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研究生(外文):Kun-Chieh Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Location-Aware Indoor Emergency Navigation System
指導教授(外文):Chih-Feng Chao
外文關鍵詞:GPSLocation-aware servicesEmergency navigation systemSensorsRFID
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本研究提出了一個「位置感知室內逃生導引系統」,當任何人攜帶具備有RFID 讀取器(Reader)的行動裝置進入到一個預先已佈置好逃生導引所需之RFID 標籤(Tags)的室內環境時,使用者會自動感應到系統的存在,並預先下載逃生用的地圖資訊到行動裝置上,當此室內環境發生緊急災難時,例如:火災、地震…等,使用者即可藉由RFID 標籤的輔助取得他的所在位置,並透過行動裝置的引導,安全地逃離災難現場。藉由此系統的設計,可以更加保障位處於災難現場的人員安全,以達到減少人員的傷亡的目的。
People who are in the disaster do not have any idea of the exact position in the emergency environment. When the emergency events occurs, they go blindly or so nervous too calm down. They can only follow people’s running or rely on their weak memory of this indoor environment to search the exit. It maybe waste much time and couldn’t search the exit correctly right away.

Abstract-In this paper, a location-aware indoor emergency navigation system is proposed. When any user carrying a mobile device provided with RFID reader enters an indoor environment that is installed in advance with RFID tags of the navigation system, the mobile device will automatically detect the system and download a map of escaping routes onto the device beforehand. When emergency events occur, the mobile device could immediately identify users’ locations by reading RFID tags and establish escaping routes. People could safely avoid hazardous areas while escaping from emergency and disasters like fire and earthquakes through the guidance of the mobile device. With the aid of this system, personal safety against accidents will be better ensured to achieve the objective of minimal casualties.
第一章 緒論 ............................................................................................. - 1 -
1.1 研究背景 ........................................................................................ - 1 -
1.2 研究動機及目的 ............................................................................ - 3 -
1.3 研究限制 ........................................................................................ - 6 -
1.4 論文架構與研究流程 .................................................................... - 7 -
第二章 相關研究與技術 ......................................................................... - 9 -
2.1 逃生導引理論 ................................................................................ - 9 -
2.2 相關定位技術 .............................................................................. - 12 -
2.2.1 室內定位相關技術比較 .................................................... - 20 -
2.3 RFID 系統概論 ............................................................................. - 21 -
2.3.1 RFID 系統組成 ................................................................... - 21 -
2.3.2 RFID 系統架構 ................................................................... - 23 -
2.3.3 RFID 工作頻率 ................................................................... - 26 -
2.4 RFID 技術特色 ............................................................................. - 32 -
2.5 RFID 定位相關應用 ..................................................................... - 32 -
2.5.1 SpotON 定位系統 ............................................................... - 32 -
2.5.2 LANDMARC 定位系統 ..................................................... - 33 -
2.5.3 RFID 視障導引應用 ........................................................... - 34 -
2.6 RFID 發展限制 ............................................................................. - 36 -
第三章 系統架構與開發設計 ............................................................... - 37 -
3.1 系統環境 ...................................................................................... - 37 -
3.2 系統架構 ...................................................................................... - 39 -
3.2.1 Location Server 運作流程 .................................................. - 43 -
3.2.2 行動裝置端系統架構 ........................................................ - 44 - 行動裝置系統平台及中介軟體 .............................. - 46 -
3.3 系統開發內容 .............................................................................. - 49 -
3.3.1 設備裝置 ............................................................................ - 49 -
3.3.2 RFID 標籤讀寫流程 ........................................................... - 51 -
3.3.3 RFID 標籤內容 ................................................................... - 52 -
3.3.4 RFID 標籤與資料庫設計管理 ........................................... - 55 -
3.4 系統設計 ...................................................................................... - 59 -
3.4.1 逃生路徑規劃 .................................................................... - 59 -
3.4.2 危險規避功能 .................................................................... - 61 -
3.4.3 搜救者功能 ........................................................................ - 63 -
3.4.4 系統逃生規劃資料流程 .................................................... - 65 -
3.4.5 逃生者逃生導引系統流程 ................................................ - 66 -
3.4.6 危險規避功能流程 ............................................................ - 67 -
第四章 系統功能展示 ....................................................................... - 69 -
4.1 系統功能及介面 .......................................................................... - 69 -
4.2 危險規避功能 .............................................................................. - 72 -
4.3 搜救者介面 ................................................................................... - 74 -
第五章 結論 ....................................................................................... - 77 -
5.1 研究結論 ...................................................................................... - 77 -
5.2 未來展望 ...................................................................................... - 78 -
參考文獻 .................................................................................................... - 80 -
(一) 中文部份 .................................................................................. - 80 -
(二) 英文部份 .................................................................................. - 82 -
(三) 網站部份 .................................................................................. - 84 -
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(三) 網站部份
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