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研究生(外文):Min-Hung Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Genetic population structure of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) in western coast of Taiwan based on microsatellite DNA
指導教授(外文):Chien-Hsien Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Mugil cephalusMicrosatellite DNApopulation structure
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烏魚(Mugil cephalus) 是台灣重要經濟魚類之一,在台灣沿海的烏魚族群可分為洄游型(migratory type, M-type) 與本地型 (resident type, R-type) 兩種,其外型無法加以區分。為了解烏魚在台灣西部海域的族群分化以及遺傳結構,本研究利用粒線體DNA 16S rRNA片段進行擴增片段限制酶多型性(PCR-RFLP) 方法對兩型烏魚樣本進行系群判別,並利用五個微衛星基因座(microsatellite loci) 進行基因交流程度分析。
本研究包括3個採樣點共173尾樣本:(一) 布袋港 (2008年11月) 港內24尾,(二) 大鵬灣 (2008年12月) 96尾,(三) 興達港 (2009年1月) 外海53尾。根據PCR-RFLP的結果,可將布袋港、大鵬灣和興達港採樣到的烏魚區分為本地第一型(R-typeI) 、本地第二型(R-typeII) 與洄游型(M-type) 三類群。利用微衛星基因座的對偶基因資料進行AMOVA與族群數分析的結果顯示台灣地區的烏魚族群為隨機交配單元(panmictic unit)。
Grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) is one of the most important economic fish in the coastal waters of Taiwan. They are divided into at least two groups (migratory and residential type). To find out the level of genetic divergence and gene flow between them, we use mtDNA 16S RFLP to identify migratory and residential type and investigate genetic variations of the 5 microsatellite loci.
We analyze 173 grey mullet fishes from 3 different locations of Taiwan, where are PuDai prot, TaPong bay and Xing Da port. According to the results of PCR-RFLP, they can be divided into residential type I (R-type I), II (R-type II) and migratory type (M-type). The genetic data of microsatellite are analyzed by AMOVA and assignment tests, they shows that the grey mullet populations in western coast of Taiwan is a panmictic unit.
The discordant genetic structuring patterns inferred based on mitochondrial and microsatellite data might indicate that the two different classes of molecular markers may be reflecting different and complementary aspects of the evolutionary history of grey mullet. Mitochondrial data might be reflecting past isolation of grey mullet populations into two distinct groups during last ice age, whereas microsatellite data reveal existence of current gene flow among populations. Moreover, departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) in several loci were not only suggest western coast of Taiwan is an important spawning and nursery area, but also inferred grey mullet population may be subject to selective pressure in environmental temperature.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
1.1研究背景 1
1.1.1 烏魚簡介 1
1.1.2 烏魚族群研究回顧 3
1.1.3 大洋性魚類的特徵 5
1.1.4 分子生物技術在族群遺傳學的研究 7
1.1.5 粒線體DNA簡介 9
1.1.6 微衛星DNA簡介 11
1.2 研究動機與目的 14
2.1 烏魚族群分化與遺傳結構分析 16
2.1.1 樣品採集 16
2.1.2 DNA萃取 16
2.1.3 粒線體16S rRNA PCR-RFLP 17
2.1.4 微衛星DNA PCR擴增與基因片段定序 18
2.1.5 資料分析 18 分析遺傳變異(Genetic variation) 18 哈溫平衡檢定(Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium) 19 分析遺傳分化程度(Genetic differentiation) 19 分析族群結構 (Population structure) 21
2.2 河口烏魚苗類群的時空變化 22
2.2.1 樣本採集 22
2.2.2 DNA萃取 22
2.2.3 烏魚苗類群判別 22
3.1 烏魚系群的辨別 23
3.2 烏魚微衛星基因座的遺傳變異 23
3.3 偏離哈溫平衡 24
3.4 烏魚族群的遺傳距離 24
3.5 族群結構 25
3.6 河口烏魚苗的時空分佈 26
4.1 遺傳變異程度 27
4.2 偏離哈溫平衡 29
4.3烏魚的族群結構 31
4.4相關生活史特徵和歷史因子對烏魚族群結構的影響 32
4.5影響河口烏魚苗的時空分佈原因 35
伍、總結 36
陸、參考文獻 37
表 53
圖 65
附錄 74
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