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研究生(外文):Ya-hui Chiao
論文名稱(外文):Association of Genetic Polymorphisms of Cytokines with Kawasaki Disease
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Jiin-TsueyLuo-Ping Ger
外文關鍵詞:CytokinePolymorphismKawasaki disease
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川崎氏症是一種病因未明的急性發燒血管炎症候群,而且其很容易造成冠狀動脈的傷害。許多證據指出基因的變異對川崎氏症的易感性佔重要的角色。急性期的川崎氏症和系統性的免疫活化有相關,包括體內血清中的IL-1、IL-4、IL-6、IL-8、IL-10、TNF-α濃度的上升以及TGF-β的下降,以及其他種種細胞素的表現,相信對川崎氏症的發生都扮演著重要角色。本研究的目的主要在於研究九個細胞素基因中的十四個基因多型性對川崎氏症的危險性。我們執行了一個醫院為底的個案對照研究,共收集213名川崎氏症病童以及226名性別配對的不具發炎性疾病的成人,其性別比例吻合來自醫院但健康配對。以聚合酶連鎖反應-限制酶片段長度多型性(PCR-RFLP)技術檢測IL-1B T-31C 和IL-1B C-511T,以聚合酶連鎖反應技術檢測IL1 RN 和 IL4 VNTR,而其他細胞素基因的基因多型性如:IL-1A C-889T, IL-4 T-590C, IL-6 G-174C, IL-8 T-251A, IL-8 C+781T, IL-10 A-1082G, IL-10 T-819C, IL-10 A-592C, TNFA G-308A 和 TGFB C-509T 則以鐵克曼定量聚合酶連鎖反應(TaqMan real-time PCR)技術來完成基因型檢測。我們發現無論是在單一基因或在單套型基因分析,此十四個細胞素的基因多型性和川崎氏症的危險性都無統計顯著相關性。然而,在合併分析川崎氏症的危險性時,發現在IL-1A, IL-1B, IL-1RN, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNFA和TGFB九個基因中,當具五個危險型基因時,是具三至四個危險型基因的1.85倍危險性易得川崎氏症(校正勝算比是1.85,95%信賴區間為1.16-2.97,p=0.011),當具六至七個危險型基因時,則是具三至四個危險型基因的2.34倍危險易得川崎氏症(校正勝算比是2.34,95%信賴區間為1.45-3.76,p=0.001),並且共具危險型基因愈多,得川崎氏症的危險性越大,且呈線性趨勢(P for trend, 0.001)。結論是:IL-1A, IL-1B, IL-1RN, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNFA 和 TGFB的基因多型性和川崎氏症的危險性並無任何相關,但合併分析時例外。
Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute febrile vasculitic syndrome of unknown etiology that preferentially affects the coronary artery. Several lines of evidence point to an important role of genetic variation in KD susceptibility. Acute KD is associated with systemic immune activation, including elevated serum levels of IL-1, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNFα, and decreased serum levels of TGFβ, as well as a variety of other cytokines that are believed to play important roles in the onset of KD. This study aims to investigate the association of 14 various polymorphisms of nine cytokine genes (IL-1A, IL-1B, IL-1RN, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNFA and TGFB) with the risk of KD. A total of 213 KD children and 226 sex-matched infection disease-free adult controls were recruited in the hospital-based case-control study. The polymorphisms of IL-1 RN intron2 VNTR and IL-4 intron3 VNTR were determined by PCR. The polymorphisms of IL-1B T-31C and IL-1B C-511T were determined by PCR-RFLP. The other single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of IL-1A C-889T, IL-4 T-590C, IL-6 G-174C, IL-8 T-251A, IL-8 C+781T, IL-10 A-1082G, IL-10 T-819C, IL-10 A-592C, TNFA G-308A and TGFB C-509T were determined by TaqMan real-time PCR method. We found that there were no associations between the 14 polymorphisms and risk of KD, either in the single locus genetypic analysis or in the multiple loci haplotypic analysis. However, in the combined analysis, subjects with four and five “at risk” genotypes combined from IL-1A, IL-1B, IL-1RN, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNFA and TGFB genetic polymorphisms were with 1.85 fold risk of KD as compared to those with less or equl to four “at risk” genotypes (AOR=1.85; 95% CI, 1.16-2.97; P=0.011). Additionally, subjects with six and seven “at risk” genetic polymorphisms were with 2.34 fold risk as compared to those with less or equal to four “at risk” genotypes (AOR=2.34; 95% CI, 1.45-3.76; P=0.001). In conclusion, no association was found between cytokine genetic polymorphisms and KD risk, except in the combined analysis.
摘要 6
Abstract 7
壹、文獻探討 8
一、川崎氏症定義及疾病史 8
二、川崎氏症流行病學資料 11
三、病因及病理學 12
四、治療藥物 14
五、癒後與併發症 17
六、Cytokines相關基因介紹 18
1. Interleukin-1 A 19
2. Interleukin-1 B 20
3. Interleukin-1 Receptor antagonist 22
4. Interleukin-4 24
5. Interleukin-6 25
6. Interleukin-8 27
7. Interleukin-10 30
8. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha 32
9. Transforming growth factor-beta 35
10. 上述細胞素與川崎氏症發生的可能機轉 37
七、研究目的 39
貳、材料方法 40
ㄧ、實驗設計 40
二、血液檢體與DNA萃取 40
三、基因型分析 40
四、統計分析 42
參、結果 46
肆、討論與結論 53
伍、圖表 63
陸、參考文獻 77
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