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研究生(外文):Chang-Jyi Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Study on the relationship of heart rate variability and autonomic nerve activity in mice
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Meng-Li
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本研究之主要目的為探討小鼠心跳速率變異性(HRV)之頻譜分析與自主神經系統之交感與副交感神經活性之關係。利用適當的訊號偵測接點位置,以簡易有效的方式篩選出能自由活動的清醒老鼠處於「靜止」的時刻,並且利用與intrinsic HR的狀態的比較,找出HRV受交感及副交感神經影響的基本頻段。並且根據肌電位變化時其HRV的變化狀況,釐清在動物一般的記錄狀況下,與交感及副交感神經活性相關的頻段之變化趨勢,進一步判定以小鼠之HRV作為心臟自主神經作用程度指標的可行性。主要研究結果顯示小鼠之HRV不適合作為心臟交感神經作用程度的指標,但0.1~1 Hz之HRV頻率區段則可能用來作為副交感神經對心臟作用程度的指標。
The main purpose of this thesis is to study the relationships between the autonomic activity and the spectrum of the heart rate variability (HRV) of mice. By implanting the wire electrodes on the muscles of trapezius and gastrocnemius, we could record the signals not only ECG but the EMG corresponded to respiratory and movement, and thus, we could screen the states of “really resting” of mice. Under the autonomic blockers operation, the frequency ranges corresponding to sympathetic and parasympathetic activity in the states of really resting and freely moving were evaluated. The results suggested the HRV of mice could not be an index of sympathetic activity, but the spectral power in the frequency range of the 0.1~1 Hz would be a possible index of parasympathetic activity.
摘要------------------------------------------------------------- 1
英文摘要--------------------------------------------------------- 2
一、 背景介紹------------------------------------------------- 3
二、 材料方法
1. 電極製造------------------------------------------------- 8
2. 手術程序------------------------------------------------- 9
3. 實驗程序-------------------------------------------------10
4. 資料處理-------------------------------------------------11
三、 結果-----------------------------------------------------14
四、 討論
(1) 主要討論 ------------------------------------------------18
(2) 實驗設計 ------------------------------------------------19
(3) 均質化方法-----------------------------------------------22
五、 參考資料-------------------------------------------------24
圖1、小鼠於不同處理狀態下之HR -------------------------------------26
圖3、肢體活動或呼吸強度的改變對HRV的影響--------------------------- 28
心跳速率進行頻譜分析結果圖 ---------------------------------- 29
圖5、小鼠於各狀況下HRV在0 ~ 0.1 Hz與
0.1 ~ 1 Hz兩頻段內之平均功率的比較 ------------------------------30
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