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研究生(外文):Ming-Shun Lin
論文名稱(外文):A reversible data hiding scheme for medical images
指導教授(外文):Shu-Chien Huang
外文關鍵詞:prediction schemereversible data hidingHistogramInterpolation
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在本論文中,我們將針對醫學灰階影像先利用前置處理,使得0 至255的像素值範圍影像轉成範圍為1 至254 像素值影像,再分別利用整張影像預測、使用奇偶數行或奇偶數列的分類提出3 個預測式方法,使用於直方圖之可逆式資訊隱藏技術。第一種預測方式是利用Hong 學者等人所使用之預測方式;第二種預測方式是利用agrange 內插法;第三種是利用歐基里德距離算出鄰近像素之權重來預測。其次,利用預測方式求影像之像素值,並統計出預測的像素值與原像素值之差值的出現次數以產生直方圖,然後將差值分為正數含0 及負數兩部分,最後分別取出具有最高點的差值作為資訊的嵌入。本論文以醫學影像作測試,由實驗結果顯示,提出的方法具有高容量及低失真的特點。
In this thesis, a reversible data hiding scheme is proposed for medical images. First, a preprocessing step is performed in the original image to eliminate the pixels with a gray-level of 0 and 255. Then, three prediction methods are employed to estimate the predictive values of the current pixel. The first prediction scheme is based on the median edge detection predictor which used by Hong et al., the second prediction scheme is based on the Lagrange
interpolation, and the third scheme is based on causal weighted average. The difference between the predicted pixel value and the original pixel value is calculated, and the histogram for the prediction error is generated as well. In the histogram, two peak points and two zero points are searched. The number of bits that can be embedded into an image equals to the number of pixels which are associated with the two peak points. In this thesis, many medical images are used for testing. Experimental results show that the proposed method provides a higher pure payload compared with Ni et al.’s method, and the stego-images have good visual image quality.
中文摘要 ................................................ i
英文摘要 ............................................... ii
目錄 .................................................. iii
目錄 .................................................. iii
圖目錄 .................................................. v
表目錄 ................................................. vi
第一章 緒論 ............................................. 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 ...................................... 1
1.2 文獻探討 ............................................ 2
1.2.1 Ni.學者等人的方法 ................................. 2
1.2.3 Tian 學者的方法 ................................... 5
1.2.3 Hong 學者等人的方法 ............................... 7
1.2.4 Lagrange Interpolation ........................... 10
1.3 論文架構 ........................................... 12
第二章 研究內容與方法 .................................. 14
2.1 嵌入方法 ........................................... 18
2.2 擷取與影像回復方法 ................................. 29
第三章 實驗結果 ........................................ 33
3.1 實驗結果 ........................................... 33
3.2 與其他方法比較 ..................................... 37
第四章 結論與未來方向 .................................. 40
參考文獻 ............................................... 42
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