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研究生(外文):Shu-Huei Wang
論文名稱(外文):The study of relationship between temperature and development of thelytokous parthenogensis ant Cerapachys biroi (Formicidae: Cerapachyinae) in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chung-Chi Lin
外文關鍵詞:Cerapachys biroiobligatory thelytokylife cyclethreshold of development temperatureeffective accumulated temperature
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畢氏粗角蟻是一種行專性孤雌產雌型特殊生殖行為的粗角蟻亞科螞蟻,目前對這種螞蟻的研究還不多,己知其為肉食性螞蟻、無固定蟻巢、行游牧生活,主要分佈在印澳區與東洋區的熱帶、亞熱帶環境,群落中的成蟻會因為幼期個體的生殖週期狀態而產生相對應的二種週期性行為;當幼期個體處於幼蟲期時,成蟻進入覓食期,搜索食物餵食幼蟲,而當幼蟲進入蛹期,則成蟻進入靜止期,並開始再次產卵進入卵期。本論文在探討畢氏粗角蟻的生活史,觀察不同恆溫下畢氏粗角蟻的生長發育狀態。結果發現,在低於20 ℃下,其生殖週期明顯延長或不產卵;30 ℃以上,生殖週期縮短或不產卵。在24~30 ℃的溫度範圍間,各蟲期之平均發育期,隨溫度升高而縮短,以30 ℃之發育為最快,自卵孵化至成蟻平均為33.8±1.92天,而以24 ℃的發育時間最慢,平均為55.3±2.62天,畢氏粗角蟻卵期、幼蟲期、蛹期及全生活史的發育起點溫度分別為18.80 ℃、12.61 ℃、14.57 ℃、14.84 ℃,而各蟲期的有效積溫則分別為卵期68.84日度、幼蟲期223.50日度、蛹期214.75日度、全生活史501.93日度。此結果,可推知,溫度會影響畢氏粗角蟻的生長發育速率,可做為大量飼養的基本資料,並可依此推測畢氏粗角蟻地理分布上的範圍。
Cerapachys biroi, an obligatory thelytokous cerapachyine ant, was poorly studied. However, this ant was known myrmecophagous, nested in soil or underneath of stones and displayed a nomadic life style. It was widespread in tropical Asia and also introduced in Polynesia and the West Indies. It’s colony was also characterized by a phasic reproductive cycle and composed of two alternating phases of foraging and statary. The foraging phase is characterized by raids triggered to feed developing larvae. During the statary phase, the workers lay eggs and pupae were developed. The purpose of this paper investigated the life cycle of Cerapachys biroi. To observe the Cerapachys biroi development at different constant temperatures. The reproductive cycle was obviously prolonged or not laying eggs when the temperature is below 20 ℃. On the contrary, when the temperature up above 30 ℃, the cycle was reduced or not laying eggs. The hatching rate increased as the temperature rose from 24~30 ℃ temperature region. At various temperatures, it took the longest duration, 55.3±2.62 days from egg become adult at 24 ℃, the shortest duration, 33.8±1.92 days at 30 ℃. The results showed threshold of development temperature for the eggs, larvae, pupae and total life cycle were 18.80, 12.61, 14.57 and 14.84 ℃, respectively. And the effective accumulated temperature were 68.84, 223.50, 214.75 and 501.93 day-degree. The results can predict some information for mass production of this ant and to presume the geographic distribution.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
目錄 iv
表次 v
圖次 vi
壹、前言 1
一、孤雌生殖 4
二、有效積溫 7
三、溫度對螞蟻生長發育的影響 11
四、畢氏粗角蟻的生物特性 12
一、研究材料 14
二、材料來源與飼育環境 15
三、研究方法 19
肆、 結果
一、畢氏粗角蟻的食性與生殖週期前期研究 21
二、溫度對畢氏粗角蟻生殖週期的影響 26
三、計算發育起點溫度及有效積溫 32
一、溫度對畢氏粗角蟻生殖週期的影響 36
二、畢氏粗角蟻的發育速率、發育起點溫度及有效積溫 37
陸、參考文獻 39

表一 五種具有孤雌產雌生殖模式的螞蟻 2
表二 溫區的劃分和昆蟲在不同溫區內的反應 7
表三 畢氏粗角蟻的採集地點、採集時間、採集數量與編號 15
表四 不同群落畢氏粗角蟻在不同溫度下各齡期發育所需日數 27
表五 畢氏粗角蟻在不同溫度下各齡期發育時間之ANOVA分析 30
表六 畢氏粗角蟻各齡期發育起點溫度、孵化所需之有效積溫
及導算出之溫度與發育速率的理論公式 33
表七 畢氏粗角蟻各齡期發育起點溫度和發育速率回歸分析 35

圖一 膜翅目孤雌產雌的可能細胞形成機制有4 種模式。 5
圖二 畢氏粗角蟻﹙Cerapachys biroi 14
圖三 畢氏粗角蟻的採集地點 16
圖四 人工蟻巢規格與設置。 18
圖五 實驗用生長箱。 20
圖六 畢氏粗角蟻的各個生長時期。 23
圖七 畢氏粗角蟻的行為觀察。 24
圖八 畢氏粗角蟻的行為週期與生殖週期。 25
圖九 畢氏粗角蟻生殖週期的觀察。 25
圖十 畢氏粗角蟻各齡期平均發育時間與溫度的線性分析 28
圖十一 畢氏粗角蟻各齡期在不同溫度下的平均生長發育時間。 30
圖十二 不同溫度下,畢氏粗角蟻的生殖週期平均時間。 31
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