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研究生(外文):Yang, Ya-Siou
論文名稱(外文):Health, human capital, demographic transition and economic growth
指導教授(外文):Yang, Hsiu-Ling
外文關鍵詞:human capitalhealtheconomic growthfertilitymortality
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This paper examines the relationships among human capital, fertility, mortality and economic growth by including health. Especially we consider the provision of health requires resources and there is a direct trade-off between health and human capital accumulation. Both health and human capital are very important to economic growth, but they can not accumulate indefinitely, because the time spending on health crowds out that on human capital accumulation. Considering health has different effects on economic growth. This model also produces the different implications for developing and developed countries. Most developing countries have lower productivity of the human capital accumulation, they will increase the investment of health, but reduce the accumulation of human capital and lead to lower level of income. Those developed countries have higher productivity of the human capital accumulation, they will reduce the investment of health, but increase the accumulation of human capital and lead to higher level of income.
第一章 導論-----------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機與目的-----------------------------------1
第二節 文獻回顧-----------------------------------------4
第三節 研究方法-----------------------------------------8
第二章 模型----------------------------------------------10
第一節 基本假設----------------------------------------10
第二節 均衡--------------------------------------------14
第三節 比較靜態分析------------------------------------18
第四節 政策建議----------------------------------------21
第五節 相關文獻比較------------------------------------22
第三章 實證分析------------------------------------------24
第四章 結論----------------------------------------------30
附表一 臺灣歷年總生育率----------------------------------33
附表二 臺灣歷年嬰兒死亡率--------------------------------34
附表三 臺灣歷年經濟成長率--------------------------------35
附表四 臺灣歷年中等教育入學率、中等教育入學成長率--------36
附表五 臺灣歷年平均每人醫療保健支出佔GDP比例、醫療保健成長
附表六 臺灣歷年平均每人GDP ------------------------------38
附表七 臺灣歷年平均每人家庭器具設備和家庭管理------------39
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