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研究生(外文):Kuang-Yao Huang
論文名稱(外文):Growth System Improvement and Characterization of Chromium-doped YAG Crystal Fiber
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Lung Huang
外文關鍵詞:optical amplifierASECr:YAGcrystal fiber
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Cr4+:YAG is an attractive gain medium due to its broad 3-dB emission spectra all the way from 1253 nm to 1530 nm that just cover the low loss window of silica fiber. Such a broadband characteristic offers a potential to develop a broadband amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) light source, optical amplifier, and tunable laser. Growing the Cr4+:YAG bulk crystal into fiber form is necessary for generating larger gain by the better optical confinement of the waveguide structure. For the application of laser, it is superior to bulk crystal for reduced lasing threshold and better slope efficiency due to also the optical confinement effect and better heat dissipation.
Laser heated pedestal growth (LHPG) method has been used to grow high purity crystal fibers due to its crucible free nature. A novel cladding technique, co-drawing LHPG (CDLHPG), was developed to solve core-reduction problem and obtained a double-clad fiber (DCF) structure. But the power fluctuation of heating laser caused large core variation of Cr4+:YAG DCF, and further impaired the optical performance. An innovating method for suppressing the fluctuation of heating power, sapphire tube assisted CDLHPG technique, was developed and combined with power feedback control program. By this technique, 10-μm-core Cr4+:YAG DCFs which meet the adiabatic propagation criterion were fabricated.
By comparing with ASE and optical amplifier experimental data, cross sections of pump absorption, emission, and excited-state absorptions (ESAs) of pump and signal were determined. Pump ESA loss limited the optical performance that could be solve by using cladding pump scheme. A record-low threshold Cr4+:YAG DCF laser with two slopes with respect to absorbed pump power was achieved at room temperature. The threshold pump powers were 2.5 mW and 96 mW in the low and high absorbed pump powers with the same output coupler transmittance of 3.8%, respectively. The slope efficiencies of the fiber laser were 0.4% and 6.9%, respectively. By numerical simulation, 56% slope efficiency can be achieved with a length of 7 cm and an output reflectance of 80%. Our group also firstly used the ASE as the light source of optical coherence tomography, an axial resolution of 3.5 μm was achieved.
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Numerical model of Cr4+:YAG crystal fiber devices
2.1 Properties of Cr4+:YAG crystal
2.2 Energy levels of Cr4+:YAG
2.3 Distributed model of ASE and amplifier
2.4 Lumped model of laser
Chapter 3 Cr4+:YAG crystal fiber growth
3.1 Laser heated pedestal growth (LHPG) system
3.2 Single crystal fiber growth
3.3 Double-clad crystal fiber (DCF) growth
3.4 Sapphire tube assisted co-drawing LHPG growth
3.4.1 Sapphire tube assisted growth system
3.4.2 Growth system improvement
3.4.3 Fabrication of 10-μm-core DCF
Chapter 4 Characterization of Cr4+:YAG crystal fibers
4.1 Structure analysis
4.1.1 X-ray diffraction analysis of crystallinity
4.1.2 High-resolution transmission electron microscopy of DCF
4.2 Composition analysis
4.2.1 Single crystal fiber
4.2.2 Double-clad crystal fiber
4.3 Fluorescence mapping and analysis
4.3.1 Fluorescence and doping profiles of Cr:YAG single crystal fiber
4.3.2 Fluorescence and doping profiles of Cr:YAG DCFs
4.3.3 Emission and absorption spectra of Cr:YAG DCF in the inner cladding region
4.4 Propagation loss analysis
Chapter 5 Optical performance and discussion
5.1 ASE light source
5.2 Optical amplifier
5.2.1 Insertion loss
5.2.2 Gain measurement
5.3 Analysis and discussion
5.3.1 Cross sections of absorption, emission, and ESAs of pump and signal
5.3.2 Cladding pump scheme
5.3.3 Pump ESA spectrum
5.3.4 Comparison between CDF and EDF
5.4 Double-clad fiber laser
5.4.1 Laser performance
5.4.2 Optimization of DCF laser
5.4.3 Estimation of tuning range
5.5 Application: light source of optical coherence tomography
Chapter 6 Conclusions and future work
Publication list
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