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研究生(外文):Pin-Ju Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship of Price Limits and Stock Returns-Empirical Evidence from Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Che-Peng Lin
外文關鍵詞:Price Limitsprice discoverymagnet effectinvestment performanceANOVA analysis
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本研究檢視2007 年11 月至2009 年1 月間台灣漲跌幅限制與停板股票
This study examines the relationship between price limits and stock returns by constructing
daily limits-hit portfolios from YAHOO stock tracker provided by Taiwan Stock Exchange
(TSE). Limits-hit stocks are classified into close-limit-hit (stock prices hit limits and are
closed at limit) and intraday-limit-hit (stock prices hit limits during the trading day but are
not closed at limit) stocks.
We use ANOVA approach to investigate the subsequent one day and two day stock returns
and investment performance. Results indicate that price limits play a key role in explaining
their performance after limits hit. We find full evidence as to the delayed price discovery
process for close-limit-hit stocks, whereas magnet effect is only observed from
up-hit-intraday stocks. Even after controlling for the risk, we find similar results on
investment performance. It means that the abnormal returns of close-limit-hit stocks are
driven more by price limits rather than by risk taking. Moreover, results present that the
performance of close-limit-hit stocks have prominent difference with that of market, but
intraday-limit-hit stocks have inconsistent evidence till day 2.
In addition, we document that investors’ loss aversion may cause the difference between
upward and downward movements. Last of all, we draw two main conclusions about our
studies: Firstly, the imposition of price limits indeed interfere the normal reaction of stock
prices. Secondly, price limits can provide helpful information for investors when they are
making investment decisions.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
 1. Price Limits Effects 7
  1.1 Price Limits in Other Countries 9
  1.2 Price Limits in Taiwan 15
 2. Loss Aversion 20
Chapter 3 Data and Methodology 23
 1. Data 23
 2. Methodology 25
  2.1Test the Return Difference 26
   2.1.1 Subsequent One Day 26
   2.1.2 Subsequent Two Days 29
  2.2Test the Risk-Adjusted Return Difference-Treynor
Index 31
  2.3Test the Risk-Adjusted Return Difference-Sharpe
Index 33
  2.4Test the Magnitude Difference 34
Chapter 4 Empirical Results and Analysis 38
 1. Subsequent Returns After Prices Hit Limits 38
  1.1 Subsequent One Day 38
  1.2 Subsequent Two Days 41
 2. Subsequent Treynor Index After Prices Hit Limits 42
 3. Subsequent Sharpe Index After Prices Hit Limits 45
 4. Subsequent Return Magnitude After Prices Hit Limits 46
Chapter 5 Conclusion 50
References 53

List of Figures
Figure3.1-1 Market Index over November 2007 to January 2009 62
Figure3.1-2 Market Return over November 2007 to January 2009 62

List of Tables
Table2.1.1 World Stock Exchanges and Price Limits 57
Table3.1-1 Stock-Ratings of Upward Movements for TSE Market on January 7,2009 58
Table3.1-2 Sample Portfolios 61
Table3.2.2 One-year time deposit fixed interest rate 63
Table4.1.1 Return Difference Subsequent One Day 64
Table4.1.2 Return Difference Subsequent Two Days 65
Table4.2-1 Treynor Index Difference Subsequent One Day 66
Table4.2-2 Treynor Index Difference Subsequent Two Days 67
Table4.3-1 Sharpe Index Difference Subsequent One Day 68
Table4.3-2 Sharpe Index Difference Subsequent Two Days 69
Table4.4 Magnitude Difference Subsequent One Day 70
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