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研究生(外文):Kao, Cheng-Lung
論文名稱(外文):Miniaturization of CRLH Leaky-Wave Antennas with Full-Space Steering Capability
指導教授(外文):Chen, Fu-Chiarng
外文關鍵詞:metamaterialscomposite right/left-handedleaky-wave antenna
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本論文中,主要是提出一個不同於傳統洩漏波天線及現有的CRLH(composite right/left handed, CRLH)洩漏波天線需要過長的傳輸線的CRLH洩漏波天線,並應用在三維空間的掃描。
本論文可分為二個主題。第一,利用後設材料(metamaterial)具有很多獨特的性質,設計一個平衡式一維CRLH洩漏波天線。並利用MIM(metal-insulator-metal)電容及接地傳輸線來設計出一維縮短化CRLH洩漏波天線,並運用在天線陣列上。第二,我們將提出一個切換波束天線,結合了我們所設計的天線、PIN二極體控制相位電路與分波器。透過利用PIN二極體的導通與否,造成天線的輸入訊號是否有相位差,使得主波束有偏轉可能,共可提供三種方位。除了本身洩漏波天線的掃頻(frequency scanning)外,另外PIN二極體的導通情況,決定主波束是否偏向,而構成三維空間的掃描。所設計的天線採用平面印刷電路板技術所實現,且有輕薄短小與低姿態的潮流以及不錯的天線輻射特性。
In this thesis, we propose a short CRLH (composite right/left-handed) leaky-wave antenna, which is different from the conventional leaky-wave antenna and latest CRLH leaky-wave antenna. The proposed antenna is used in the full-space scanning.
The thesis can be divided into two themes. First, by utilizing the unique properties of meta-material with MIM capacitor and grounded inductor to design 1-D balanced CRLH leaky-wave antenna. Second, we proposed full-space switching beam scanning antenna combined the previous antenna, power divider, and PIN diode to control the output signal phase of power divider. By employing the PIN diode is on or ff to control the input signal phase of antenna array, and then causes deflection of the main beam. PIN diodes can offer 3 kinds of deflection. Finally, the full-space scanning is composed of frequency- and phase- scanning. In this thesis, all proposed element is implemented by planar print circuit broad, so the full-space switched beam scanning antenna has shorter length of leaky-wave antenna and good radiation performance.

第一章 導論........................1
1.1 研究動機.........................1
1.2 論文架構.........................2
第二章 後設材料及洩漏波天線........4
2.1 後設材料.........................4
2.2 人造傳輸線.......................4
2.3 實現人造傳傳線...................7
2.4 人造傳輸線之應用.................9
2.5 洩漏波天線.......................10
第三章 複合左右手洩漏波天線........12
3.1 基本原理.........................12
3.2 電路單元.........................14
3.3 電路單元模擬與量測分析...........17
3.3.1 TRL校�_........................17
3.3.2 電路單元之散射參數和色散圖.....22
3.4 萃取電路單元之等效電路...........23
3.5 洩漏波天線的電路單元個數.........30
3.6 CRLH 洩漏波天線..................33
3.7 心得與討論.......................38
第四章 三維掃描洩漏波天線..........39
4.1 概述.............................39
4.2 移相器...........................40
4.3 分波器...........................44
4.4 移相器與PIN二極體控制電路........46
4.5 三維空間切換波束掃描天線.........54
4.6 模擬結果與實作量測...............56
4.7 心得與討論.......................65
第五章 結論........................66
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