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研究生(外文):Kuang-Yi Lin
論文名稱(外文):The research of relationship among Flight Attendants’s Personality Traits, Socialization and Person-Team Fit-Examples of China Airlines
外文關鍵詞:Personality TraitsSocializationPerson-Team FitFlight Attendants
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本研究旨在探討中華航空公司的空服人員的人格特質、社會化及個人-團隊契合度之間的關係。首先經由業者深度訪談及相關文獻探討與實證研究為基礎,了解研究變數的意涵與概念。其次進行問卷調查,總計發放500份問卷,回收問卷為240份,刪除填答不完整問卷20份,最後以44% 的有效問卷220份之資料進行統計分析。
The study was designed to explore the relationships among personality traits, socialization, and person-team fit of the flight personnel in China Airlines. First of all, the research was based on the in-depth interviews with the airline industry, related literature review, and empirical research so as to understand the meaning and the concept of variables. A questionnaire was then designed and administered: a total of 500 questionnaires were issued, resulting in 240 respondent questionnaires. Deleting 20 incomplete questionnaires, the researcher used the remaining 220 valid questionnaires, 44 % of the total number, for statistical data analysis.
Using statistical software SPSS and Amos, descriptive statistics of the sample structure was first conducted, followed by reliability analysis, and then followed by fitness testing and the analysis of overall structural equation model, all of which prove that the model should have a high degree of internal structural fit. Finally, socialization was used as moderator variable to test two variables: first to test the moderator between personality traits and person-team fit, and then to test the structure coefficient. The results of this testing indicates that structure coefficient has certain moderating effects.
The results indicate that the relationship between personality traits and person-team fit is positive. More specifically, Agreeableness、Conscientiousness、Extraversion and Openness to experience seem to have positive impact on person-team fit. In addition, in terms of the positive relationships between personality traits and person-team fit, the socialization of the community plays the role of moderator; for those flight attendants who have higher level of organizational socialization, they also have better organization fit.
第一章 緒論.............................................1
第一節 研究背景.........................................1
第二節 研究問題.........................................4
第三節 研究目的.........................................6
第四節 研究流程.........................................7
第二章 文獻探討.........................................9
第一節 人格特質.........................................9
第二節 組織社會化......................................22
第三節 個人─團隊契合度................................30
第四節 人格特質、組織社會化與個人─團隊契合度之關係探討 ................................................38
第三章 研究方法........................................43
第一節 研究架構........................................43
第二節 研究變數之操作性定義與衡量方式..................45
第三節 樣本與資料收集..................................52
第四節 資料分析方法....................................53
第五節 研究限制........................................55
第四章 資料分析........................................56
第一節 樣本結構之敘述性統計............................56
第二節 問卷信度與效度分析..............................59
第三節 整體結構方程式模式分析..........................68
第四節 組織社會化之調節作用............................74
第五章 結論與建議......................................77
第一節 研究結論........................................77
第二節 研究建議........................................78
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