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研究生(外文):Chien-ming Hung
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Crisis Prediction Modeling Based On the Taiwan Market Observation Post System of Financially Distressed Company
指導教授(外文):Ying-shing Lin
中文關鍵詞:『財務重點專區』九項指標SOM神經網路cluster 群集分析Z-score模式
外文關鍵詞:Z-scoreNine indicators of『Key Topic of The Financial ACluster AnalysisSOM ( Self Organization Map )
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摘 要
本論文以臺灣證券交易所公開資訊觀測站2008年10月「財務重點專區」上市公司『九項警示指標股』為研究對象,共有70家紅色指標警示股供研究,本實證分為三階段:(1) 運用Kohonen(1982,1995)所提出的自我組織映射圖示網路SOM與群集分析cluster迴歸模型,以一對一正常與警示股公司配對,進行分析與預測其分群結果。(2) 運用奧圖曼模型Altman (1968)Z-score,以2.675為臨界點分類為「高破產機率公司」及「低破產機率公司」。(3)綜合以上兩種模型,予以分群分析衡量其預測模式之準確度鑑別分析能力,其結果歸納如下:
(一) 本研究藉由Z-score模型五項變數實證SOM神經網路結果均達到顯著水 準,尤以短期償債能力及獲利能力特別明顯。
(二) 集合SOM群集分析及Z-score模型評分驗證分群結果,達到最佳預測效果運用SOM神經網路及 Z-score,採用交叉驗證(96年度)進行正確判斷率 之計算,九項指標分類中有七項準確度達85.4%以上,相較於其他研究單一模型的預測,較能公正判斷出模型的準確度。
(三) 進行財務危機預測時,準確度易受樣本數及配對公司之產業同質性影響以本研究所提出之兩模型實證,準確度過低者,如
1. 指標四類準確度61.5%:係因受配對樣本產業均不佳及樣本數過少所影響,使SOM與Z-score分群有差異,僅有十三家。
2. 指標五類準確度66.6%:係因受樣本數過少所影響,僅有三家。
The objective of this study are to use the SOM and the Altman’s Z-score Model to clarify listed public companies, especially 70 companies denigrated as alert companies in the red index, highlighted in “Financial watch” of Market Observation System of the Taiwan Stock Exchange in October, 2008. The empirical process is divided into 3 stages: (1) employing the Self-Organizing Map method developed by Kohonen (1982,1995) and use the Cluster Model to analyze, compare and classify companies; (2) employing Altman’s Z-score Model, using 2.675 as critical point to divide companies into 2 kinds of companies with high probability of bankruptcy and companies with low probability of bankruptcy; (3) combining both models to verify the degree of classification accuracy. The several following results are summarized as:

1. This research employed Z-score model with 5 variables to verify the result by SOM. The result shows that the influences of variables are significant, particularly with the short term debt repay ability and profit - ability variable.
2. The combined of both models has achieved best results to divide samples into 2 groups with high accuracy.
Both SOM and Atman’s Z-score Model were used to cross identify the accuracy. 7 of the 9 index have prediction accuracy rate over 85.4%, which more significant than single model in comparison.
3. When predicting financial risks, the accuracy of prediction depends on the sample size and characteristics of industry that Sample Company belongs to.
The accuracy of the models above is not high because of the following reasons:
(1)The accuracy ratio of 4 indexes is 61.5% because of poor performance from involving industries to study and number of sample is too limited – that leads to the classification difference of SOM and Z-score. There are only 13 samples in the study.
(2)The accuracy of 5 indexes is only 66.6% because number of sample is too limited – there are only 3 samples in the study.
目 錄
中文摘要 ......................................i
英文摘要 .....................................ii
誌謝 ....................................iii
目錄 .....................................iv
表目錄 .....................................vi
圖目錄 ....................................vii
壹、緒論 ......................................1
一、研究動機 .............................1
二、研究目的 .............................2
三、研究流程及架構 .............................3
貳、文獻探討與回顧 .............................6
一、國外企業危機定義 ....................6
二、國內企業危機定義 ....................6
三、企業財務危機模型 ...................10
四、國內外相關文獻整理 ...................15
五、自我組織映射圖示網路相關文獻 ..........20
參、研究設計與實證模型 ...................22
二、研究架構 .............................22
三、Z-score 模型 .............................24
四、自我組織映射圖示網路(Self-Organizing Map Network,SOM) ......................................24
五、樣本選擇 .............................26
六、研究變數之選取 .............................30
肆、實證與結果分析 .............................32
一、SOM神經網路與群集分析實證 ...........32
二、奧圖曼Z-score模型分數實證 ...........36
三、Z-score與SOM分群比較分析 ...........37
四、實證結果 .............................41
伍、結論與建議 .............................42
(一) 結論發現與結論 ....................42
(二) 研究貢獻 .............................43
(三) 後續研究建議 ......................................44 參考文獻 ......................................46
附錄一 ......................................50
附表1 ......................................50
附表2 ......................................52
附表3 ......................................56
附表4 ......................................57
附表5 ......................................58
附表6 ......................................59
附表7 ......................................59
附表8 ......................................60
附表9 ......................................60
附表10 ......................................61
附表11 ......................................62
表2-1 TEJ財務危機事件分類表........................9
表2-2 相關文獻之研究彙整表 ........................16
表3-1 本研究定義之警示股 ........................22
表3-2 警示股與正常公司樣本公司對照表...............27
表3-3 財務構面彙總表...............................30
表4-1 94年度正常與警示股公司類群分析表.............33
表4-2 95年度正常與警示股公司類群分析表.............34
表4-3 96年度正常與警示股公司類群分析表.............35
表4-4 公開資訊站所列之九大指標警示股公司各年度2.675 Z分數家數 ...........................................37
表4-5 96年度指標一類區別準確率.....................38

表4-6 96年度指標二類區別準確率.....................38
表4-7 96年度指標三類區別準確率.....................38
表4-8 96年度指標四類區別準確率.....................39
表4-9 96年度指標五類區別準確率.....................39
表4-10 96年度指標六類區別準確率....................40
表4-11 96年度指標七類區別準確率....................40
表4-12 96年度指標八類區別準確率....................40
表4-13 96年度指標九類區別準確率....................41
表4-14 96年度指標一類至指標九類Z-score與SOM模型預測準確度 ...........................................41
表5-1 96年度 Z-score與SOM模型預測準確度...........43

圖 1-1 本研究流程 ...................................5
圖 3-1 研究架構圖...................................23
圖 3-2 自我組織映射圖示網路架構.....................25
圖 4-1 94年度正常與警示股公司風險知覺類群行列點圖...33
圖 4-2 95年度正常與警示股公司風險知覺類群行列點圖...34
圖 4-3 96年度正常與警示股公司風險知覺類群行列點圖...35
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