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研究生(外文):Hsin-Yi Sung
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Nest Structure on Microclimate and Hatching Success of Roseate Tern (Sterna dougallii) on the Islands of Penghu, Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Hsiao-Wei Yuan
外文關鍵詞:nest concealmentmicrohabitatheat stressparental care
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鳥類的卵須維持在一定的溫、濕度範圍內才能成功孵化,親鳥選擇適當的巢位能提高繁殖成功率或減少自身能量支出。除了巢位選擇外,孵卵行為及巢材也有可能對巢位微氣候造成影響。紅燕鷗(Sterna dougallii)於夏季繁殖於澎湖的無人島,偏好在有植物與遮蔽物附近築巢。本研究欲瞭解其棲地結構對微氣候以及孵化率的影響,並探究巢材和孵卵行為對微氣候的影響。本研究於2008年六月至八月在澎湖進行實驗,釐清植物、石牆與巢材如何影響巢內溫、濕度。並測量巢內外的溫、濕度,瞭解孵卵行為隔絕外界環境的效果。最後,觀察巢位型態是否會影響孵化率及親鳥的散熱行為。結果發現,有植物的巢比移除植物的巢,具有更適合胚胎發育的溫濕度。而石牆能防止露水及雨水浸濕。孵卵行為在日間能為卵遮蔽高溫,且巢內的溫度保持在胚胎死亡的臨界溫度(43℃)之下。但孵化率和親鳥散熱行為並不受微棲地型態影響。本研究推論,紅燕鷗巢位旁的植物能於親鳥短暫離巢時防止卵的溫度不會過高。孵卵行為能隔絕環境天氣壓力,補償不良的巢位溫、濕度,因此使得孵化率在不同巢型間沒有差異。
Appropriate microclimates are essential for the development of embryos in avian eggs. Physical demands of incubating adults would also be affected by microclimate. The breeding areas of the Roseate Tern (Sterna dougallii) overlap with intense solar radiation and the presence of tropical cyclone and they prefer nest structure with vegetation or rock walls, as these may provide concealment to the surrounding weather. The objectives of this study were to examine the effect of nest structure on the nest microclimate and hatching success. In addition to nest structures, the effect of nest materials and parental incubation behavior on microclimate were also investigated. Results showed that the average temperature of vegetation-removed nests was higher than that of the control group. Rock walls seemed to prevent moisture formed from dew and rain. Incubation behavior can prevent eggs from overheating. However, there were no differences in parental thermal behavior and hatching success between nest types. To sum up, vegetation next to the nest can prevent the eggs from overheating while parents were temporarily absent. Parental incubation can insulate the eggs from surrounding weather stresses, and compensate the negative effect of nest structure with harsh conditions.

Materials and Methods
Study area ………………………………………...………………………….......5
Investigation on weather stresses…………………………………………….......5
Effects of nest structure on nest microclimate…………………………….......6
Parental thermal behaviors……………………………………………………….7
Statistical analysis………………………………………………………………..7
1. Investigation on weather stresses……………………………………………..9
2. Effects of nest structure on nest microclimate……………………...……...9
3. Parent thermal behaviors………………………………………………..…....11
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