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研究生(外文):Shu-Cheng Lee
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Absorptive Capacity, Knowledge Sourcing Strategy, Alliance Forms on Firm Performance
指導教授(外文):Chang-Yung LiuHueimei Liang
外文關鍵詞:R&D performanceabsorptive capacityknowledge sourcing strategyalliance form
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本研究主要探討吸收潛力、知識外尋策略、聯盟形式、與廠商績效四者之關係。從文獻探討和個案研究,提出在策略聯盟情境下的”知識外尋策略”(Knowledge sourcing strategy)概念。並將知識外尋策略分成兩類—知識取用策略(Knowledge access strategy)和知識內化策略(Knowledge internalization strategy)。此外,從組織學習的觀點,本研究認為廠商吸收潛力愈高,採用知識內化策略的傾向愈強,因此吸收潛力對知識外尋策略具有正面的影響,繼而,廠商對聯盟形式的選擇也因此受到知識外尋策略的間接影響。同時,為了產生具體的管理意涵,廠商的研發績效也納入理論模式進行探討,並提出假說進行驗證。不同的知識外尋策略搭配不同的聯盟形式,將產生不同的研發績效。為分析驗證理論中的多重相依關係,研究中採用結構方程式(SEM)的統計方法,取代傳統迴歸方法進行路徑分析(Path analysis)。樣本著重在台灣科技廠商與研發或製程知識相關的策略聯盟案件,涵蓋電腦、通訊、光電、半導體等科技產業,總計取得148個策略聯盟樣本。本研究認為廠商應考量自身吸收潛力,搭配適當的知識外尋策略與聯盟形式,以期產生較佳的研發績效。
In this study we explored the relationship between absorptive capacity, knowledge sourcing strategy, alliance forms, and firm performance. Based on the literature and case study, we proposed the concept of knowledge sourcing strategy in alliance contexts, which can be categorized into two types—knowledge internalization strategy and knowledge access strategy. From organizational learning perspective, we argue that a firm’s absorptive capacity has a positive influence on knowledge internalization strategy, and accordingly a firm’s governance choices of alliances are also influenced. Firm’s R&D performance are also included in theoretical model in order to generate further managerial implications. Instead of using conventional regression method, we adopt Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to conduct path-analysis, in that SEM is well suited to verifying causal models. We argue that firms should seek a better alignment between absorptive capacity, knowledge sourcing strategy, alliance forms, and firm performance. Our arguments are supported by empirical analysis of a sample of 148 R&D alliances involving computer, telecommunication, LCD/LED, semiconductor, and electronic machinery industry.
ABSRACT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
LIST OF TABLES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v
LIST OF FIGURES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION------------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation----------------------------------------------1
1.2 Research Objectives-------------------------------------------------------------------4
1.3 Research Procedure------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW--------------------------------------------------- 7
2.1 Knowledge sourcing strategy--------------------------------------------------------7
2.2 Knowledge sourcing strategy and alliance form---------------------------------14
2.3 Knowledge sourcing strategy and unilateral contract-based alliances--------15
2.4 Knowledge sourcing strategy and bilateral contract-based alliances----------16
2.5 Knowledge sourcing strategy and equity-based alliances----------------------18
2.6 Equity-based versus bilateral contract-based alliances--------------------------19
2.7 Alliance forms to firm performance ----------------------------------------------20
2.8 Absorptive capacity and knowledge sourcing strategy -------------------------22
2.9 Firm age to performance -----------------------------------------------------------24
CHAPTER 3 REASEARCH METHODOLOGY---------------------------------------26
3.1 The Research Framework-----------------------------------------------------------27
3.2 Data------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27
3.3 Measures------------------------------------------------------------------------------29
CHAPTER 4 CASE STUDY----------------------------------------------------------------33
4.1 Research process---------------------------------------------------------------------33
4.2 CMC Magnetics----------------------------------------------------------------------34
4.3 TSMC----------------------------------------------------------------------------------43
4.4 Concluding remarks-----------------------------------------------------------------52
CHAPTER 5 DATA ANALYSIS-----------------------------------------------------------56
5.1 Data analysis--------------------------------------------------------------------------56
5.2 Concluding remarks-----------------------------------------------------------------60
CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION--------------------------------------------------------------61
6.1 Conclusion and Suggestion---------------------------------------------------------61
6.2 Future Research ----------------------------------------------------------------------63
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