比較 41

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