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研究生(外文):Shin-wei Wu
指導教授(外文):Jacob Y. H. JouWu-chi Cheng
外文關鍵詞:double deviationexpectancy discrepancysensitivitynegativityrecovery paradox
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Owning to the heterogeneity of services, service failures are inevitable to happen in service encounters. Therefore, recovery efforts play important roles in mataining the relationship with customer. Recovery paradox (RP) refers to the situation in which the customer who experiences a failure followed by a superior recovery rates a service as high as or even higher than s/he would rate a service involving no failure. By contrast, Double deviation (DD) refers to the situation in which inappropriate and/or inadequate
recovery results in magnification of the negative evaluation.
The RP and the DD are essentially symmetrical because both of them represent a phenomenon in which the recovery contributes to customer’s evaluation more heavily than the initial failure dose. Although numerous studies devotes to the question whether the RP and DD exist, very few are trying to answer the question of why they exist. Thus, the main purpose of this research is to conceptually and empirically compare the RP and the DD in order to uncover the potential asymmetry, as well as to understand why recovery influences evaluation more greatly?
Because the investigated conditions are not easy to be identified in the real world, a scenario-based quasi-experimental design is chosen. The data is collected from customers actually engaged in the target services. Customers are asked to answer questions about an organization they have recently patronized and then evaluate experimentally-generated scenarios in a restaurant setting to understand whether a negative discrepancy can really magnify the customer’s evaluation toward an identical following event. The result reveals that after a negative-discrepant first event, a positive-discrepant second event is evaluated more positively than non-discrepant second event, but a negative-discrepant second event is evaluated less negatively than a non-discrepant one. That is to say the result supports RP, but doesn’t support DD.
英文摘要-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III
第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
第一節 研究動機與背景------------------------------------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究目的與問題-------------------------------------------------------------- 4
第三節 研究流程----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
第二章 相關理論與文獻探討--------------------------------------------------------------- 6
第一節 補救矛盾與雙重偏差文獻回顧-------------------------------------------- 6
第二節 偏離預期事件之效應------------------------------------------------------- 17
第三節 偏離預期方向性之效應---------------------------------------------------- 19
第四節 預期偏離所引發之敏感性架構------------------------------------------- 22
第五節 交易特定滿意度與累積滿意度------------------------------------------- 24
第三章 研究方法----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
第一節 研究架構---------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
第二節 假說推論---------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
第三節 研究設計---------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
第四節 問卷設計與前測------------------------------------------------------------- 37
第五節 實驗進行方式---------------------------------------------------------------- 44
第六節 分析方法---------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
第四章 研究結果----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
第一節 樣本結構---------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
第二節 信度分析---------------------------------------------------------------------- 50
第三節 實驗情境操弄確認---------------------------------------------------------- 53
第四節 偏離預期之影響------------------------------------------------------------- 56
第五節 偏離預期方向性之影響---------------------------------------------------- 59
第五章 結論與建議-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62
第一節 研究發現與討論------------------------------------------------------------- 62
第二節 研究貢獻---------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
第三節 研究限制---------------------------------------------------------------------- 68
第四節 研究展望---------------------------------------------------------------------- 70
參考文獻-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71
附錄一:實驗一情境一之正式問卷------------------------------------------------ 80
附錄二:實驗二情境六之正式問卷------------------------------------------------ 84
圖1-1 研究流程圖------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
圖3-1 實驗一研究架構圖---------------------------------------------------------------- 26
圖3-2 實驗二研究架構圖---------------------------------------------------------------- 27
表2-1 補救矛盾(RP)的實証研究--------------------------------------------------- 9
表2-2 雙重偏差(DD)的實証研究---------------- -----------------------------------12
表3-1 實驗一情境設計------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
表3-2 實驗二情境設計------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
表3-3 十種實驗情境---------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
表3-4 「事件一、事件二偏離預期」之操作型定義與衡量題項----------------- 38
表3-5 「滿意度」之操作型定義與衡量題項----------------------------------------- 39
表3-6 實驗一操弄確認題項------------------------------------------------------------ 40
表3-7 實驗二操弄確認題項------------------------------------------------------------ 42
表4-1 樣本結構------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------49
表4-2 問卷中各構念的信度分析結果--------------- ----------------------------------50
表4-3 問卷中各事件操弄變數的信度分析結果----------- --------------------------51
表4-4 操弄確認的情境平均分數------------------------------------------------------- 54
表4-5 滿意度原始平均值---------------------------------------------------------------- 56
表4-6 滿意度單一樣本T檢定----------------------------------------------------------- 56
表4-7 實驗一「事件一負向偏離預期與符合預期」對「滿意度」的影響---- 57
表4-8 實驗二「事件一負向偏離預期與符合預期」對「滿意度」的影響---- 58
表4-9 實驗一:當事件一為負向偏離預期前提,「事件二偏離預期方向
性」對「滿意度」的影響------------------------------------------------------ 59
表4-10 實驗二:當事件一為負向偏離預期(輕度+重度)前提,「事件二偏
離預期方向性」對「滿意度」的影響--------------------------------------- 60
表4-11 實驗二:「事件一負向偏離預期強度」對「滿意度」的影響--------- 61
表4-12 假說檢驗結果-------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
一、 中文部分
研究所,碩士論文,2008 年11 月。
二、 英文部分
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