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研究生(外文):Chia-wang Weng
論文名稱(外文):The effect of Ni addition on hydrogen storage properties of Mg17Al12 alloy
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Long Lee
外文關鍵詞:Mg17Al12NiXRDPCIHydrogen storage alloys
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  本研究利用鑄造法結合退火熱處理製備高純度Mg17Al12合金,再利用球磨法製備出Mg17Al12+X wt.% Ni (X=0,10,20)合金,並透過充分活化與PCI測試,以研究該合金之吸放氫性質,期望藉由Ni的添加,以催化Mg17Al12合金,降低合金之吸放氫溫度並改善其吸放氫動力學。

  Mg17Al12 alloy was prepared by melting method followed by annealing ,and then ball-milled with Ni for 3 hours to obtain Mg17Al12- X wt.% Ni (X=0,10,20) composite. XRD results showed that no new phases formed during ball milling ,all of the diffraction peaks correspond to Mg17Al2 and Ni. In the activation test, Mg17Al12-20 wt.% Ni composite showed the most rapid absorption rate and highest hydrogenation fraction, followed by Mg17Al12-10 wt.% Ni and pure Mg17Al12 , showed that Ni addition is useful to improve the hydrogenation properties of Mg17Al12 alloy. The hydrogenation reaction of Mg17Al12-Ni composite had been clarified by PCI and XRD, after cycles of hydriding/dehydriding, the composition of composite will changed from (Mg17Al12+Ni) to (Mg17Al12+Al3Ni+ Al3Ni2+Mg), led the hydrogenation reaction to proceed in 3 stage. This behavior is clearly visible from multi- plateaux of PCI curves.
誌 謝 ...............................................iii
總 目 錄.................................................iv
圖 目 錄.................................................vi
表 目 錄.............................................. viii

一、 前言與文獻回顧.................................1
1.1 儲氫合金發展簡介.................................1
1.2 儲氫合金之種類與介紹.............................2
1.3 儲氫合金儲放氫基本原理...........................3
1.3.1 動力學性質.....................................3
1.3.2 熱力學性質.....................................5
1.4 Mg-Al儲氫合金介紹................................9
1.5 研究背景與實驗目的..............................12
二、 實驗步驟與方法................................14
2.1 製備合金流程....................................15
2.2 球磨合金流程....................................15
2.3 X 光繞射分析(X-ray diffraction methods,XRD) ...16
2.4 電子微探針分析(EPMA)............................16
2.5 合金儲放氫特性測試..............................16
2.5.1 合金活化……………………………………………………16
2.5.2 PCI曲線(Pressure-composition-isothermal curves,
三、 結果與討論....................................18
3.1 微結構分析......................................18
3.2 活化測試與吸氫速率比較..........................20
3.3 PCI曲線量測與結構分析….........................27
四、 結論..........................................35
五、 未來研究與方向................................36
六、 參考文獻.....................................37
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