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研究生(外文):Chun-Ching Wu
論文名稱(外文):Whose Internet Regime? The Study of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
指導教授(外文):I-Jen Tseng
外文關鍵詞:Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbersneo-realismWorld Summit on the Information Societyhegemonyanti-hegemony
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Whose internet regime? “Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.” Although its purposes are nonprofit and to be the global representation, ICANN was criticized that it has been controlled by United State unilaterally since it was built for ten years. The United Nations empowered International Telecommunication Union to establish the World Summit of Information Society (WSIS), and tried to make sovereign states to co-govern the internet regime in 2003 and 2005. However, it was failed. Hence, this thesis retrospects the causes of WSIS failure with neo-realism’s perspective and analyses the historical events and relative documents. The study finds that the core reason of WSIS failure is because ICANN is the institutional product of hegemony in the historical context. On the other hand, the material inferiority of WSIS and the structural constriction lead to the total failure of anti-hegemony power.
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………..1
第一節 研究動機與目的……………………………………………………1
第二節 文獻回顧…………………………………………………................6
第三節 研究方法………………………………………………………......15
第四節 章節安排與研究架構………………………………….………….16
第五節 研究範圍與研究限制………………………………………..……19
第二章 為何採取新現實主義………….…………………………...20
第一節 國際建制的定義………………………………………………..…20
第二節 新現實主義………………………………………………………..22
第三節 新自由制度主義..........................................................……………26
第四節 新葛蘭西學派……………………………………………………..31
第五節 三個理論之比較..............................................................…………37
第三章 網路建制的發展...............................................…………….42
第一節 網路治理的發展史.............................................................……….42
第二節 網路建制..............................................................…………………46
第三節 ICANN的特殊性....................................………………………….63
第四章 ICANN的霸權建制……………………………………..….65
第一節 ICANN成立背景與發展............................................…………….65
第二節 ICANN組織結構改革.................................................……………74
第三節 「美國商務部─ICANN─VeriSign」關係......................………...82
第四節 霸權建制的鞏固....................................................………………..87
第五章 世界資訊社會高峰會反霸的力量...............................…….90
第一節 WSIS成立背景................................................................…………90
第二節 WSIS發展過程與ICANN的回應....................................………..93
第三節 反霸為何失敗....................................................................………103
第六章 結論…………………………………………………...…...105
第一節 研究發現…………………………………………………………105
第二節 未來研究建議……………………………………………………108
附錄 ......................................................................................…………..123


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