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研究生(外文):Chia-Wei Yeh
論文名稱(外文):A Prototype System for Supporting CMMI on Measurement and Analysis
指導教授(外文):Wen-Sung Chen
外文關鍵詞:VSTSMSFMeasurement and AnalysisCMMIUML
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基於上述問題,本論文以建置一套雛型系統來滿足個案公司支援CMMI度量與分析為目標。一方面參考MSF for CMMI Process Improvement 度量與分析的活動,分析現行MSF For CMMI之應用工具VSTS支援CMMI度量與分析自動化及自訂擴充性之程度,另一方面分析個案公司度量與分析需求,將度量與分析程序分為『建立度量分析計畫程序』以及『執行計畫並提供度量結果程序』兩大模組,依據個案公司目前度量與分析現況之三大資訊需求(時程與進度、資源與成本與產品品質)做為系統開發之需求,其中包含了時程落後比例、進度落後比例、專案累積進度差異、本期實際與預估人力投入差異、累積已投入總人力與預估總人力差異、專案人事成本以及程式錯誤率等衍生度量項目為主,並根據個案公司未來需求加入實獲值分析,進行系統分析以及雛型系統實作,以支援度量與分析活動的進行,讓專案成員能夠隨時透過Web方式進行度量與分析的資料蒐集與分析。經此雛形系統之實作展示,並由本研究匯集CMMI度量與分析評鑑清單做為客觀證據,交由個案公司評鑑小組以CMMI Class C自我評鑑方式檢視此雛形系統對於CMMI度量與分析流程之特殊目標、一般目標、特殊執行方法與一般執行方法的符合程度。在評鑑結果中特殊目標與一般目標皆已滿足,特殊執行方法皆全部達成,而一般執行方法則有三個全部達成,其他皆為部分達成。最後本研究將依據此分析結果,做為研究結論以及未來需改進之研究方向。
In order to enhance the internal software quality and monitor the variation of project, project manager need to well control all development progresses in any time, and provide information to top manager at the right moment to make a correct decision, in order to deliver high quality software which meet user requirement within budget and on schedule. The primary objective of CMMI on Measurement and Analysis is to collect the specialized information which about product and processes for project members and manager to make a decision. But in the enterprises which has already implement CMMI or expect to implement CMMI, to be faced with huge data and complex analysis model when they actually proceed with activity of Measurement and Analysis.
To address the above problem, this thesis established a prototype system for the case company to support the activity of Measurement and Analysis. This thesis refer the activity of MSF for CMMI Process Improvement on Measurement and Analysis, and then analyze the degree of that VSTS which is the MSF for CMMI implement tool, supporting the automation, custom, and expansion of CMMI on Measurement and Analysis. On the other hand, analyze the measurement and analysis activity requirement of the case company, and separated the measurement and analysis process as two parts, “Establish Measurement and Analysis Plan” and “Execute Plan and Provide Measurement result”. According to the major information requirement “Schedule and Progress”, “Resource and Budget”, and “Quality of Product” of the case company and join the Earned Value Method to perform system analysis and system implementation. According to the system implementation, the project members can proceed to the measurement and analysis activity through the web page. At least, this thesis collected the appraisal checklist of measurement and analysis for the case company appraisal team, using the Class C appraisal style of CMMI to evaluate the prototype system consistent with the degree of the special goals, special practices, generic goals, and generic practices of the CMMI on Measurement and Analysis. In the evaluation result, the prototype system satisfied with the special goals and generic goals, and the special practices has achieved, but it just reached three items in generic practices, others were partially achieved.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
壹、 緒論 1
一、 研究背景與動機 1
二、 研究目的 2
三、 研究對象與範圍 3
四、 研究架構與流程 3
貳、 文獻探討 5
一、 軟體專案度量相關議題 5
二、 能力成熟度整合模式 11
三、 微軟解決方案框架 19
四、 實獲值分析 35
參、 個案說明 40
一、 個案公司介紹 40
二、 個案公司度量與分析現況 40
三、 流程規劃與需求說明 45
肆、 系統分析與設計 53
一、 系統架構 53
二、 系統分析與設計 55
伍、 系統實作 63
一、 實作案例情境說明 63
二、 系統環境說明 63
三、 系統功能說明 65
陸、 自我評鑑 84
一、 自我評鑑意義與流程 84
二、 評鑑流程與分析 85
柒、 結論與建議 100
一、 研究結論 100
二、 研究限制 103
三、 研究建議 104
四、 未來研究方向 105
參考文獻 107
附件一 個案公司度量分析計畫樣板 111
附件二 個案公司度量分析報告樣板 113
附件三 個案公司專案監控計畫書樣板 116
附件四 個案公司流程與產品品質保證計畫書樣板 118
附件五 個案公司建構管理計畫書樣板 120
附件六 個案公司專案執行計畫書(PEP)樣板 123
附件七 個案公司專案管理組織政策(CPMS)-MA 127
附件八 個案公司品保活動月報樣板 139
附件九 個案公司CPMS流程遵循程度稽核表樣板 140
附件十 個案公司專案監控表樣板 141
附件十一 個案公司缺失矯正單樣板 142
附件十二 以API建立工作項目範例程式碼 143
附件十三 實作簡單Web組件程式碼範例程式碼 144
附件十四 評鑑分析表 145
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