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研究生(外文):Hsu-pin Lee
論文名稱(外文):The Relationships among the Organizational Climate, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
指導教授(外文):Nien-chi Liu
外文關鍵詞:organizational climateorganizational commitmentorganizational citizenship behavior.
  • 被引用被引用:8
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The performance of organization is the most concerned issue for the organization. Staff and the management systems are the key factors which determining the performance of organization. The promise with a high degree of staff than the promise of low-level employees more likely to engage in extra-role behavior, which will also help enhance the competitiveness of organizations, to lower the turn-over rate, improve productivity and quality.It is extremely important to explore the reason why employees present organizational citizenship behavior, how the employees show their willing to perform, and that is conducive to the performance of organization. This has become one of the most important issues for organization. If enterprises can understand the employees’ motivation and guide them, then the enterprises can get their expectation and respect as well as improving the performance of
organization from the employees.

In this study, organizational climate is used as the independent variables,
organizational commitment is used as the intervening variable, and organizational citizenship behavior is the dependent variable. The purpose of this research is mainly to find out the relationship and the difference among organizational climate, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior. This research used the method of questionnaire survey as the C case company. After analyzing the data with quantitative analysis, together with various kinds of statistic methods, the following important discoveries are stated separately as follows:

1.Organizational climate in rational goal model perception is deeper, then the organizational citizenship is higher.
2.Organizational climate in human relations model perception is deeper, then the organizational commitment is higher.
3.Organizational commitment were positively significant to organizational citizenship behavior.
4.Organizational commitment was found to have a significant mediating effect between organizational climate and organizational citizenship behavior.

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