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研究生(外文):Chia-Wei Chang
論文名稱(外文):Bat species and fauna in relation to habitat types and environment factors in central-southern Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Yin-Ping FangHsi-Chi Cheng
外文關鍵詞:bathabitat typeenvironment factor
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第一章 蝙蝠物種分布於大尺度環境結構下之相關探討

第二章 蝙蝠組成及其分布與小尺度環境因子關係之研究
This thesis focused on bat fauna in relation to environment structure at two levels in central-southern Taiwan. The thesis includes two parts. In chapter 1, I investigated bat assemblages at different elevation and habitat types, and try to found the relation between bat fauna and these two large scale factors. In chapter 2, I selected three study sites at the similar elevation in Alishan area to investigate bat assemblages and try to found the relation between the small scale factors of environment structures and bat fauna.

From January 2005 to November 2007, Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute(TESRI)cooperated with the department of Biological Resources of national Chiayi University to conduct an bat fauna survey project on 73 investigated plots selected in 5 counties of central-southern Taiwan. In each investigated plot, we used mist nets and harp traps to catch flying bats and corrected the data of elevation and habitat for analyzing the relationship of bat fauna and environment. Total 941 individuals belong to 26 species were captured. Using this data, I analysis the relation between bat fauna, elevation and habitat types. The result showed that bat abundant basically exhibited two peaks along with the elevation ranges in Taiwan, and high similarities of bat assemblages in the near elevation zones and similar habitat types. Besides, according to specific relation between bat species and elevation, it seemed could be distinguish into 4 categories: (a) extensively; (b) preferred above 1,500m; (c) preferred specific or non-continuous elevation zones and (d) preferred under 1,500m.

Chapter 2
The distribution of the bat correlates with weather factors and environmental factors. For understanding the correlations of bat fauna and small-scale environmental factors, I selected three study sites at the similar elevation in Alishan area (2,000 ~ 2,500m in Alishan National Scenic Area and Lulin Mountain), to investigate bat assemblages and measure small-scale factors of environment structures. From March to November in 2008, a total of 229 bats belong to 15 bat species were captured. The bat fauna was intensely correlated to several environment factors. Also, different species of bats were preference for distinct environments. In addition, there were different daily and seasonal activity patterns among bat genus. Finally, I summarize these correlations between bat assemblages and the environment in study areas.
第一章 蝙蝠物種分布於大尺度環境結構下之相關探討
1. 前言...........................................................................................................................2
2. 材料與方法...............................................................................................................5
2.1 資料來源與調查方式.........................................................................................5
2.2 資料分析.............................................................................................................6
3. 結果...........................................................................................................................7
3.1 蝙蝠調查概況.....................................................................................................7
3.2 蝙蝠組成與海拔的相關性.................................................................................8
3.3 蝙蝠組成與棲地類型的相關性.........................................................................8
3.4 蝙蝠組成與環境因子的綜合分析.....................................................................9
4. 討論.........................................................................................................................11
4.1 台灣中南部山區的蝙蝠分布現況...................................................................11
4.2 蝙蝠組成與環境結構的相關性探討...............................................................12
4.3 總結...................................................................................................................14
5. 參考文獻.................................................................................................................16

第二章 蝙蝠組成及其分布與小尺度環境因子關係之研究
1. 前言.........................................................................................................................35
2. 材料與方法.............................................................................................................40
2.1 實驗地描述.......................................................................................................40
2.2 蝙蝠調查方式...................................................................................................43
2.2.1 網具捕捉....................................................................................................43
2.2.2 回聲定位測錄............................................................................................44
2.2.3 蝙蝠捕獲後處理與種類辨識....................................................................45
2.3 環境因子的測量...............................................................................................45
2.4 資料分析...........................................................................................................47
2.4.1 蝙蝠組成....................................................................................................47
2.4.2 回聲定位測錄............................................................................................48
2.4.3 蝙蝠與環境因子的關係............................................................................48
3. 結果.........................................................................................................................50
3.1 蝙蝠組成與捕捉概況.......................................................................................50
3.1.1 各調查樣點的捕捉概況............................................................................51
3.1.2 不同季節間蝙蝠的組成結構....................................................................52
3.1.3 上半夜與下半夜間蝙蝠的出現頻度........................................................53
3.2 回聲定位測錄...................................................................................................54
3.2.1 不同樣區間的比較....................................................................................54
3.2.2 不同季節間的比較....................................................................................55
3.3 蝙蝠與環境因子的關係...................................................................................56
3.3.1 調查樣點間蝙蝠組成的相似性................................................................56
3.3.2 各調查樣點的環境特性............................................................................57
3.3.3 不同種類的蝙蝠與環境因子關聯之差異................................................58
4. 討論.........................................................................................................................60
4.1 蝙蝠組成與環境因子間的相關性...................................................................60
4.2 蝙蝠組成在不同季節與時段上的差異...........................................................63
4.4 總結...................................................................................................................68
5. 參考文獻.................................................................................................................69

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