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研究生(外文):Sih-wei Lee
論文名稱(外文):The Alienation Effect in Bertolt Brecht's Mother Courage and Her Children and Thornton Wilder's Our Town
指導教授(外文):Shuei-may Chang
外文關鍵詞:alienation effectdramatic illusionnaturalistic theatreepic theatre
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This thesis is an investigation on the alienation effect in Bertolt Brecht’s Mother Courage and Her Children and Thornton Wilder’s Our Town. In Brecht’s (1898-1956) and Wilder’s (1897-1975) times, naturalistic theatre, also named middle-class theatre, dominated performances in the west. However, both dramatists are dissatisfied with naturalistic theatre because it creates the dramatic illusion which draws the audience into an empathetic state and deprives them of any independent thinking in the creation of dramatic presentation. Naturalistic theatre presents a realistic stage which brings to the audience a sense of absolute authenticity and thus reduces their will to participate in the creation of a play. Hence, both dramatists strive to reform the theatre of their times and endeavor to achieve the instructive function of theatre. They hold similar theatrical creeds; for example, both dramatists try to destroy the dramatic illusion, emphasize audience participation, and instruct the audience in their plays. The resemblances between both dramatists show the objectives that the alienation effect sets out to achieve. The alienation effect attempts to break the illusion, involves the audience in thinking rather than stirs their emotional identification, and conveys an allegory to the audience. Therefore, this study takes the alienation effect as the departure point and also the theoretical framework to do a comparison between Mother Courage and Our Town.
Chapter One: Introduction 1
Chapter Two: Anti-Illusion
I. The Insertion of Songs in Mother Courage 21
II. The Use of the Stage Manager in Our Town 33
Chapter Three: The Symbolic Stage
I. Mother Courage
A. The Wagon 42
B. Kattrin’s Dumb Shows 47
II. Our Town
A. The Props 51
B. The Pantomime 56
Chapter Four: The Episode
I. Juxtapositions of Wartime Scenes in Mother Courage 60
II. Juxtapositions of Human Activities in Our Town 70
Chapter Five: Conclusion 80
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