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論文名稱(外文):A Study on Image Hiding, Authentication, and Recovery
指導教授(外文):Lin, Ja-Chen
外文關鍵詞:Data hidingImage authenticationImage recovery
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在保護重要影像方面,我們設計兩種具有不同修復能力的影像驗證系統。第一種是應用於保護單張重要影像。我們利用某些相關於影像區塊的性質產生驗證資料,並嵌入影像區塊中,可用來檢測影像的完整性。同時,我們利用向量量化編碼產生關於影像的修復資料,並搭配(r, n)門檻式分享方法,分散地藏到影像本身中。使得影像本身除了能偵測是否遭到惡意的竄改之外,還具有自我修復被破壞區域的能力。第二種是應用於多張影像傳輸或分散式儲存時,可能會有因網路或儲存系統不穩定而導致某些影像遺失的情形。為了解決這個問題,我們提出了一個具有交互修復能力的影像驗證系統,亦即設計一套雙層式分享機制來保存所有影像的修復資訊,使得影像本身除了原有的驗證功能之外,還能藉由其它倖存的影像互相合作,來修復那些遺失影像。
In this dissertation, we propose several techniques to protect important data and private images in a transmission or storage system. For a confidential image or secret data, two hiding methods are proposed to conceal the existence of the hidden data in the cover images. Because people often compress digital images to reduce the waiting time of the receiver before transmitting the images, the first method uses the search-order coding to embed secret data in the index file of the vector quantization compression result. The proposed method causes no distortion to the VQ version of the image, and the receiver end can obtain both the hidden data and the VQ image. To embed a bigger confidential image, the MSOC scheme in the second method utilizes the feature of high correlation among adjacent pixels (i.e. neighboring pixels are often with similar gray-values) to encode the important image. An adjustable threshold T is used in the MSOC; and this T directly controls the quality of the extracted image. In the embedding part, we use a variance-based criterion to estimate the hiding capacity of each pixel in the cover image. Then the MSOC code is embedded in the cover image using two sets of modulus function. Experimental results show that the quality of both the stego-images and extracted important images are competitive to those obtained in many existing steganography methods reported recently.
To protect important images in public environment, we develop two image authentication methods along with different recovery abilities. The first method is used to protect a single image. In the method, the authentication data for each block is generated using some related information within the block, and then embedding it into the block to serve as the attestation for the integrity of the image. Meanwhile, the recovery data obtained by vector quantization technique are shared by using an (r, n)-threshold sharing method, and then scattered all over the image. The proposed method can not only detect whether malicious manipulations have occurred, but also self-recover the tampered parts. In the transmission of multiple images, it is possible that the network connection is unstable; and hence, some images at the receiver end are lost. To solve this problem, we develop an image authentication method with cross-recovery ability to protect a group of images. In the method, a two-layer sharing scheme is designed to preserve the recovery data of all images. The proposed method can not only verify the integrity of each member of the image group, but also reconstruct those lost images by the mutual support of the surviving members.
Abstract in Chinese I
Abstract in English III
Acknowledgements V
Table of Contents VI
List of Figures IX
List of Tables XIII

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Related Studies 5
1.2.1 Data Hiding 5
1.2.2 Image Authentication 7
1.2.3 Secret Sharing 10
1.3 Overview of the Dissertation 11
A. Hiding Data Using VQ Index File 12
B. Hiding Images Using Modified Search-Order Coding and Modulus
Function 13
C. A Sharing-Based Authentication and Self-Recovery Method against
Image Tampering 13
D. Authentication and Cross-Recovery for Multiple Images 14
1.4 Dissertation Organization 15

Chapter 2 Hiding Data Using VQ Index File 16
2.1 Review of the Search-Order Coding (SOC) Tool 16
2.2 The Proposed Method 18
2.3 Experimental Results 21
2.4 Summary 22

Chapter 3 Hiding Images Using Modified Search-Order Coding and Modulus
Function 27
3.1 Review of the Modulus Embedding Function 27
3.2 The Proposed Method 31
3.2.1 The Modified Search-Order Coding (MSOC) 31
3.2.2 The Pseudo-Random Permutation of Location 34
3.2.3 The Modulus Embedding Phase on Partitioned Pixels 37
3.2.4 The Extraction Procedure for the Decoding 40
3.3 Experimental Results 41
3.4 Discussions 47
3.4.1 Parameter Setting 47
3.4.2 Using Pseudo-Random Process to Increase Security Level 48
3.5 Summary 49

Chapter 4 A Sharing-Based Authentication and Self-recovery Method against Image Tampering 58
4.1 Introduction 58
4.2 Review of Secret Image Sharing 59
4.3 The Proposed Method (Encoding) 62
4.3.1 Generation of the Recovery Data 62
4.3.2 Generation of the Authentication Data 65
4.3.3 The Embedding Procedure 67
4.4 The Proposed Method (Decoding) 71
4.4.1 Verification 71
4.4.2 Recovery of Tampered Area 72
4.5 Experimental Results 72
4.6 Discussions 75
4.6.1 Modified Version 75
4.6.2 Comparison 75
4.6.3 Security Analysis of the Recovery Data 80
4.6.4 Recovery in Case of Multiple Users 83
4.7 Conclusions 85

Chapter 5 Authentication and Cross-Recovery for Multiple Images 97
5.1 Introduction 97
5.2 The proposed method (Encoding) 100
5.2.1 Generation of the Recovery Data 101
5.2.2 Two-Layer Sharing 103 First-Layer Sharing 103 Second-Layer Sharing 104
5.2.3 Generation of the Authentication Data 106
5.3 The Proposed Method (Decoding) 108
5.3.1 Verification 108
5.3.2 Cross-Recovery of Tampered Images through the Cooperation of Authentic Images 109
5.4 Experimental Results and Robustness-Related Issues 112
5.4.1 Experimental Results 112 Case 1: one watermarked image is lost 112 Case 2: two watermarked images are tampered 113
5.4.2 Robustness-Related Issues 114
5.5 Discussion 115
5.6 Summary 118

Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Works 129
6.1 Conclusions 129
6.2 Future works 133

References 135
Publication List of Yu-Jie Chang
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