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研究生(外文):Chih-Hsuan Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Research on the Scheduling Strategy for the Grid with Dynamic Resource Redeployment Capability
指導教授(外文):Cho-Chin Lin
外文關鍵詞:Grid computingTask scheduling algorithmAvailability variationResource heterogeneity
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Grid computing integrates the worldwide available resources into a virtual supercomputer to support the requirement of huge computing power needed by scientifc applications. To achieve high performance computing, an e±cient task scheduling strategy is important. Grid computing environment has two significant characteristics: (1)resource heterogeneity and (2)availability variation. A lot of task scheduling algorithms for grid computing have been proposed. However, most of them focus on resource heterogeneity of a grid. In this thesis, a dynamic scheduling algorithm called AROF is proposed. In order to minimize the completion time of a work°ow application, AROF not only considers resource heterogeneity but also takes availability variation into consideration. AROF consists of three major modules: (1)selection module, (2)ranking module, and (3)mapping module. Experiments with various parameter settings for comparing AROF with the modified versions of well-known scheduling algorithms HEFT and GS are given. The experimental results show that AROF outperforms HEFT and GS in most cases.
Abstract(In English) i
Abstract(In Chinese) ii
Acknowledgement iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 3
1.3 Thesis organization 4
2 Model 5
2.1 Task Model 5
2.2 Computing Model 6
3 Related work 10
3.1 Ranking attributes 10
3.2 Hybrid Heuristic 11
3.3 HEFT 12
3.4 CPOP 12
3.5 Hybrid Remapper 13
3.6 GS 15
3.7 Anticipated Distributed Task Scheduling(ADTS) 16
3.8 DCP 16
3.9 MCP 17
3.10 GSTR 18
3.11 DAGMap 18
3.12 Minmin and Maxmin 19
3.13 Suferage algorithm 21
4 AROF: an scheduling algorithm for dynamic grids 21
4.1 Problem definition 21
4.2 Scheduling algorithm 23
4.2.1 Selection module 23
4.2.2 Ranking module 27
4.2.3 Mapping module 28
4.2.4 The complete algorithm 29
5 Experimental results and analysis 33
5.1 The parameter settings of the computing model 34
5.2 The parameter settings of the task model 34
5.3 Experimental results 36
6 Conclusions and future work 42
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