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研究生(外文):Lin-Chin Bin
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Foliar Application of Amino Acid and Organic Calcium on Growth and Yield of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in Bag Culture
指導教授(外文):Jung-Jer Tsai
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試驗一:試驗品種為‘夏笛’,以泥炭苔袋植栽培,最初pH值為5.50,栽培至12天時pH值升至6.84,至48天及60天,pH降到6.68及6.20。介質EC值最初為1.42 mS/cm,栽培至12天時EC值降為1.30 mS/cm,而後EC值60天升高至為2.80 mS/cm。葉綠素含量隨栽培時間而逐漸提升,但60天後各處理及對照組無顯著差異。果肉及果皮中總可溶性糖,於中期(45天)時含量最高,並以富綠肥600倍處理者最佳。栽培60天後,也以富綠肥600倍處理之結果數(478條)最高,且劣果率(10.8%)最少。
試驗二:試驗品種為‘和生美’以泥炭苔為介質,長槽式定植胡瓜苗。生育期間以富綠鈣200ppm處理,至後期其株高、鮮重及葉片數分別為187.8 cm、789
Cucumber is an important cucuric vegetable with a long period of growth and harvest. Different species of cucumbers are cultivated during summer and winter, while the content of the fertilizer affects the quality and the yield. In this study, cucumber species ‘Sia Di’ and 'Ho Shan Mei’ were tested in a simple. greenhouse with peatmoss as the medium, cultivated in bags and trenches, respectively. Drip irrigation made used to provide nutrients, while foliar spray of amino acids (Forgreen-A), organic calcium (Forgreen-Ca), calcium nitrate and trace minerals (Forgreen-K) were applied. Physical and chemical properties of the medium, growth characteristics, yield and quality were measured at different stages. The results are as follows:
Experiment 1: Species ‘Sia Di’ was cultivated with peatmoss bags, initial pH value of 5.50.while 12 day cultivated, pH value was increased to 6.84, while on the 48th and 60. day it was declined to 6.68 and 6.20, respectively. Medium EC value was initially at 1.42 mS/cm, which declined to 1.03 mS/cm on day 12; on day 60, it increased to 2.80 mS/cm. The chlorophyll content increased with time, but no significant difference observed between the experimental and control groups after 60 day 60 Total soluble sugar content in the flesh and peel were the highest during the middle phase (day 45), while 600-fold dilution of Forgreen-A produced the best results. This treatment also yielded the most fruits (478 cucumbers) and the least unacceptable fruit percentage (10.8%) after 60 day 60 of cultivation.
Experiment 2: Species ‘Ho Shan Mei’ was cultivated with peatmoss in trenches. During the growth phase, 200ppm of Forgreen-Ca yielded the best plant height, fresh weight and number of leaves, at 187.8cm, 789g and 15.4, respectively. The single plant yield was also the highest for this treatment. Late phase leaf analysis shows that with 400ppm of Forgreen-Ca, calcium, copper and iron contents were the highest. Moreover, this treatment also has the largest leaf surface area, correlating to the most fruits produced, highest chlorophyll content, and lowest unacceptable fruit percentage.
The results of this study show that for ‘Sia Di’, the winter species for flatland cultivation, produces the best quality fruits when foliar application of Forgreen-A was done at 800-fold dilution. For ‘Ho Shan Mei’, the summer highland species, 400ppm Forgreen-Ca provided the best growth and yield. 200ppm of Forgreen-Ca yielded the most fruits and the least unacceptable fruits. This is a result of the ample supply of organic calcium, which improves the yield and quality of cucumbers.
壹、 前言 1
貳、 前人研究 . 3
一、蔬菜無土栽培 . 3
二、有機介質之探討 6
三、液體肥料配製與特性 9
四、胡瓜生物學特性及生理性病害徵 20
參、 材料與法 23
一、材料 23
二、方法 24
三、栽培理 26
四、調查項目與法 28
肆、 試驗結果 35
一、材料 23
二、方法 24
三、栽培理 26
四、調查項目與法 28
伍、 討論 59
ㄧ、介質EC值及pH值在栽植中不同階段之化 35
二、胡瓜以不同濃度胺基酸液肥栽培對植株生育性狀之響 40
三、不同生物肥料葉面處理對胡瓜‘和生美’生育之調查 47
陸、 參考文獻 61
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