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論文名稱(外文):Application of Thermal Camera on Development of Two-Axle Mechanism and Monitor Control System for Hot Object Tracking
外文關鍵詞:Thermal CameraThermal TracingTwo-Axle Rotational Mechanism
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  經由熱像儀定位試驗,得到熱像儀鏡頭平面位於旋轉中心面前2 cm的位置時,熱像儀聚焦中心最接近旋轉中心。由機械誤差試驗得到雙軸旋轉平台的旋轉誤差角度,水平旋轉方向在同向試驗最大誤差角度為0.0375°,而反向試驗誤差角度均為0.15°;舉昇旋轉方向在同向試驗最大誤差角度為0.025°,而反向試驗誤差角度均為0°。由極限分析得到熱追蹤控制程式的平均單次流程執行時間為0.5秒,所以水平方向極限追蹤速度為24°/s,舉昇方向極限追蹤速度為18°/s。
A thermal camera was used to track hot objects in this study. First, a two-axle rotational platform was designed and built to place the thermal camera. Movement of the platform results in change of the field of view for the thermal camera. In addition, there is a function of position adjustment in order to adjust the focus of the thermal camera to match the rotational center of the platform. Secondly, a control system, using VB2005 to integrate the MATLAB and software development kit (SDK) of the thermal camera, was developed to display real-time thermal images and to control the platform to achieve thermal tracking capability.
From position experiments for the thermal camera, focus of the thermal camera is mostly close to the rotational center of the platform by placing the lens plane of the camera 2 cm in front of the rotational center. Angle errors of the two-axle rotational platform were determined by mechanical error experiments. The results showed that maximum errors of the same direction and reverse direction for the horizontal rotation are 0.0375o and 0.15o respectively. And the maximum errors of the same direction and reverse direction for the elevatory rotation are 0.025o and 0o respectively. The limiting analysis indicated that the average execution time for each total procedure of the control system is 0.5 second. Hence, the maximum tracking velocities are 24o /s and 18o /s in the horizontal and elevatory directions respectively.
The dynamic experiments of the thermal tracking control system indicated that the system could track hot objects accurately and setting of the central zone would compensate the error of the two-axle rotational mechanism. However, larger central zone could result in sensitivity decreasing. In additional, experiment results revealed that the size of the central zone to be the same as the hot object size could have the best tracking performance.
誌謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
符號說明 XI
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 紅外線熱影像的發展與應用 4
2.2 影像辨識及追蹤 5
2.3 人機監控系統 6
第三章 相關原理與理論分析 8
3.1熱影像的物理原理 8
3.2紅外線熱像儀工作原理 11
第四章 熱追蹤控制系統之設計與架構 13
4.1 雙軸旋轉平台 13
4.1.1轉角修正公式 13
4.1.2新型雙軸旋轉平台 16
4.2追蹤系統之影像顯示 23
4.2.1影像特徵與追蹤 23
4.2.2 索引影像 25
4.3 熱追蹤系統之架構 30
4.3.1 VB與MATLAB之整合 31
4.3.2 VB與熱像儀之控制 32
4.3.3 VB與雙軸平台之控制 33
4.4熱像儀控制與熱追蹤控制程式 35
4.4.1 歡迎表 35
4.4.2 熱像儀控制程式 36
4.4.3 熱像儀溫度輸出 37
4.4.4 平台控制程式 38
4.4.5 熱追蹤控制程式 40
4.4.6 追蹤記錄 43
第五章 試驗設備與方法 45
5.1 試驗設備 45
5.1.1 硬體部分 45
5.1.2軟體部分 51
5.2 試驗方法與步驟 51
5.2.1 熱像儀定位試驗 52
5.2.2機械誤差試驗 55
5.2.3極限分析試驗 57
5.2.4 動態追蹤試驗 57
第六章 結果與討論 60
6.1熱像儀定位試驗 60
6.2機械誤差試驗 62
6.3 極限分析試驗 65
6.4 動態追蹤試驗 66
第七章 結論與建議 71
7.1 結論 71
7.2 建議 72
第八章 參考文獻 74
附錄A 77
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