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研究生(外文):PO-YU KAO
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Dual-use Technology Development Program Performance
外文關鍵詞:Intellectual Capital(IC)Dual-use Technology Development Programs (DuTDPs)Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA)One-Way ANOVA(Analysis of Variance)
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Chung- Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) is a National Defense Research Organization. For responding the needs of global trend and local industries development, CSIST executes the Technology Development Program (TDP) from the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and the dual-use technology development plan, and cooperates with industries, officials, academics and institutes in Taiwan to play the role of national economic promoter. It carries out the policy of promoting national economic developments and local defense industries. The purpose of this paper is to develop two-stage production process of Dual-use Technology Development Programs (DuTDPs) to explore the “R&D performance” and “technology diffusion performance” by using a non-parametric frontier method-data envelopment analysis (DEA). In addition, this study also implements the sequential DEA identifying three DuTDP groups. One-Way ANOVA is used to analyze differences in intellectual capital (IC) variables across the three groups.
The results reveal that R&D performance is better than technology diffusion for DuTDPs. The “Applied Mechanics” is more efficient than the other fileds in R&D performance model. In the technology diffusion performance model,”Chemistry and Material” field is the best among all fields. The findings also point to the important of IC in achieving high levels of DuTDP efficiency. The potential applications and strengths of DEA and IC in assessing the performance of DuTDP are highlighted.
目 錄
圖 目 錄
表 目 錄
第壹章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機
1.2 研究目的
1.3 研究流程
1.4 章節架構
第貳章 文獻探討
2.1 中科院軍通專案簡介
2.2 研發專案計畫績效評估模式之相關研究
2.3 智慧資本與組織績效關聯性之相關研究
2.4 績效評估方法之相關研究
第參章 研究設計與方法
3.1 研究架構
3.2 研究對象與資料選取
3.3 分析方法
第肆章 實證結果分析
4.1 樣本敘述統計
4.2 兩階段生產績效模型分析
4.3 產業應用研發領域效率分析
4.4 智慧資本與軍通專案績效之關聯性分析
4.5 管理決策矩陣分析
第伍章 結論與建議
5.1 研究結論
5.2 研究建議
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