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研究生(外文):Cheng-chang Liao
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Enterprise Resource Planning
指導教授(外文):Tsuang Kuo
外文關鍵詞:IMP interaction modelcollaborationservice qualityconsultant serviceEnterprise Resource Planning
  • 被引用被引用:18
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企業資源規劃 (ERP:Enterprise Resource Planning)系統的建置需求是企業為了能夠提高營運效率、獲得快速回應整體供應鏈的能力,以期更具備產業競爭力而提升獲利。ERP系統對於企業的重要性已經是無庸置疑的,要將ERP系統成功的完成導入則有賴於專業顧問服務(Consultant Service)的協助,顧問公司所派遣的顧問團隊除了必須具備產品技術的專業能力以外,顧問的服務品質(Service Quality)是為主要影響客戶滿意度的重要因素,甚至是專案成功與否的關鍵。


The aims to set up Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is to increase enterprises'' running efficiency and obtain the capability to respond to the whole supply chain so as to possess business competence and increase profits. There is no doubt that ERP plays an important role in enterprises. Besides, the assistance of consultant service would be beneficial for the successful introduction of ERP into enterprises. Moreover, the consultant teams assigned by consultant companies not only have to obtain professional competence of product techniques but have to offer service quality which is the vital element affecting customers'' satisfaction and the success of cases.

The present study is based on the theory of IMP interaction model and it attempts to conduct empirical research on the perceptive service qualtity of the consultants who introuduce ERP into enterprise cases. The main purpose of this research aims to find out the effects of consultant service quality on customers'' satiscation and their behavioral intention to utilize this system. Additionly, the findings could also be suggestive resources to enterprisers, consultants, and future researchers.

The results of this study show that the service quality of the consultants making intoduction of ERP into enterprises has obvious influences on customers'' satisfaction and their behavioral intention to adopt ERP. In general, the key issues influencing customers'' satiscation and their choices are classified into following three dimensions: (1) the outcomes brought about by the collaboration between consultants and project committees; (2) the professional and service competence presented by consultants; (3) the equality between consultant service and the implementation fee. In addition, this present study also presents different satisfaction degrees examined by reserach variables and population statistic variables. It is hoped that these difference analyses would be beneficial for managers to imrprove ERP consultant service quality.
論文提要 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
誌謝詞 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 企業資源規劃系統 6
第二節 顧問角色 9
第三節 ERP顧問服務 10
第四節 感知顧客服務品質的內涵 13
第五節 客戶滿意度的定義與衡量 18
第六節 使用者行為意圖 20
第三章 研究設計 22
第一節 研究架構及假設 22
第二節 研究變數及操作性定義 23
第三節 量表設計 26
第五節 正式問卷發放與回收整理 32
第六節 資料分析方法 33
第四章 實證分析與討論 36
第一節 受訪者特性統計分析 36
第二節 問卷之信度檢定及效度分析 44
第三節 影響客戶滿意程度之因素分析 46
第四節 各變數之間的相關分析 55
第五節 影響客戶滿意程度之迴歸分析 57
第六節 人口統計變項對客戶滿意程度之差異分析 64
第七節 研究發現 84
第五章 結論與建議 90
第一節 研究假設與驗證 90
第二節 管理意涵 91
第三節 研究限制 93
第四節 後續研究建議 94
參考文獻 96
一、 中文部份 96
二、 英文部分 98
附錄 研究問卷正式量表 103
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