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研究生(外文):Yi-Yan Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Properties of ZnO:Al Transparent Conducting Thin Films and Fabriction of Novel Surface Texturing Structures
指導教授(外文):Shao-Liang Cheng
外文關鍵詞:ZnO:AlMagnetron SputteringDopingBandgap EnergySurface Texturing
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在平整ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜方面,由X光繞射與TEM選區電子繞射可以得知初鍍膜與經真空退火熱處理後的ZnO:Al薄膜為多晶六方晶系結構。TEM橫截面影像更可發現ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜為柱狀晶結構,擇優成長方向為[002]。在X光繞射圖中,經過300-500 ℃真空退火後之ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜,其(002)繞射峰所對應的角度位置,會明顯往高角度偏移。而由ZnO:Al透明導薄膜化學定量元素分析結果顯示,其在薄膜中各化學元素分布相當均勻,且ZnO:Al薄膜經退火前後Zn:O比例皆約1:1。
ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜的電阻率隨退火溫度的提高,會有下降的趨勢。在紫外光-可見光光譜(UV-VIS)中,可觀察到退火後ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜之零度角平均光穿透率與光學能隙會高於初鍍膜ZnO:Al薄膜,且光學能隙會有藍位移的現象。在本研究中,濺鍍功率90 W所沉積之ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜經400 ℃真空退火1小時後擁有最佳的光、電特性,其零度角平均光穿透率與電阻率分別為2.9×10-3 Ω-cm與85.7% (400 nm-800 nm波長範圍)。
表面具有碗形-蜂巢狀規則有序奈米結構之ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜於400 ℃真空退火1小時後,發現其光散射性較平整薄膜可大幅提高。而此種表面具有規則有序奈米結構之ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜,在400 nm-1600 nm波長之光穿透率皆可>80%。此外,在電阻率及FTC (Figure of merit)值之表現上,具有奈米結構的ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜仍保有與平整薄膜相近的結果。
In this study, ZnO:Al transparent conducting oxide thin films were deposited on glass by RF magnetron sputtering system. The structural, surface morphology, mircostructure, optical and electrical properties of flat ZnO:Al thin films before and after annealing have been investigated. In addition, the ZnO:Al films with periodic nonclose-packed, bowl-like nanostructures were successfully fabricated by using the nanosphere lithography (NSL) combined with the sputtering technique.
From XRD and SAED analyses, the as-deposited and post-annealed ZnO:Al thin films were poly-crystalline and exhibited hexagonal structure. According to the cross-sectional TEM examinations, it is clearly revealed that the ZnO:Al thin films exhibit preferred orientation of [002] with columnar structures. In the XRD spetra, peak positions of ZnO:Al (002) plane were found to shift slightly toward higher angles after post-annealing at 300-500 ℃. The EDS line-scan profiles clearly demonstrated that the distributions of Zn, O and Al before and after annealing were uniform throughout the ZnO:Al films. Furthermore, the atomic concentrations of Zn and O in the as-deposited sample were found to be the same as that in the 400 ℃ annealed samples.
The resistivity of ZnO:Al thin films was found to decrease with increasing annealing temperatures. Based on UV-VIS spectra, both the average transmittance and band-gap energies of annealed ZnO:Al thin films were found to be larger than those of as-deposited samples. The ZnO:Al thin films deposited at 90 W and annealed at 400 ℃ in vacuum for 1 h have the optimal electrical and optical properties. Its resisitivity and transmittance were measured to be about 2.9×10-3 Ω-cm and 85.7% (400 nm-800 nm wavelength), respectively.
The light scattering for the 400 ℃ vacuum annealed ZnO:Al thin films with periodic bowl-like nanostructured textures was significantly enhanced. The transmittance of the ZnO:Al thin films with periodic nanostructured textures were > 80% in the ranges of 400-1600 nm. In addition, the resistivity of ZnO:Al thin films with periodic nanostructured textures were similar to that of flat ZnO:Al thin films.
目錄 I
第一章 簡介與文獻回顧 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 太陽能電池 2
1-3 矽晶太陽能電池 2
1-3-1 非晶矽與微晶矽太陽能電池 3
1-3-2 堆疊型太陽能電池結構 4
1-4 透明導電氧化物(Transparent Conducting Oxide Film, TCO)薄膜 4
1-4-1 透明導電薄膜材料 5
1-4-2 透明氧化物導電薄膜導電機制 6
1-4-3 氧化銦透明電極 7
1-4-4 氧化錫透明電極 8
1-4-5 氧化鋅透明電極 9
1-5 透明導電氧化物薄膜中之Burstein-Moss效應 10
1-6 ZnO:Al薄膜表面粗糙化製程 12
1-7 ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜的製備 14
1-8 濺鍍條件對ZnO:Al薄膜性質的影響 15
1-8-1 基板溫度 15
1-8-2 靶材成分(摻雜濃度)與濺鍍功率 16
1-8-3 鍍膜壓力與鍍膜氣氛 16
1-8-4 靶材位置 17
1-9 研究動機與實驗目的 18
第二章 實驗步驟 20
2-1 實驗步驟 20
2-1-1 ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜薄膜特性分析 20
2-1-2 ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜表面粗糙化製程 20
2-2 實驗材料與前處理 21
2-3 實驗設備 21
2-3-1 濺鍍系統(Sputtering System) 21
2-3-2 真空退火系統(Vacuum Annealing System) 22
2-3-3 高密度電漿蝕刻機(HDP) 22
2-4 實驗分析設備 22
2-4-1 四點探針 22
2-4-2 紫外光-可見光光譜儀 23
2-4-3 XRD繞射分析 24
2-4-4 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM) 24
2-4-5 穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM) 24
2-4-6 高分辨穿透式電子顯微鏡(HRTEM)與能量散佈光譜儀(EDS) 25
第三章 結果與討論 26
3-1 ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜之製備 26
3-1-1 濺鍍法製備ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜 26
3-1-2 ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜之真空熱退火處理 27
3-2 ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜顯微結構 30
3-3 退火對於ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜之結構與光、電特性的影響 32
3-4 ZnO:Al (002)平面之X光繞射角度偏移機制 35
3-5 ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜表面規則奈米結構粗糙化製程與分析 37
3-5-1 ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜表面規則排列奈米球陣列 38
3-5-2 兩階段ZnO:Al透明導電薄膜沉積 39
3-5-3 碗形-蜂巢狀ZnO:Al規則奈米結構之光、電特性 41
第四章 結論與未來展望 44
4-1 結論 44
4-2 未來展望 45
4-2-1 太陽能電池前電極 45
4-2-2 太陽能電池背電極(反射電極層) 46
參考文獻 47
表目錄 55
圖目錄 60
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