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Author (Eng.):Chia-Lin Chuang
Title (Eng.):The Advantages and Disadvantages of Tabletop Computing Environment for Collaborative Learning
Advisor:劉晨鐘劉晨鐘 author reflink
advisor (eng):Chen-Chung Liu
Narrow Field:教育學門
Detailed Field:教育科技學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2009
Graduated Academic Year:97
number of pages:83
keyword (chi):協同探究合作學習桌面計算環境探究式學習
keyword (eng):Tabletop Computing EnvironmentsInquiry-Based LearningCollaborative InquiryCollaborative learning
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As rapid development of technology, computers can provide many kinds of learning environment to support learner engaging in inquiry activities in different ways of collaboration, for example, face-to-face scientific collaborative inquiry learning. Some research indicates that computers cannot effectively support group to collaborate and interact, but the tabletop computing environment can effectively support. However, current tabletop computing environment are mostly used to help group to collaborate, thus we hopes to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of tabletop computing environment for collaborative learning.

This research will design a tabletop computing environment to simulate the physical movement of the ball projectile. Researcher will provide learners many authentic tools with a single function. Group members could move freely and get tools to operate and measure the speed of balls with tabletop to learn the related scientific concepts. Participants are 20 senior 2 students divided into 4 groups. Research methods was that two independent observers observe the scene and record the group behaviors, and then researchers would categorize and analyze the observed records to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the desktop computing environment for collaborative learning. We will show up our findings in this research.
中文摘要 I
誌 謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與問題 3
1.3 論文架構 3
第2章 文獻探討 4
2.1 電腦模擬支援面對面科學合作探究 4
第3章 系統介紹 7
3.1 設計理念 7
3.2 系統開發 7
3.3 系統環境介紹 9
3.4 活動設計 12
3.4.1 活動流程 13
第4章 研究方法 16
4.1 研究對象 16
4.2 研究時程 16
4.3 研究工具 17
4.3.1 硬體設備 18
4.3.2 軟體開發 18
4.3.3 現場觀察與影片分析 18
4.3.4 問卷調查 22
第5章 實驗結果與討論 23
5.1 分散工具 23
5.2 實踐與操弄 28
5.3 索引的手勢 38
5.4 位置自由性 44
5.5 缺點 56
第6章 結論與未來工作 60
6.1 結論 60
6.2 研究限制 61
6.3 未來工作 62
參考文獻 63
附錄A 問卷 66
附錄B結果報告書 67

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