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研究生(外文):Wan-Ju Huang
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Absorption Properties of Activated Carbon Fibers Prepared from Wood Pulp
指導教授(外文):Han Chien Lin
中文關鍵詞:纖維狀活性碳二氧化碳活化法水蒸氣活化法針/闊葉樹未漂硫酸鹽紙漿SEM 觀察吸附性能
外文關鍵詞:Activated Carbon Fibers (ACFs)CO2 ActivationSteam ActivationNabelhdz/Laubolz Unbleached Kraft Pulps (NUKP/LUKP)SEM ObservationAbsorption performances
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本研究目的係使用針/闊葉樹未漂硫酸鹽紙漿作為試材,並以不同物理活化方式製備纖維狀活性碳,分別為二氧化碳活化法與水蒸氣活化法 (活化溫度:750、800、850、900 ℃,活化時間:30、60、90 min),以探討針/闊葉樹紙漿之纖維於不同細胞形態構造下經炭化與活化製備後,其纖維狀活性碳之孔隙大小分佈的差異,並進一步與商業纖維狀活性碳進行比較。

各紙漿與所製備纖維狀活性碳之基本性質測定包括:含水率、化學組成分、灰分、酸鹼值、纖維長寬比、熱重量損失分析 (TGA)、收率、掃描式電子顯微鏡 (SEM) 觀察、BET 比表面積、t-plot 微孔比表面積、平均孔徑、N2 吸脫附等溫線以及 BJH 孔徑分佈等,而其吸附性質測定包含碘值、亞甲基藍吸附量及分別在溫度 25 ℃ 高濕 (相對濕度 90 %) 與低濕 (相對濕度 40 %) 環境下之吸濕性等。

試驗結果顯示,針葉樹者所製備纖維狀活性碳之收率為 7.99 - 16.72 %;闊葉樹者則為 4.80 - 15.44 %。全部試樣之收率在活化溫度 750 - 900 ℃ 時,皆隨著溫度愈高而愈低,其中以水蒸氣活化法在活化溫度 900 ℃ 所製備闊葉樹纖維狀活性碳可得最佳碘值與吸濕性 (於溫度25 ℃及相對濕度 90 % 經 6 天後) 之最大重量增加率分別為 1077.72 mg/g 與 42.98 %,而以二氧化碳活化法同在活化溫度 900 ℃ 所製備闊葉樹纖維狀活性碳可獲最佳之亞甲基藍吸附量,約 1104.51 mg/g,且兩者之吸附性能皆可優於商業纖維狀活性碳者 (碘值為 730.90 mg/g,亞甲基藍吸附量為 405.39 mg/g,最大重量增加率為 28.73 %)。

針/闊葉樹纖維狀活性碳分別經 SEM 觀察可知,各紙漿經高溫處理下仍維持為纖維狀,且保留原來之中空構造與些許壁孔,而這些孔洞可能有助於被吸附物質進入纖維內,而被吸附於纖維空腔表面內,進而提升其吸附性能。另由針/闊葉樹纖維狀活性碳之吸附等溫線結果可知,依 BDDT 法分類,針葉樹纖維狀活性碳係屬 Type I (為微孔隙較多),而闊葉樹者為 Type II (係屬中、大孔隙較多),而其吸脫附等溫線皆具有遲滯輪現象,以 IUPAC 分類可知,針/闊葉樹者分別屬 H4 (為微孔隙特性) 與 H3 (為狹縫型孔隙特性) type。在孔徑分佈方面,針葉樹者所生成微孔比例較闊葉樹者多,為 65.04 - 67.86 %,而闊葉樹者之中孔與大孔比例則較針葉樹者多,分別為 71.42 - 74.78 % 與 6.72 - 4.80 %。

綜合上述可知,針/闊葉樹未漂硫酸鹽紙漿在上述各製備條件下,可製成吸附性能良好之天然中空纖維狀活性碳,且可藉由不同製備條件得到不同孔隙大小,亦可由不同紙漿原料得知具有不同孔隙特性。針葉樹纖維狀活性碳所佔微孔比例較高,其平均孔徑約為 2.86 - 2.91 nm,可用於吸附較小分子物質;而闊葉樹者之中、大孔所佔比例較高,其適合吸附分子直徑約 4.20 - 4.31 nm 以下之中分子物質。
The study used nabelhdz/laubolz unbleached kraft pulps (NUKP/LUKP) as the specimens to prepare activated carbon fibers (ACFs) by using the methods of physical activation with either carbon dioxide (CO2) or steam (activated temperature: 750, 800, 850 and 900 ℃, activated time: 30, 60 and 90 min), and the objectives of the study were to investigate the different cell microstructure, the difference of pore size and distribution of pore diameter from NUKP ACFs and LUKP ACFs after having been carbonized and activated, as well as also to compare with commercial ACFs.

The basic properties of each pulp and various ACFs were the moisture content, chemical components, ash, pH value, fiber aspect ratio, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), yield, observations of scanning electron microscope (SEM), specific surface area (BET), micropore specific surface area (t-plot), average pore diameter, adsorption/desorption isotherms of N2 and distribution of pore diameter (BJH) . The absorption properties of ACFs were examined by the tests of iodine number, adsorbed value on methylene blue number and the hygroscopic ability of a higher relative humidity (RH) at 90 % and a lower RH at 40 % with a certain temperature at 25 ℃.

The results obtained that the yield of NUKP ACFs was 7.99 - 16.72 %; the yield of LUKP ACFs was 4.80 - 15.44 %. It is indicated that a higher activated temperature with 750 - 900 oC, a lower the yield is. The best result of iodine number and maximum percent weight at 25 ℃ with RH 90 % after 6 day was LUKP ACFs by steam activation at 900 ℃, about 1077.72 mg/g and 42.98 %, respectively. For the maximum value of methylene blue absorption, about 1104.51 mg/g, it was the LUKP ACFs by CO2 activation at 900 ℃. It is recognized that the absorption effectiveness of the ACFs at 900 ℃ is better than that of commercial ACFs (Iodine number 730.90 mg/g, methylene blue absorption 405.39 mg/g, maximum percent weight 28.73 %).

SEM observation of NUKP/LUKP ACFs showed that the hollow structures and some of pits from fibers still rested after both pulps were processed with a higher temperature. It is indicated that such unique structures increase their absorption. This is because the adsorbate is able to pass through the surface of hollow fiber to internal portion.
The results of adsorption isotherms of NUKP/LUKP ACFs, in accordance with the BDDT (Brunauer-Deming-Deming-Teller) classification, obtained that NUKP ACFs was belonged to Type I with mostly micropore, and LUKP ACFs was Type II with mostly mesopore and macropore. Furthermore, according to IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) classification, the adsorption/desorption isotherms of NUKP/LUKP ACFs were all belonged to the phenomenon of hysteresis loops with H4 (micropore structure) and H3 (slit-like shaped pore structure) type, respectively. The percent of micropore distribution about 65.04 - 67.86 % from NUKP ACFs was higher than that from LUKP ACFs, but the percent of mesopore and macropore distribution for LUKP ACFs was higher than these for NUKP ACFs about 71.42 - 74.78 % and 6.72 - 4.80 %.

From above-mentioned results, the study suggests that a hollow structure and a better absorption property of ACFs can be prepared from either of pulps, and obtained the different type of pore and the characteristics of pore structure by using different conditions of preparation as well. The average pore diameter of NUKP ACFs, were about 2.86 - 2.95 nm, with a higher percent of micropores. It is indicated that NUKP ACFs are able to use as a micro adsorbent. For the average pore diameter of LUKP ACFs, about 4.20 - 4.31 nm with a higher percnet of meso/macropores, it can be suitable as an adsorbent for absorption of molecular material.
(一) 活性碳之研發歷史回顧..................................4
(二) 活性碳之原料..........................................5
(三) 活性碳之種類及用途....................................6
(四) 纖維狀活性碳原料之成本現況............................8
(五) 台灣紙業現況..........................................8
(六) 紙板種類、特性與應用..................................9
(七) 針/闊葉樹纖維構造....................................10
1. 針葉樹纖維構造.........................................10
2. 闊葉樹纖維構造.........................................11
3. 針/闊葉樹纖維製備中空纖維狀活性碳之潛力................13
(八) 活性碳製造方法.......................................14
1. 炭化...................................................14
2. 活化...................................................15
(1) 物理活化..............................................16
(2) 化學活化..............................................19
(九) 活性碳特性..........................................20
1. 孔隙構造...............................................20
(1) 孔徑大小..............................................20
(2) 孔洞形狀..............................................20
(1) 物理吸附..............................................21
(2) 化學吸附..............................................22
3. 活性碳之性質...........................................22
(1) 灰分與 pH 值.........................................22
(2) 比表面積.............................................23
(3) 吸附等溫線...........................................23
(4) 吸/脫附等溫線之遲滯輪................................25
(一) 材料.................................................26
(二) 試驗流程.............................................27
(三) 紙漿基本性質測定.....................................28
1. 灰分...................................................28
2. pH 值..................................................28
3. 紙漿纖維長度...........................................29
4. 熱重量損失分析.........................................29
(三) 紙漿化學組成分分析...................................29
1. 含水率測定.............................................30
2. 醇苯抽出物測定.........................................30
3. 全纖維素測定...........................................31
4. 木質素測定.............................................31
(四) 活性碳研製...........................................32
1. 二氧化碳活化法.........................................32
2. 水蒸氣活化法...........................................33
(六) 活性碳之性質測定.....................................35
1. 收率...................................................35
2. 含水率.................................................35
3. pH 值..................................................35
4. 碘值...................................................35
5. 亞甲基藍吸附量.........................................36
6. SEM 觀察...............................................38
7. 真密度.................................................38
8. BET比表面積............................................39
9. t-plot微孔比表面積.....................................40
10. 平均孔隙直徑..........................................41
11. BJH 孔徑分佈..........................................41
12. 吸濕性................................................41
(一) 紙漿之基本性質.......................................43
1. 基本性質與化學組成分...................................43
2. 纖維形態...............................................44
3. 熱重量損失分析.........................................44
(二) 活性碳性質...........................................46
1. 收率、碘值及亞甲基藍吸附量.............................46
(1) 二氧化碳活化法........................................46
(2) 水蒸氣活化法..........................................50
2. pH 值..................................................55
3. SEM 觀察...............................................56
4. 真密度、比表面積與平均孔徑.............................60
5. N2 吸/脫附等溫線.......................................62
6. BJH 孔徑分佈...........................................64
7. 吸濕性試驗.............................................66
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