The purpose of this research is to investigate the equality in educational opportunity between male and female. In this study, the difference of population ratio between male and female graduating from junior schools to the first choice of senior high schools in last decade was discussed. At first, the whole Taiwan was divided into twelve parts and four lager parts to explore, and then the statistics were integrated to discuss. The methods of this study are chi-square test and odds ratio. There are some differences in our research results of small parts individually. It was found that the ratio of male is higher than female’s in some years, while the ratio of female is higher than males in some years. Furthermore, the ratio of males is higher than females in the central region. The ratio of males is lower than females in east region on the contrary. And in the final integration for the whole Taiwan area, the ratio of males and females is almost the same. As shown by the data from year 88 to year 97, the odds ratio value of male and female reduce from 1.117 to 1.013. It is shown that efforts in improving the equal education opportunity of males and females have been made in Taiwan for the last ten years. And the ratio difference has reduced gradually.