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研究生(外文):Chi-An Chueh
論文名稱(外文):Research on Strain-relaxation in Hydrogen-Implanted SiGe/Si Heterostructure and Fabrication of SiGe Nano-Wire Arrays
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Wei Lee
外文關鍵詞:UHV/CVDEpitaxyStrain relaxationSiGe
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此外,隨著尺寸的縮小所造成的量子效應,使得具有奈米結構之矽基材料受到廣大地注目。近幾年來,一維半導體奈米線的基本研究和潛在應用十分熱門。由於其優秀之電子及光電特性可應用在電子元件,光電元件,偵測器,及場發射元件。由於鍺具有不同之能帶架構,矽鍺奈米線和其他矽鍺異質結構對於將來的奈米電子和奈米光電子學應用非常具有潛力。 各種各樣製作一維矽基奈米結構之方法已經發展多時,如蒸氣-液體-固體成長機制。然而此方法一般需要高溫,高真空,及複雜之設備。金屬催化蝕刻法已經被作為一種方法成功發展用建立單晶矽基奈米線。在本研究中,矽鍺奈米線利用金之觸媒作用與聚苯乙烯奈米球微影術,藉由上至下化學蝕刻法在矽鍺虛擬基材上形成。接著利用矽鍺選擇性氧化,來達到提高鍺之濃度已形成高純度鍺之矽鍺奈米線。
Recently, the applications of relaxed SiGe layers in the silicon-based electronics and photonic devices attract many attentions. The high carrier mobility of silicon channel through the adjustable lattice constant, designed energy band and defect engineering can be utilized as the start material for high-speed electronics and photonic devices. The conventional relaxed SiGe buffer layer has thick layer and rough surface. Such a structure resulted in the device with thick thickness and high cost, which suffer deterioration later lithography process and heat-up problem. In this thesis a new buffer with highly relaxed and thin relaxed SiGe layer is proposed. In this thesis, we studied thin relaxed Si1-xGex films by hydrogen ion implantation. A Si0.8Ge0.2 film grown on the substrate consisting of Si:B/Si substrate. H+ ions implant atom with dose of 2×1016 cm-2 was used as the ion source. After RTA treatment, the relaxation (78%) of Si0.8Ge0.2 on Si:B/Si is higher than that without buried boron layer and without ion implantation. By the research in this thesis, thin and relaxed SiGe can be achieved and serves as the potential candidate of starting materials for the strain-Si devices, III-V photonic devices, and solar cells.
In addition, silicon nanostructures have attracted much attention because of their unusual quantum properties and potential applications. One-dimensional semiconductor nanowires have excited much interest recently owing to their importance in fundamental research and potential applications in nanotechnologies. The exhibited unique structural, optical and electronic properties have made them the most promising material systems in areas as diverse as single electron devices, optoelectronics, sensors, and cold cathodes for field-emission displays. With different energy band structure of Germanium, SiGe nanowires and other heterostructures are highly desirable for future nano-electronics and nano-photonics applications. Various methods have been developed to prepare one-dimensional silicon nanostructures, like vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth mechanism. However, the growth mechanisms have some limitations as they generally need a high temperature or a high vacuum, templates and complex equipment, or they employ hazardous silicon precursors. Metal catalytic etching has been successfully developed as a method to fabricate silicon nanowires with uniform orientation. In this work, we report the formation of Si0.8Ge0.2 nanowires on Si substrates using Au assisted top-down chemical etching with polystyrene nanosphere lithography (PS NSL). And by the oxidation for SiGe, the composition of germanium in SiGe nanowires is condensed to form the high germanium consistence nanowires.

Abstract I
Acknowledgement V
Contents VI
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1.1 An Overview------------------------------------------1
1.2 Introduction for SiGe Heterostructures---------------3
1.2.1 SiGe Thin Film-------------------------------------4
1.3 Si/SiGe Heterostructure for C-MOSFETs----------------5
1.3.1 SiGe for p-type MOSFET-----------------------------6
1.3.2 Strain Si for n-type MOSFET------------------------7
CHAPTER 2 SiGe Heterostructure
2.1 Material Properties---------------------------------11
2.1.1 Lattice Constants and Lattice Mismatch------------11
2.1.2 Critical Thickness of Si1-xGex on Si--------------13
2.2 Si/Si1-xGex Heterostructures------------------------15
2.2.1 Electronic Properties-----------------------------17
2.2.2 Strain versus Energy Bands------------------------18
2.3 SiGe Virtual Substrates-----------------------------25
2.3.1 Introduction to SiGe Virtual Substrates-----------25
2.3.2 Dislocation and Threading Arms--------------------25
2.4 Fabrication of High-Quality SiGe Thin Film----------29
2.4.1 Relaxed Graded Buffer Technique-------------------29
2.4.2 Compliant Substrates------------------------------30
2.4.3 Low-Temperature Si Buffer Layer-------------------31
2.4.4 Hydrogen Ion Implantation-------------------------32
CHAPTER 3 Boron-induced Relaxation in Hydrogen-implanted SiGe/Si(001) Heterostructures
3.1 Motivation------------------------------------------37
3.2 Experimental Procedures-----------------------------38
3.2.1 Transmission Electron Microscope Observation------39
3.2.2 Atomic Force Microscope Observation---------------41
3.2.3 Raman Spectrometer Analysis-----------------------41
3.2.4 High Resolution X-ray Diffraction Analysis--------41
3.2.5 Etch Pit Density Measurements---------------------42
3.3 Results &Discussion---------------------------------42
3.4 Conclusion------------------------------------------61
CHAPTER 4 Nanotechnology
4.1 An Overview-----------------------------------------65
4.2 Nanomaterials---------------------------------------69
4.2.1 One-Dimensional Nanomaterials---------------------70
4.2.2 1D Semiconductor and Semiconductor Oxide Nanostructures------------------------------------------70
4.2.3 Silicon Nanowires---------------------------------71
4.2.4 The Characteristics of SiGe-----------------------72
4.3 Self-Assembly---------------------------------------73
4.4 Nanosphere Lithography------------------------------74
4.4.1 Structure of Particle Array-----------------------78
4.5 Self-Assemble Nanosphere Technology-----------------79
4.5.1 Drop Methods--------------------------------------79
4.5.2 Electrostatic Deposition--------------------------79
4.5.3 Dip-Coating---------------------------------------80
4.5.4 Langmuir-Blodgett Coating-------------------------80
4.5.5 Spin-Coating--------------------------------------81
Gold Catalysis in the Fabrication of SiGe Nanowires Arrays
5.1 Motivation------------------------------------------87
5.2 Experimental Procedures-----------------------------88
5.2.1 Scanning Electron Microscope Observation----------90
5.3 Results &Discussion---------------------------------91
5.4 Conclusion-----------------------------------------103
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