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研究生(外文):Ying-xue Huang
論文名稱(外文):Applying Heart-cut Techniques to Diagnose Thermal Desorption Profiles of Ambient Volatile Organic Compounds
指導教授(外文):Jia-lin Wang
外文關鍵詞:Heart-cutDeans switchVolatile Organic CompoundsThermal desorption
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最佳化之傳輸管條件為79.5 cm x 0.32 mm i.d.之毛細管空管,且必須另以加熱帶及溫度讀取裝置將溫度控制在200 °C左右。最佳化系統之RSD值可控制在0.66%〜2.00%;線性關係皆在0.999之上;而對稱因子與解析度表現相較於傳統系統,則分別有0.30%〜16.85%及10%左右的提升。本實驗使用切片技術成功達到診斷熱脫附行為之目的,並由實驗結果獲得之資訊進一步對系統進行改良,最終之最佳化系統亦皆有優於傳統系統之層析表現。
Using sorbent traps coupled with GC techniques has become the most common method for ambient VOC measurements. However, the peak shape and resolution is mainly affected by the process of thermal desorption of the sorbent trap. This might induce the uncertainties in quantification. In this study, a Deans switch heart-cut system is used to study the phenomenon. It is equipped with a deactivated capillary column, and a DB-1 column as both the precolumn and the analytical column. By controlling the Deans switch, the analytes can be routed to either the the DB-1 or the deactivated column.
In this study, the desorption of VOCs from the trap without being separated by any column is termed a thermal desorption (TD) peak. The TD peak can represent the profile during thermal desorption of a sorbent trap. Pronounced peak-tailing of the TD peak was found, and was possible arising from the dead volumes in the analytical system. The TD peak was sliced into six portions to be separated by the DB-1 column to the diagnose any discrimination with the VOC composition during the TD process. As an important and related issue of the TD process, the directions of thermal desorption of a sorbent trap were also investigated.
Surface condition of a transfer line after TD was also found to determine to some degree the transfer rates of different species, particularly the heavier compounds. Hence, different types and conditions of the transfer line are also discussed in our research. The optimum transfer line was found to be the deactivated capillary column (length = 79.5 cm, 0.32 mm ID) heated at approximately 200°C. The RSDs are within 0.66-2.00% with R2 no less than 0.999.
A novel application of the Deans switch has been developed by applying the heart-cut technique to diagnose the TD process. This peak-slicing technique not only can exam the TD profile of a sorbent trap, it also further broadens the application aspects of the Deans switch.
中文摘要 .............................................................................................. I
英文摘要 ............................................................................................ III
圖目錄 ............................................................................................... IX
表目錄 ..............................................................................................XIII
第一章 前言 ........................................................................................ 1
1-1 揮發性有機化合物(VOCs) ....................................................... 2
1-1.1 VOCs 之來源 ................................................................. 5
1-1.2 VOCs 對健康之危害 ...................................................... 8
1-1.3 VOCs 造成光煙霧之影響 ............................................... 9
1-2 揮發性有機化合物之分析方法 ............................................... 14
1-3 氣相層析技術沿革與發展 ...................................................... 17
1-4 Heart-cut 技術 ........................................................................ 23
1-4.1 原理簡介 ..................................................................... 23
1-4.2 切換裝置 ..................................................................... 25
1-4.3 應用領域 ..................................................................... 31
1-5 影響峰形變異因子 ................................................................. 32
1-5.1 額外管柱效應 .............................................................. 33
1-5.2 熱脫附行為 ................................................................. 37
1-5.3 拖尾程度之量化因子 ................................................... 41
1-6 研究目的 ............................................................................... 44
第二章 Heart-cut 分析技術................................................................ 46
2-1 樣品前濃縮系統 ..................................................................... 46
2-1.1 氣動閥及管路配置 ....................................................... 46
2-1.2 吸附管製備 ................................................................. 47
2-1.3 溫度控制器 ................................................................. 52
2-1.4 自動控制介面 .............................................................. 52
2-2 前濃縮系統運作機制 ............................................................. 54
2-3 層析系統架構 ........................................................................ 57
2-4 實驗標準品 ............................................................................ 60
第三章 利用Heart-cut 技術診斷熱脫附行為 ...................................... 62
3-1 無益體積對層析峰形之影響 ................................................... 63
3-2 診斷先天熱脫附特性 ............................................................. 69
3-2.1 正向脫附 ..................................................................... 71
3-2.2 逆向脫附 ..................................................................... 78
3-3 正逆向脫附行為之小結 .......................................................... 84
第四章 脫附傳送行為 ........................................................................ 85
4-1 傳輸管溫度 ............................................................................ 85
4-2 傳輸管材質 ............................................................................ 95
4-3 傳輸管管徑 .......................................................................... 101
4-4 傳輸管長度 .......................................................................... 107
4-5 最佳化系統驗證 ................................................................... 112
4-5.1 再現性試驗 ............................................................... 113
4-5.2 檢量線試驗 ............................................................... 113
4-5.3 對稱因子與解析度試驗 .............................................. 114
第五章 結論與未來展望 .................................................................. 119
5-1 結論 .................................................................................... 119
5-2 未來展望 ............................................................................. 120
第六章 參考文獻 ............................................................................. 122
附錄一 ............................................................................................. 127
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