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論文名稱(外文):Muse’s Myth:On Claude Cahun’s Photographic World
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法國藝術家、攝影家兼作家,克洛德.卡恩(Claude Cahun, 1894-1954)原名露西.書沃博,和他的繼母姊妹蘇珊娜.馬勒埃伯(Suzanne Malherbe, 1892-1972,筆名馬賽爾.摩爾)維持終生合作和伴侶的關係。卡恩留下了許多類型的創作,包括文學和戲劇,以及日益著名的現存攝影作品資料。雖然這些珍貴的遺作大多未曾在他生前公開展示,但藉由許多學者試圖研究卡恩在這些作品中所呈現的立場和關係,如今也使得這些作品重新被賦予它們的存在價值。
Claude Cahun (25 October 1894 – 8 December 1954) born Lucie Renee Schwob. She was a French artist, photographer, writer, surrealist and collaborator and partner of her stepsister, Suzanne Malherbe (1892-1972, also known by her pseudonym Marcel Moore). Cahun left a legacy of artistic work in a variety of media including literature and theatre, as well as her increasingly famous corpus of extant photographic image. These precious traces of Claude Cahun’s presence, most of which were never exhibited in her lifetime, have now become endowed with an existence of their own, perused by scholars attracted by how Cahun speaks to their own position and concerns.
Focusing on an early self-portrait, I want to examine Cahun’s work in relationship with Symbolist icons of femininity. I want also to relate Cahun’s photographs to concepts of masking, travesty, disguise and mimicry. Cultural historians usually have a theory of what makes a person, whether this person is the writer herself or the subject of her book. A self combines both conscious and unconscious factors influenced by class, sexuality, gender, ethnicity, culture, economics, politics, upbringing and so forth. Born into a family of Jewish intellectuals on her father’s side, a lesbian, and a supporter of far left political beliefs she sincerely tried to put into practice, Cahun constructed for herself, and inhabited, a number of diverse identities, the relative importance of which shifted in relation to one another, and the production of her photographic work, throughout her life. Cahun lived through, worked in and contributed to some of the major upheavals of the first half of the twentieth century. Her work was both political and personal, and often played with the concepts of gender and sexuality. Her avant-garde strategies and images are illuminated, I feel, by relating them not only to avant-garde practices but to mass-culture imagery of make-up, masks and mirrors, all devices which Chun used in her own work. Cahun's long-term entanglement and stalemate with the art world, seems to be all expressed these works revealing her Self-Structure on life. Through self-portrait and peculiar expression Cahun reached unique art function.
第一章 楔子----------------------------------- 3
第一節 邂逅一雙凝視的眼 ------------------------ 3
第二節 拼貼時空的切片 -------------------------- 7
第三節 假面的交會 ----------------------------- 8
第二章 不安定的靈魂 --------------------------- 12
第一節 精神病理學的種子 ----------------------- 12
第二節 性別越界時期 --------------------------- 19
第三節 超現實的自我探尋 ----------------------- 26
第四節 社會運動與反法西斯主義 ------------------ 33
第三章 對鏡梳妝---扮裝攝影作品 ----------------- 42
第一節 抗命的梅杜莎 --------------------------- 43
第二節 安能辨我是雄雌 ------------------------- 46
一、 知識的力量 ----------------------------- 46
二、 「少年」的原型 --------------------------- 47
三、 對鏡貼花黃 ----------------------------- 51
四、 雌雄莫辨又何傷 ------------------------- 52
五、 我在練習中,不要吻我 -------------------- 53
第三節 金色佛陀的體現 ------------------------- 56
第四節 面具狂歡節 ----------------------------- 59
第五節 納西瑟斯與雌雄同體 ---------------------- 62
第四章 用分岔的舌頭說話---攝影蒙太奇作品 -------- 65
第一節 用相機寫散文詩 ------------------------- 65
第二節 性與恐懼 ------------------------------ 66
第三節 自戀及其不滿 --------------------------- 69
第四節 神秘的影子 ----------------------------- 71
第五節 流變的離散與回歸 ------------------------ 75
第五章 結論 ---------------------------------- 78
參考文獻 --------------------------------------- 81
圖版目錄 --------------------------------------- 85
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